Terrariums. Small Worlds.

I added moss to small, up cycled glass containers to make small worlds.

This one has been up significantly longer than the globe. I love how the moss keeps reaching up. I also adore the child figurine.

In the background of her terrarium you might be able to see vertical driftwood with moss on it.

The glass lid is on but not permanently sealed. She has springtails.

These globes are perfect for moss! Total love!

I’m overly cautious when working with it because I’d be so irritated if I dropped it upside down. I can see the disaster in my head. Lol. No sudden jerks or bumps, please.

The globes are going to be fun to landscape with my supper tiny terrarium supplies.

Once the ecosystem is more stable I’ll add a small figurine, a boy this time, then close it up. It too will have springtails.

These are some of the art and creations offer locally, only.
