Marabelle Black Americana Handmade Art Doll

Marabelle - SOLD“Marabella the Lovely One” is quiet and shy. She spends her mornings picking wild flowers and sitting under shade trees watching the birds. She sits tall and perfect in her little red checked dress with buttons and cream colored bloomers. She’s got rag ribbons in her black hair which can be worn very short or extended in areas for a more shaggy yet adorable look. Her shoes are black with white laces created with fabric paint. Her eyes are full of feeling, wide and open as she takes in all the beauty around her.

Doll stats: 18 inches, hand made, hand painted features, solid black skin with blue eye shadow and long eye lashes. Her features have been hand painted, her hair was sewn in strand by strand. Marabelle is proud to be made of 90% recycled materials. A small signature appears on her bum with the number 33. Marabella is doll number 33 in the Charlene Doll Collection. Continue reading “Marabelle Black Americana Handmade Art Doll”

Artist Thoughts: Let go and let art

I’m finding more and more that I like abstract paintings. I visit galleries online to see how they’re doing it, how they’re setting themselves free to do their abstract work. I call abstract freedom because when I look at them its almost as if the artist said, forget all that is tangible, all that can be explained away and let me put on canvas my very soul.

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Plush kitten with big baby blue eyes

At 7 inches small this little kitten with big baby blue eyes sits perfectly on top of books and dried flowers. She wears an oversized, removable pink ribbon and has tiny little gray whiskers. This little one is completely hand made, hand painted and is made of almost 100% recycled materials including her stuffing and the ribbon.  Continue reading “Plush kitten with big baby blue eyes”


Lucid fmaSometimes a girl has to go Avante Garde and that’s exactly what I did with this piece.

This painting called Lucid was created by using wet acrylics allowed to flow into each other to create a surreal, colorful yet shadowy, mysterious atmosphere. The blue face is part of the sky line and everything flows from her. From her head rises white clouds that crack and become mist that surrounds a shadowy black figure which is also her hair. The clouds flow over him, around and above him to form a bare white tree. The white tree and the shadowy figure stand on the a mix of yellow, green and blue earthly shoulders.

Lucid is a small painting at 4 inches by 4 inches. It was painted on textured card stock. Continue reading “Lucid”

Artist’s Thoughts

What I thought I might do on this blog is from time to time toss up an entry under “Artist’s Thoughts.” I’ll do short entries about what goes through my mind when I’m painting, when I’m not painting and all sorts of things that I think in relation to art. The entries will be simple and to the point. I hope people will feel free to comment and throw in their two cents worth.
Here’s the first one.

Sometimes there’s no motivation to paint a specific subject matter, and I don’t seem to get myself over to links that offer inspiration. What I end up doing is coming up with simple ways on my own of  ‘get my paint on’.

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This is the third and final piece in the series called Renewed.

Power : Renewed by FMA

Title:  Power
Art by: Faith Magdalene Austin
Stats: 5×9, acrylic paint, ink, crackle medium. The painting was first hand sealed then given an acrylic over lay seal. She is painted on mulberry paper mounted to an up-cycled foam board. ‘Power’ has been signed on the front and back.

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Let the River Wash Over Me

This is an original painting in acrylic and ink on reclaimed canvas. The painting shows a female face at the edge of the canvas. She’s holding her breath under a sea of color. Her hair is red and yellow flames of fire that never extinguish. Even though black and turquoise water rush over her, she will resurface.

Painting size: 7 x 5 inches

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Tile Art: Grant me the serenity to accept

I sometimes like to blog about what I was thinking and where I was headed with a painting. For the most part I was thinking about the serenity prayer while painting ‘Holding Flowers.” I didn’t go as far as to write on the tile itself, “Grant me the serenity to accept” but those very words were on my mind through out the entire creative process.

I wanted to create a surreal, dreamlike moment. I wanted the viewer to feel as if they’re observing a private moment of a woman taking stock of herself, taking a moment to hold on to what she needs and let pass what she doesn’t.

Change feels rigid but its not, its fluid and that’s what I wanted to lines on the painting to be.

That’s what I was thinking and feeling as I created Holding Flowers. She has been painted on a 4 x 2 tile in acrylic and ink.

Art Title: Holding Flowers
Ceramic tile as canvas, 4×2 inches
Acrylic and ink, sealed, signed on the back
Art by Faith Magdalene Austin of Sundrip Journals


We meet the edge just before a breakthrough. Just before higher understanding and level ground is the edge.

The painting ‘Breakthrough’ shows a young woman in a red dress standing on the edge of the river. Her head is bowed ever so slightly to hold a bare tree that has grown from her hair. From the branches and through the fog, fly small birds.   She stands in mist sprays, and flowing colors of purple, turquoise, green and white. In the profile of the young woman waiting for her breakthrough is a woman looking off into the distance.

Title: Breakthrough
Size: 6×4 on creative canvas

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She Listens to His Voice

She Listens to His Voice is No2 in the Renewed Series which has three paintings. The painting is 5 x7 on mulberry paper.

The painting shows a young black child with two pony tails standing still in a field of flowers. She appears tired yet there is an air of hope about her. The young child has one ear is tilted up towards the sky. Musical notes and one large pink butterfly dance around her and the pink and purple flowers. Her white, gold and red dress is accented with a small pink butterfly. Across the cheeks of the little folk girl you can see a butterfly rash, this is especially evident when viewed in person.

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