Sunflowers in the Sea

Sunflowers in the Sea fma

A striking 9 x 6 sketchbook piece shows a little girl with green, yellow and orange washing over her. The blue sea flows right across her heart. Abstract fish swim around her head. In black ink I’ve drawn one large sunflower that disappears off the page, one that stands low beside her and one that crosses below her chin. The merging of hues comes to an abrupt stop leaving white space interrupted only by her small legs.

Art Title: Sunflowers in the Sea
Art by: Faith Magdalene Austin
Medium: Acrylic paint, ink on 6 x 9 sketchbook paper, raw art, unsealed

Please see my Etsy shop for purchase details.

It’s wroth the effort to bloom

It's worth the effort to bloom


This is not my usual type of art but, one must reach out from time to time right?  Here is how this painting grew. I took a paper bag from a grocery story that had a tree already on it. I painted the tree with circle branches and tiny little leaves on just a few branches. The sky is blue but not clear. Flowers stand tall, dragonflies spread their beauty and leave streams of who knows what. I haven’t decided what the streams are, but they flash behind them like light in a magical way. Continue reading “It’s wroth the effort to bloom”

Patience – in the works

Patience in the works

A few strokes here, a few strokes there and she’ll be done. I’ve got so many projects going on at one time. I love it though. I like working on a bunch of pieces at one time because it lets me leave a piece and come back with clearer eyes.

I wasn’t sure what to do with Patience so I sat it aside and worked on a few other projects. I’ve also been doing something I call freestyle where I simply put paint on paper for no reason other than to release tension. Here are a few of the freestyle art pieces that I’ve created recently. Continue reading “Patience – in the works”

Stay – in the works

Stay - work in progress

I’m finding the new painting more emotionally taxing than I expected it to be. I decided to go ahead and photograph the steps so I can see it morph into its final state. The painting is called Stay. Dr. D and I talked about what it means. We talked about how the older woman (mother) has her hands around the daughter’s shoulder and over her heart. The younger girl (daughter) has her hand on the mother’s arm and one arm facing down. The daughter seems to pull back a little bit but she still holds on. Stay means too many things to count. Stay and be safe. Stay and be my mother. Stay and be my friend, be what I need you to be, just stay. The painting is harder than I thought it would be to complete, but complete it I will. And I’ll photograph the creative journey. I like to see how the painting grows to completion.


Jenny has dreams too

Jenny has dreams too

Jenny has golden bangs and pony tails that flame with orange. Her blue stone cheek rests in her hand as she looks off into deeper blue. She was created by dripping paint and allowing it to run into the next color. There are large white areas that bump into cool blue, stark black and tiny flecks of red. This painting is fluid and morphing. It pinches in areas, opens up to gold in others and sits still as it is surrounded by dark. It is an emotive art piece of a little child resting her head on her hand. This is a Macabre painting of a stone child.

Art Title: Jenny
Art by. F. Magdalene Austin
Size: 6×4 inches on heavyweight paper, sketchbook art
Medium: Acrylic, ink,

Continue reading “Jenny has dreams too”

Gentle Peace a tea bag painting

Gentle Peace- SOLDI started this painting off with tea stains that I then painted in. I placed my reusable tea bag on the paper and left it there a few minutes. I moved it around here and there to leave spots and images. Once I was satisfied with the shapes I began to bring out the young girl who sits on top of the world.

Art title: Gentle Peace SOLD
Art by. F. Magdalene Austin
Size: 9×6 inches on heavyweight paper, art journal piece
Medium: Acrylic, ink, Indian tea, Caylon black

Continue reading “Gentle Peace a tea bag painting”


EmersonArt Title: Emerson
Art by: Faith Magdalene Austin
Medium: Acrylic, ink, crackle medium, 24 x 17 inches on canvas sheet.

Painting details: Emerson is a maze of faces, lines, vortexes, wheels and color. It is a painting showing chaos with resolution.
The blue figure is shown with eyes closed but the figure is mindful. The face is like water, a bird sits to the side of the head with an eye like the sun and rays that flash under the bird down on the head of the figure.

This black figure to the far right of the painting attracts my attention when I look at the painting because she seems so powerful yet peaceful. She has life water flowing from her finger tips. That water flows down the side of the blue figure. In my opinion this figure is actually the main image in the painting. She’s where it all starts.

The name Emerson means work, ruler, brave and powerful.

Purchase details: This painting is reserved for NR3. You may purchase this painting via PayPal by using the contact email address or by visiting my Etsy shop. Contact email address is on the sidebar as is my Etsy link.

Thank you for visiting SUNDRIP – Art for Life

The Sun Rises on Dust and Clay

Dust The dream I had was a terrible one. When I woke I felt sick inside. I lay there thinking of what my doctor said, you can change your dreams. He said if I don’t like the way the dream ended then I can write out exactly how the dream happened then write how I want the dream to end. Instead of writing in dream therapy I decided to paint the new ending.

DREAM: In the dream there were children covered in dust and embedded in the cliffs of a winding mountain road. Boys and girls dressed in peasant sack cloth, hung in vertical lines. As if this were a normal sight, cars drove past, without a thought, spitting more and more dust until they one by one became stone.

NEW: Of course I cannot live with that dream. I’m not sure how I would have written a better dream, so I painted it. In this painting you see a dry canyon washed in white. There’s a young woman of power with a white owl watching a young woman deeper in the canyon climb her way up. To assist the climb is a large hawk flying above her. He flies straight towards the sun. Continue reading “The Sun Rises on Dust and Clay”

My Sister’s Keeper

My Sisters Keeper - SOLD

I couldn’t decide how to display the painting in this entry. There’s so much to it that I worried I’d leave out an important detail. The reason I like this painting is because of the details. The children are the focus of the painting but each raindrop of color, each stream rains with importance to the whole of the painting. It was a very emotional piece to paint.

I wanted one child struggling and being lead but I wanted the leader to also show her weariness. Together they’d walk as sister’s and friends holding on … holding on. This is not about their suffering but their triumph. My Sister’s Keeper is about partnership, friendship and dedication.   Continue reading “My Sister’s Keeper”