The Art Treasury

My friend came over yesterday with well over $400 worth of art supplies. That’s a very conservative estimate once ya start to think of ALL that was part of the gift. My mouth fell open. I couldn’t believe it. I was stunned. My desk in the living room was covered in supplies for painting on glass for like making sun catchers. I’ve always wanted to do that but I didn’t really have the funds to venture off into that. I didn’t want to do little projects from the dollar store so I just left it alone. Now I’ve got an incredible video instructional and book along with all the supplies needed to learn to paint my own sun catchers. My artwork on glass, now that’s gonna be fun.

Continue reading “The Art Treasury”

Dorothy in the Meadow

DorothyThis small painting shows a young girl with droopy eyes and blue hanging above them. Cardinals and birds of strange feathers hold her braids like ribbons. Together in the meadow of wildflowers they find quiet solace.

Dorothy is a multi-media collage art piece on heavy card stock. The birds are hand cut and placed in her hair. The painting is 4 inches by 3 inches and has been mounted on black board.

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The Wanderer – On Fallen Trees

1 In the woods d7The Wanderer is a nature scene of a young black boy sitting on a tree stump. His shirt is the same color as the roots of the trees that continued to grow the day I wandered into the woods through a host of fallen trees. I couldn’t believe the color. I’d never seen anything like it, such a beautiful and vibrant orange roots coming right out of rich, black earth. WOW!

This scene with the African American boy is based on that moment, the moment when I wandered into the woods.

The boy is sitting on the stump in his orange shirt and navy blue jeans with a tiny button. Beside him is a small red bird (cardinal). The bird is also hand sculpted without a cast. Meticulously placed are curly twigs from grape vines and blackberry vines. As in the real life wooded area, large flowers stand nearly frozen in time, as if dried in a flash. Yellow flowers, two white bushes, small hand picked rocks as well as tiny hand painted flowers have been added to a carpet of reindeer moss. The scene is stationed on a ceramic tile with a felt bottom. Continue reading “The Wanderer – On Fallen Trees”

What the Heart Wants

Heart Wants fmaShe stands 6.5 inches tall and is 4 inches wide on heavy weight paper. In order to create your painting I first used crayola crayons then began to smooth the colors together with my fingers. I etched with my fingers then used crayola markers. Water was used to move the marker around creating an etched finger painting in Crayola. Details were added in oil pastel and black ink.

Here she is full of emotion, with her eyes closed, head to the side and heart exposed and open. She is vulnerable, full of love, capable of loving much. But what is it that her heart wants? She closes her eyes and she listens. Continue reading “What the Heart Wants”

Reach – Surreal Etching

Reach Sundrip fmaReach is a surreal painting / etching created with Crayola Crayons and Crayola Markers on 6.5 x 4.5 inch paper. This is original art drawn with Crayola, smoothed with my fingers then detailed in ink. Your painting is hand crafted in that the images, including the woman with many arms, the sitting figure, the rain drops and the large heart were all finger etched.

Painting Details: A figure in white wraps its many arms around a large, red heart that suspends in the sky. A black figure holds onto the heart with one hand. His heart is blue. He drops blue and purple rain onto dark green grass where a man sits with his hands together under a large face created by the heart and the arms of the female figure in white. Continue reading “Reach – Surreal Etching”

What Can Crayola Do?

Fun abstract paintings in Crayola.

Playground by FMA

The name of this piece is called Playground. I have to say I had a blast. I started with one swirl and kept going. I found it relaxing and gentle on my mind. It took about three days before I finally said it’s complete. When I did I began to pick out little hidden figures. Some parts look like a rainbow of salmon fish on the run, some parts resemble to me a swarm of rainbow-colored bees. I can even see the head of a bird. This was pure fun thus the name. Continue reading “What Can Crayola Do?”

Dream Catcher

Dream Catcher fmaDream Catcher – a crayola etching on paper. How did such a small yet intricate piece of art get a big name? The paper was originally used as scratch paper for other art work. I tested colors, tested pens to see if they worked and blended crayons to see if I liked the colors. After a little bit I began to see the figure bending over. Of course I had to bring him out more.


He reminded me of myself, bent over, hanging on but still chasing after the thing he desires most. For me, that desire is to paint.

A scratch piece of paper with bits and pieces of hard work come together as an etching called Dream Catcher.

Dream Catcher is 6.5 x 4 inches and was created on sketchbook paper. You will find purchase information in my Etsy shop.

Thank you


Traveler by fma

What will you see in this ethnic, surreal painting? Ah, gold poppies, red poppies, a fisherman in traditional clothing reaching to the sun, an Asian woman in a white dress with a small orange patch whose arms reach down yet they branch out as bare trees. Beside her is a face within a face. Flowers grow, swirls spring out, color abounds then rests. Continue reading “Traveler”

Venture to Know

Venture to Know by FMAA large sunflower mandala, a white butterfly and stone embellishments cradle the main subjects of the painting called Venture to Know. Her hair becomes the tree that reaches into a red and turquoise sky. Her face is divided into copper, wood, bark, Indiana yellow and flaming red. Deep set are the dark eyes of this figure, deep set lined in turquoise, Indian yellow and coal black. Her lips are white and cracked like the detailed crags and bare tree.

Are these scars on her face or life experiences? Are the divisions made to keep peace or to keep away? Continue reading “Venture to Know”

Iesha – She who lives

Iesha School Girl

In a village or town somewhat far from here lives a mother and father who work hard and feed their family with food sufficient for each day. They go about sweeping, sewing, mending and patching, etching out life. They scurry here and there, rushing this one, readjusting that one, forgetting another. In this village or town far away from here there are the higher ups and those low on socially carved totem poles. Somewhere in the middle, growing up with sisters but no brothers is a little girl named Iesha.

I used my hands to work the oil pastel then added ink details. About 90% of this is a finger painting in oil pastels.  Continue reading “Iesha – She who lives”