Art Title: Balancing Act  SOLD
Art by: Faith Magdalene Austin
Medium: 4 x 7 heavy paper, ink, marker, signed, sealed, mounted Continue reading “Balancing Act”
Sundrip Journals
Art Title: Balancing Act  SOLD
Art by: Faith Magdalene Austin
Medium: 4 x 7 heavy paper, ink, marker, signed, sealed, mounted Continue reading “Balancing Act”
Art details:  Orange rays and white beams meet in the red sky. Down the middle grows an old oak tree where two red birds (cardinals) and a raven swirl between the branches above a solid white figure. From the figure extends points of light. Her hands reach up to the branches and grow into them. Two blue figures have fallen from the sky; they’ve joined the merge as well. Continue reading “She waited as long as she could”
Caught in the rain, little Ariel walks home without an umbrella. Through thick woods she walks and walks until a tiny sprout pops up right on her head. A few steps more and pop, pop, pop, sprouts appear all the more until finally she becomes part of the scenery.
Art Title: Ariel knew it would rain
Art by: Faith Magdalene Austin
Medium: 4.5 x 7 heavy weight paper, colored pencil, marker, sealed, mounted
Art details: Large eyes, tree bark, bare trees, streams of rain, soaking wet, caught in the rain, red shirt, green leaves. Continue reading “Ariel knew it would rain”
To the extent that I managed to translate the emotions into images that is to say, to find the images which were concealed in the emotions I was inwardly calmed and reassured.
Had I left those images hidden in the emotions, I might have been torn to pieces by them.
There is a chance that I might have succeeded in splitting them off; but in that case I would inexorably have fallen into a neurosis and so been ultimately destroyed by them.
As a result of my experiment I learned how helpful it can be, from the therapeutic point of view, to find the particular images which lie behind the emotions.
Carl Jung
A Bird Flew in the Window
I Release Her
I know what I want from this painting but who knows how long it’ll take to reach the finish line.
24 x 36 on watercolor paper.
This young girl is made of ashes. She’s wearing a dress made of bits and pieces of this and that. There is burlap and there are wood shavings, colored paper and ink ‘spills’. In her arms she will carry a bouquet of red roses but not bright red. The young girl’s hair will change slightly. You can be sure I’ll pull the wolf (in the top right corner) out in more detail. He’s just a cloud formed above her. At this time there is only one raven in the sky and a few solar flares in the sky. The final question is, will she be for sale? I have no idea. Continue reading “Ashes – Hesitant to Speak”
Art Title: Nala
Art by: Faith Magdalene Austin
Medium: Acrylic, ink, acrylic seal
11 x 14 Artist Board
I knew when I began this painting that I wanted a young girl to sit on the water’s edge with koi coming to meet her. I wanted a lot of texture with small details. To increase texture I added sand to her mahogany – rust colored pants. Her blouse is layer after layer of white paint and butter cream acrylic paint. This affect came together nicely to form a tunic top. Continue reading “Nala Original Art”
I am uncertain what to say about these pieces of art. For much of the winter I was all but bed bound. I am better but somewhat in a depressed state.
There was very little I was able to do. My pain levels were off the charts. I usually turn to art to express emotions that are difficult to deal with or that linger. I can’t believe how many black pens I went through. At first I thought I was losing my pens because they were gone so quickly. I started to keep the dead pen bodies so I could make sure I wasn’t losing them and that in fact I was going through one pen a day. I really did go through a pen a day, sometimes more. That’s a lot of art. Much of it will never see the light of day but some of it will. I hope to get them posted over the next few days as my body allows.
Each pieces presented is 5 x 7 inches. These original art pieces have been signed, dated and sealed. I’ll get them in the shop as soon as possible.
Summons One and Two
The Community  and Comic
I am still here.
I am still drawing.
I am still managing Lupus and Fibromyalgia but with new doctors.
I am hopeful that I will begin to have better days.
I am looking to the middle of April to re-open my Etsy shop. While it is on vacation I’d like to give a preview of a few of the 60 art pieces that have been completed in the last few months while recuperating. These art pieces are 6 inches by 9 inches and are done in black permanent ink. Forty permanent pens were used to complete 60 art pieces. Some drawings have color, others are more powerful with black and white only. Some posted may eventually be in color.
I am still here. I don’t have any more black pens though. 🙂
I’ve attempted to name this piece of art but I’m having difficulties. I see a main figure, a powerful leader with her hands out stretched giving encouragement, strength, maybe even reassurance. Every figure looks to her or is linked to her in some way. They look up, reach up and stretch far to hold her hands. Is she the center and balance or the distraction?
Can the others move on their own? Will their feet move freely if not linked so tightly or are they comforted by knowing they can rely on her out stretched arms?
What of her, this central figure? She supports but who supplies her with the ability to continue to lead? Will they hold her arms up if they ever tire? Are they the reason her arms rise now? Continue reading “On the Rise”