Vibrant Sunflower. Graceful. Intimate

il_570xN.822739748_622vI’m trying to describe an art piece that is currently untitled. When I look at the piece I see Sundrip “signatures” such as edge to edge figures and a massive amount of detail and color. With signatures in place, does this art differ from the other work I’ve done? First and foremost, I know I created this work with the same purpose as most others; art is my one of my main coping skills.

Although there are numerous faceless figures, they all appear to be interacting peacefully. At least two groups are intimately engaged. To the left of the central figure, there’s a couple that appear to be dancing. To the far right there is a couple embracing as they look over their child who is reaching up to them. In every scene there is movement free of disparity and emotional struggle. Despite the Sundrip signature, this piece stands out as different than the others. Continue reading “Vibrant Sunflower. Graceful. Intimate”

Priscilla Doll and Sunflower

Priscilla and Sunflower
Priscilla and Sunflower

I’ve had the itch to sew for a good month. I’ve finally gathered the dolls I’d like to complete and started adding their final touches.

This young lady is a handmade African American rag doll with a hand painted face and handmade clothes. She’s a lovely girl, a shelf sitter girl to be added to your collection. Although she is sturdy, she is not meant to be a toy. The Indian doll is not for sale, the pendant she’s wearing is in the Etsy shop. .

Soon Priscilla will have her shoes and will sit in my Etsy shop along with this dried artichoke presented as an ornamental sunflower. Expect her to have a light scent of lavender. If you’ll notice, she’s sitting against a wall of lavender.

Continue reading “Priscilla Doll and Sunflower”

Dry Brush. Dry Bones

There’s only one way to return to art and that is to jump in head first. Grab a brush, choose 3 colors, start the clock, stop thinking and dive in. I’ll scratch, smudge, layer and move paint until the bell sounds. I can’t see any other way to start painting again.

I’m accustomed to creative dry spells and the affects depression has on my work. This is no different than other times which means the same measures can pull me out of the mud.

I’d usually tell myself to allow the down time and don’t push it, but I need my art right now. I’m going to push a little harder to get through this spell. I’m going to accept as a completed project whatever is on the paper when the buzzer sounds.

The longer I go without painting the more I lose touch with the stronger parts of me. I need to feel strong. I need to help myself. I need to toss paint on paper.


November 25, 2015 12:59 am EST

What Remains – Surrealism and Recovery

What Remains fmaWhen I painted this piece I wasn’t necessarily thinking about natural disasters such as a hurricane, tsunami or an earthquake. I was thinking of the disasters of the mind. I was thinking about events that leave us feeling crippled and isolated.

What Remains is a painting with many brush strokes, strikes with a toothpick and with black ink. Everywhere you look there is something filling the space. It’s full, overwhelming the canvas with flowing color, splashing contrast and texture that digs at the heart of the matter.

Continue reading “What Remains – Surrealism and Recovery”

The Growing Process

Growing ProcessArt Title: The Growing Process
Art by: Faith M. Austin
Medium: Acrylic, ink on artist paper, size 8.5 x 5.5 , signed, sealed, unmounted.
The Growing Process is ready to ship today.

Monday afternoon I showed a friend this painting. He said,
“She looks sad”. I replied, “You would be too if you had the weight of the world on your shoulders.”

Yes, she does look sad, and yes great responsibilities are hers. There’s a lot riding on her actions or inaction. However, she has not given up, nor has she slowed the growing process. Continue reading “The Growing Process”

Gloria – The Other Child

Gloria ( Éponine ) fmaArt Title: Gloria
Art by: Faith Magdalene Austin
Size: 5.5 × 8.5
Medium artists paper, Crayola Crayon, ink
signed on the front and back, heat sealed but no acrylic seal.

NOTE: The watermark lines that go through her face are not on the original painting.

The character Éponine is my second favorite character in Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables. For me, she stands for every person who has fallen just a few inches short of glory. She’s the most obvious choice because she’s been there from the beginning but the other person can’t see. Her love is loyal yet silent. She is heroic, selfless and always second.

Continue reading “Gloria – The Other Child”

The compliment

What is the best compliment you’ve ever gotten about your work?

I purchased your art for an unborn child. It’s her first art piece.

It gave me shivers and touched me deeply enough to make tears fall. Someone thought well enough of my art to make it a present for a child unborn. Does it get better than that? I’m not sure it does.

incredible image! so good its frightening!

That’s the kind of comment that tells me others speak my language. I said in color what I needed to say, and the viewer heard me.


The Reconstruction of Sundrip

There is a lot of restructuring to do as it relates to art made available for sale. There is a lot of work involved in just getting art on the net. It needs to be photographed or scanned then filed in individual folders. After that I have to resize, crop to show detail and mark them as the exclusive property of Sundrip. Then each painting has to be uploaded to my Etsy shop with appropriate categories and keywords. This can be a long and tedious process.

While I lay in this very spot for several months it occurred to me that art should be signed and sealed before it even hits the net. I should have pre-cut mounting boards and stabilizing cardboard. It would also be in my best interest to standardize art sizes. I was good for painting on just about any surface but that complicated things for me. If I stick to standard sizes for pre-cut boards I think that will be a great help in getting orders out faster.
And dang it, I need a stapler! I keep saying I prefer not to use one but I’m gettin’ me a stapler, now dang it!!

Continue reading “The Reconstruction of Sundrip”

Bruised Reed

Bruised Reed
Bruised Reed

When I posted this work on Etsy where I offer original art, I got a comment from another artist that really made me smile. Right away that artist recognized from where I got the phrase, “bruised reed.” I was surprised by that but it was a welcome surprise.

Her face is striking; I know.
She pulls at the heart; I know.
She’s stripped to the bone.
She’s bruised but not broken.

Art Title: Bruised Reed
Art by: Faith Magdalene Austin
Size and Medium: black ink, strikes of color on light grain sketchbook paper. 4.5 × 7, signed, sealed, mounted. * SOLD *

Continue reading “Bruised Reed”

Bruised Reed 2

 Reed II
Reed II

Art Title: Reed II
Art by: Faith Magdalene Austin
Medium: black ink, acrylic paint, light card stock paper 4 x 7 , signed, mounted, raw unsealed.

Details: Blue, yellow, orange, headdress, large eyes, strikes of paint, finger paint, complex simplicity.

Please see sidebar for purchase options in my Etsy shop.
