I’m trying to describe an art piece that is currently untitled. When I look at the piece I see Sundrip “signatures” such as edge to edge figures and a massive amount of detail and color. With signatures in place, does this art differ from the other work I’ve done? First and foremost, I know I created this work with the same purpose as most others; art is my one of my main coping skills.
Although there are numerous faceless figures, they all appear to be interacting peacefully. At least two groups are intimately engaged. To the left of the central figure, there’s a couple that appear to be dancing. To the far right there is a couple embracing as they look over their child who is reaching up to them. In every scene there is movement free of disparity and emotional struggle. Despite the Sundrip signature, this piece stands out as different than the others. Continue reading “Vibrant Sunflower. Graceful. Intimate”