Rooted Hearts 2 – an Etsy Treasury

This is a part 2 of the Rooted Hearts Etsy treasury. The treasury showcases art, jewelry and vessels created by artists from around the world.

Rooted Hearts Treasury 2

Some of the treasury tags you might notice hopefully shows that the treasury is a peaceful, international and uplifting arrangement. This particular arrangement focuses more on artifacts, vessels and jewelry. Artists around the globe have been included. The United States, Kenya, France, Russia, Ukraine. It is an international gathering of art to promote the beauty of our roots which ground us today and nurture our future.

Please visit part one of the Rooted Hearts treasuries by clicking the links.

Rooted Hearts 1 is here. Rooted Hearts 2 is here. You will also find it’s link listed under my Etsy profile.

Thank you for visiting SUNDRIP – Art for Life

Rooted Hearts 1 – an Etsy Treasury

Rooted Hearts 1 an ETSY Treasury

Ah yes, another treasury list on ETSY. This is a two part treasury which includes paintings, jewelry and vessels. There are twenty four pieces in all. Today I’ve opened up part one.

Rooted Hearts Double Treasury 
Is dedicated to our grandfathers, our roots and our sense of being.
For the beautiful woman, for turquoise, bone and copper.
For warriors and gentlemen.
For our children.
For beads used to adorn, and vessels to hold our hearts.
Rooted, we are.

The letter sent to all twenty four artists explained the premise of the treasury in this way. It is an artistic arrangement of ethnic women and men in their ever changing form. I have included art and jewelry of different styles but have kept the theme to specific colors such as turquoise, copper, abstract linear art, beads and vessels.

Some of the treasury tags you might notice hopefully shows that the treasury is a peaceful, international and uplifting arrangement. The artists are from Texas to the Netherlands, Kenya to Chicago as well as from France, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus in Eastern Europe. It is an international gathering of art to promote the beauty of our roots which ground and nurture our future.

Please visit part one of Rooted Hearts by clicking the link. Rooted Hearts 2 is here.  You will also find it’s link listed under my Etsy profile.

Thank you for visiting SUNDRIP – Art for Life

How I Price My Art

I’d like to discuss how I come up with the prices for dolls, original acrylics, original oil paintings, large art, small art, etc.

I had no clue what to charge when I first started offering art on Etsy or right here, however online guides have been helpful. One can google how much to charge when a person asks to put their art on the front of a book, inside a book, used on a webpage, on and on. There are artist’s guides to pricing. What I found most helpful was to think of how much I want out of the painting, add in several factors which I’ll list, then I come up with a general listing price. I look around on Etsy for art of that style and size then finalize my listing price. I try and tag / use keywords by looking at other art because it can be difficult to know what to say so people find my art.  Continue reading “How I Price My Art”

Rose Garden


In this original art piece, the sky holds the largest number of flowers which float freely in a cloud of midnight blue, white and turquoise. The marriage of colors brings the story together of a little girl who was once told by her mother, “If you want roses out of life, plant a garden.” She did.


Art Title: The Little Rose Girl
Art by: Faith Magdalene Austin
Medium: Acrylic, gesso, crackle medium, heavy paper
Size: 6.5 x 4.5

Available via PayPal or in my Etsy shop. See sidebar for contact details.

Please respect the copyright and the artists wishes. Thank you. 

DID. Anxiety. Art.

away 2 fmaI was thinking about how many doctors have told me my body is resistant to treatment. Hearing that in my head made me think, well, if that’s the case then I’d better get to moving along before this treatment is rejected. At this time I’m able to leave the house. This treatment allows me to be 50% of who I used to be, which gives me 50% to work with until my body rejects it.

I’ve been switching personalities quite a bit lately. I have such strong feelings of uncertainty. Strangely enough, my schedule is more stable than it’s been in a long time, yet my focus is off, my ability to concentrate and complete one task is difficult.

Salt fma

away 1 fmaI scheduled a tea party with Red but forgot Snow is coming over that day. I do need Snow’s help. I need help getting my bed made and getting some laundry done.

I got out for a walk the other day and found some more moss for my 12 x 12 moss garden. I’m having a blast doing this. I like to watch things grow. I have grow lights.

Anxiety is intense right now. I want to get up, get my drawing pad and scribble some. I want to lay in the fetal position and rock. I want to go deep in my head where it might be quiet and where this anxiety isn’t so intense. Continue reading “DID. Anxiety. Art.”

Nesting Place; for rest, sight and purpose.

Nesting Place

Abstract beginnings grew into a trio of birds resting in the hair of a young woman.

This Asian flair painting shows her rooted in the earth, facing forward at the flowers that stand tall.

There aren’t as many flowers as before, she might think, but there are indeed flowers.

Her purpose remains and is confirmed by those who have chosen to rest upon her head and make a home.

Lets take a look at some details.

“Nesting Place” is a 6.5 x 5 inches and is on heavy board. On the back of the board is an original, spontaneous writing which reads: Continue reading “Nesting Place; for rest, sight and purpose.”

Sangria and Me

Sangria “Sangria” stands in my Etsy shop full of surrealism and color. The terracotta tone woman with blue hair thinks nothing of the raven that flew in the door. Why should she, after all, she’s got a house inside a house, evergreen trees shaped like arrows and large sunflowers coming from who knows where. The painting is full of life, full of color and texture. And yes, I decided to wear her, too.

I’ve said it before, but I really wish to drive home the point that when looking at a stranger you can’t see on their face what they are going through in their skin. The purpose of putting my art on my face is to be that obvious, to say loud and clear that Lupus and Fibromyalgia can rot from the inside out. Art is one of the major tools I use to manage life with an “invisible illness”.

You don’t start seeing real signs of illness until the person collapses and finds himself/herself in the hospital with baffled family and friends. She looked okay. She looked “normal” What happened?  Lupus. Fibromyalgia. One of the illnesses listed as “invisible”.

Invisible no more. Sangria – My Face My Art   . Continue reading “Sangria and Me”

Becoming Me – Lullaby Collection

Becoming fmaIt is common for me to blast color on paper, edge to edge with twisting and twirling images. Sometimes though, I paint art for children. The showcase piece today is called “Becoming Me”. Two other pieces are included in this entry as children’s art. Continue reading “Becoming Me – Lullaby Collection”