Betta Sorority Aquarium

My cat Joey suffers from dry skin and needed a humidifier to add moisture to the air. I decided to do an aquarium set up instead of an ugly humidifier.

My favorite spot is the apartment

In order to get the aquarium I sold off 4 of my small aquariums then snagged the 20 gallon long with heater, rocks and a filter on the side. I kept a three gallon aquarium gift given to me. 😁 That has a female Betta in it, too. I like the females a lot better because males seem to be drama queens.

The new aquarium isn’t finished. I need more submerged plants. I’m not sure when that will happen but for now it’s got Pothos and Bamboo stalks on top, as you can see. I’m just going to add some Crypts and Java Ferns then leave it alone. I’ll have 7 female Betta only.

Betta Sorority Aquarium

So, that is my newest muse, a Betta Sorority that acts as a humidifier for my fur baby Joe.


Work in Progress: The Rescuer

WIP rescuer new fma
The Rescuer

I started this painting a few years ago but just couldn’t get it so I used gesso and removed everything I want to change. I’ve put the painting on the easel and will turn it and look at it from all angles for the next few days. This will help me to know which direction I’m going with it.

In my little studio apartment I’ve got all the art I’m working on sitting out. This means my CNA and other visitors can see it. I’m not all the way comfortable with this but there’s basically nowhere to put work in progress other than right here in the open so I can see it. I used to have my studio in my bedroom and had all the privacy I needed to work. I could hang work in progress without anyone seeing it. That’s not the case anymore.

Today the nurses assistant saw the piece The Rescuer and said, “This has to mean something. You didn’t just put anything on paper. This has to mean something to you.” What she said wasn’t critical at all just inquisitive. Because the art is just out there I can’t say anything about her viewing it but it still puts me on the spot. It feels like I’m exposed. I’ll have to get used to that because I have no intention of moving to a bigger space where I’m afforded more privacy. This is home. Super tiny yet perfect. Gotta work with it.

So what does The Rescuer mean to me? I look at the person in blue and see myself being pulled up. I see the person in brown as me, too. I’m pulling myself out of a sea of past memories, past abuses. What is the large head facing the left? That is me also. It’s the only figure with some noticeable features. She’s looking away from all she needs to be rescued from.

The painting will become more and more personal I’m sure. I hope to work in the evenings and let it dry over night so that I can place it in a spot that doesn’t spotlight it. Even if this doesn’t happen, I’ll eventually become more comfortable with others viewing art that is personal. I don’t have to give any information on it. I can always say something like, “It’s a fantasy piece” or “It’s just surreal type artwork, don’t read too much into it.” Whatever I say, it doesn’t have to be all my business. However, it would be a good idea to have my comment in mind before I have to use it, this way I can say it naturally and cut the conversation short.

I look forward to finishing The Rescuer and seeing what comes of her. I’ll post it when she’s finished.


The Invisible Children

The Invisible Children is a haunting and surreal scene of sunflowers at night, a full moon, ravens flying and figures in the flowers at the base of a large, bare tree. It is a dark, fluid piece, full of small details.

The Invisible Children

Art Title: The Invisible Children
Art by: Faith Magdalene Austin
Media: Acrylic paint, ink, paper
Size: 5.5 x 8.5, unmounted, raw art

Please visit me in my Etsy shop for original art, such as above, and handmade dolls. or contact me at for a PayPal invoice.

Thank you for visiting Sundrip


A Look Back at Art Projects

I’ve been updating the galleries here on Sundrip and ran across some art pieces I’ve not seen in a little bit. I thought I’d share some of them with you.

Honorable – Redbubble

Honorable is an art piece that started all the art therapy pieces. I can even remember the assignment and who gave it. I look at this art with the humble young woman and umbrella and feel a sense of peace.


Beckoning is a painting created close to the same time as Honorable. Beckoning shows a young girl either accepting gifts or freeing herself. I could never decide which I was trying to say with this piece.

I created her with a program that is no longer in existence, way back before digital drawing tablets were popular and before Photoshop was widely available. I used my computer mouse and painted each part of her, one stroke at a time.

Looking Forward

Looking Forward – a digital piece with a lot of detail but also a lot of sky and a huge star of hope. A hand comes out of the mountains and holds a young girl to looks forward and into her new life. She’s being given a new lease on life.

I love her butterfly wings and the graceful way she sits.

These three paintings are a glimpse into what you’ll find in the newly designed Digital Arts Gallery here on Sundrip – Art for Life. To see all available digital prints for your home please visit my Redbubble shop.


The Art Return

I’ve been working on a schedule for fitting my life together neatly. I need to wake early to get everything done in a day’s time.

I start all my Bible study, Christian reading and volunteer work around 7am to 9am daily. That 2 hours in the morning is strictly for Bible activities.

At 9am to 3pm the CNA is here. This time includes the basics of 2 meals, doctor appointments, grocery shopping, managing pets and so on. At 3pm I’m dead to the world and must sleep. I wake at 5pm, eat a little and have the rest of the evening to do as I please. I’m no longer one who stays awake all night which means the evening ends around 10:00pm, with my body telling me it should be sooner. Lol

One of the “do as I please” moments included finishing the first real painting in a year! The other painting on the table (with the blue face) is an art piece that waited 9 years for completion.

Once I got my new art table, painting became physically easier and is something I look forward to. I’ve also gotten back to more advertising and running the Etsy site.

I can’t say the table was my only reason for not painting. I know there were emotional factors that inhibited flow, but having the new table helps me tremendously. I just love it and wish I’d purchased it sooner. While I say that I realize I may not have been ready and that the table was replaced when my heart was again ready for creative freedom. That’s what it feels like to truly paint again, freedom.

I’m loving this and it couldn’t have come at a better time. February is hard for me with all its anniversaries. I’ve been fighting and kicking in my sleep, screaming out and having terrible dreams. It’s not been fun, but it has been safe for me because I have my art as a coping skill again. I’ve even painted when the physical pain got exceedingly high. The return of art has been healing on many fronts. Soon I will post the painting of the little girl l finished from 2011 and the one I started and finished two days ago.

❤️ Faith

Annette the African American Bag Holder Rag Doll

I’m happy to have finished her. It feels really good.

Here she is in her handmade dress which is upcycled from a handmade Indian blouse with beautiful beaded details in red, gold and blue.

Annette is approximately 35 inches long. Her hair is made of beautiful, textured yarn that looks great in a ponytail or piled in a bun. Her earrings are red flowers which accents her rosie lipstick.

To see more photos and pricing please visit my Etsy shop at or contact me for a PayPal invoice at

Thank you for visiting SUNDRIP – Art for Life


What If. Art Thoughts.

All ‘what if’ roads lead to nowhere.

I got to thinking, what if I get this art table but I still don’t paint? Then of course my head took off, so I decided to sit in my wheelchair at the dinner table and paint a ‘what if’ road map.

What If. All what if roads lead to nowhere.

What if I struggle with the idea of changing my apartment to something new? Do I want to deal with this change?

After flipping out a bit I realized that I am more than ready for this change.

Black Swan. Change.

I’m going to set aside $50 for the table now so that next month I can add the other $50 and make this much needed adjustment. The art table I have now is simply too tall.

Until I get the new art table I’ll use the dinner table very, very carefully. I use my dinner table for letter writing too and the last thing I want is for it to look like an art table with paint all over it. It’s already old and beat up but paint spill free. I’m ok with spills and such on the art table though.

Dr D asked if I think my art will change subject matters once I truly paint again. Well, we’ll see soon, won’t we?


Kitty. Frog. Doll.

It’s been so quiet at home. A few times I sat in the quiet feeling deep peace and satisfaction but other times I wanted to curl up in a ball having been overtaken by emotional pain. It seems life is at fifty – fifty right now.

I’m still with the old CNA company because I’m waiting on the new one to come out Tuesday and answer a few questions. I hope it works out with the new people but I’ll miss the CNA I’ve got now. She’s wonderful, simply wonderful. I’ve been asked why I can’t change my mind about changing companies if the newest CNA is so good. She’s not staying with this job. She plans to move on, too.

Joey also likes her. 😊

The CNA is not grossed out by the frogs either like a few others were.

So, right now I’m waiting for the company and taking other issues as they come.

I’ve been able to sew more. I’m nearly finished with a bag holder doll. I’ll start a new one soon. Oh man. I went to Goodwill to purchase sofa pillows for stuffing with recycled dolls. I saw 2 extra large pillows and a 3rd large sized one. Well, I snagged all 3 thinking SCORE! I’m gonna sit here all winter with no need for more doll stuffing!….. Dang it. As I started a new doll I pulled out an extra large pillow only to discover it’s full of down feathers, not regular stuffing! Both extra large pillows are down feathers which I can’t use at all. I was able to rehome the pillows so as not to store about 9 lbs of feathers. I sure thought I’d scored at Goodwill. Fortunately I’ve got the third pillow which is in fact stuffing.

Here is the viewing of a bag holder doll I’m working on. She’ll be ready in a matter of days. I’ll post her here on Sundrip and then offer her in my Etsy shop at


Lizzy the Black Folk Art Ragdoll

Lizzy is 11 inches long and is sweet as pie with her dimples and wide, beautiful eyes. Her dress is made of cotton and her hair is black, textured yarn with two white bows.

Lizzy is an art doll made of hand painted cotton fabric. Her bottom is filled with polyester fiber beads allowing her to sit on her own. Her arms are posable.

Please visit my Etsy shop at for purchase or contact me at for a PayPal order.

NOTE: This doll is not meant to be a toy. She is a shelf sitter.

Thank you for visiting SUNDRIP – Art for Life

Faith 😊

Star the African American Handmade Ragdoll

This Black Folk handmade ragdoll sits properly and proudly while displaying a bun with a vintage butterfly hat pin. Star was painted from head to toe with acrylic paint over cotton fabric. Trim and other small details have been added in gold on her reddish-brown, checked dress. Her hair is textured yarn. She is 15 inches tall.

Star will make a beautiful addition to your doll collection. Please visit my Etsy shop at To purchase through PayPal please contact me at

NOTE : Only one doll is included and that is the doll on the right in the photo. The hat pin does not close at the end but is not exposed. This doll is not meant to be a toy. She is a shelf sitter.