Tile Art: Grant me the serenity to accept

I sometimes like to blog about what I was thinking and where I was headed with a painting. For the most part I was thinking about the serenity prayer while painting ‘Holding Flowers.” I didn’t go as far as to write on the tile itself, “Grant me the serenity to accept” but those very words were on my mind through out the entire creative process.

I wanted to create a surreal, dreamlike moment. I wanted the viewer to feel as if they’re observing a private moment of a woman taking stock of herself, taking a moment to hold on to what she needs and let pass what she doesn’t.

Change feels rigid but its not, its fluid and that’s what I wanted to lines on the painting to be.

That’s what I was thinking and feeling as I created Holding Flowers. She has been painted on a 4 x 2 tile in acrylic and ink.

Art Title: Holding Flowers
Ceramic tile as canvas, 4×2 inches
Acrylic and ink, sealed, signed on the back
Art by Faith Magdalene Austin of Sundrip Journals

May Bell African-American Art Doll

May Bell  Sunflower African American Folk Art DollI stopped calling May Bell a rag doll because she has so much character that she falls more into the art doll category. This isn’t my usual type of doll but I have to admit, I enjoyed making her.

May Bell is a beautifully elegant art doll who is handmade and hand painted. She stands approximately 8 inches with a rust and gold flowering dress that falls at 12 inches. May Bell’s hair is up in buns on both sides of her head, twisted perfectly and able to hold ribbons or flowers if desired. Her accenting Anne Klein II sunflower brooch is removable and can be placed where desired.

Continue reading “May Bell African-American Art Doll”

A New Woman Original Painting

A New Woman by F. Magdalene Austin *** SOLD *** **SOLD ** I began tearing the wall paper remnants from an old craft table when I thought, this would be fun to paint on, so I did. A New Woman is a romantic, abstract figurative painting with ethnic overtones. It is medium textured and has been painted on pulled, up-cycled wall paper. There are even tiny pieces of tape still stuck to 11 x 7  finished art piece.

The profile figure of a young woman stands in the midst of dripping paint, torn walls and gold. She is painted in turquoise and pink with flicks of color as accents.

What I enjoyed about doing this painting is putting all the tiny little drops, spills and smudges together to form something tangible. The wall paper was splattered with paint from various projects and stripped or cut from mounting other paintings. My new canvas had its own story and a full pallet before becoming A New Woman. Continue reading “A New Woman Original Painting”

PTSD No3 Whisper

I had no idea there would be a series of paintings called PTSD but there is. . .

In PTSD No3 there’s a river that flows from the sky right through the woman, past the eyes and forms the figures dress. The dress runs over the brick wall and simply stops. The paint on the brick wall has bits of stone mixed in making this piece multidimensional. I had to mix in a bit of stone with the sunflower painting because sunflowers in stone is significant to me. There are also tiny little details, layer upon layer of color and edge to edge movement which all comes together to form PTSD No3 Whisper.

Whisper can be purchased in my ETSY shop by clicking the link provided on the sidebar. If you do not have an ETSY account you may contact me to use PayPal.

Thank you for visiting SUNDRIP – Art for Life
Faith M. Austin


I ran ink, acrylic and wax together to form the painting called Gathering. It shows several Asian, African and other ethnic woman standing together with their feet covered in mists of red, green, gold and black. A large white moon glows behind them with its light caught in deep blues and gold. In this emotional and texture rich piece the ladies arms reach gently to connect with one another.

The original of this painting called Women Alone showed several women standing around looking grieved.  The purpose of the original version  was to show how alienated I can feel when I’m in a lot of pain physically. The rebirth of the painting is to show that despite the pain I’m not alone. The rebirth of this piece was to validate what I felt but also to firmly plant in my mind the reality of the situation. As long as I reach out or make myself available for connection then I am not alone. It is also a reminder that my situation can get ugly and trying but it can change. Life can get ugly and painful but that doesn’t mean its the final curtain call.  Things can change. Continue reading “Gathering”

Five Sisters

Five Sisters SOLDSOLD

Five Sisters shows young African dressed woman standing in a burst of white light a top a flowing turquoise and deep blue hill. This is a high texture painting with some features embossed. Some areas of the painting were treated so that the paint would crackle. Movement, energy, womanhood and togetherness all come together in this painting called Five Sisters.

Painting Details: Faceless figures in African style dress, turquoise brush strokes, gold, red, royal purple, orange, ivory white light, high texture.
8×12 textured paper, acrylic, ink, wood crackling medium, sealed, signed, mounted.


You may purchase via my Etsy shop or directly through PayPal. My contact and PayPal address is on the sidebar as is the link to the Etsy shop. Thank you for visiting SUNDRIP – Art for Life

Sitting Asian Clay Figurine


The sitting Asian figurine was hand sculpted with no mold, using polymer clay. Her arms are adjustable so that you can have her hold a flower, cross them or put them to her side. Her hair comes down from its bun at 3 inches long. Instead of a solid white Geisha face the figurine has darker skin with broader Asian features letting her natural features bloom.

This beautiful royal woman was also hand painted and given a handmade dress. Her hair is a soft brown and gray yarn, her clothing is red, black and gold rayon with large lotus flowers on it. Although she has been sealed and is water resistant I’d suggest she be placed in an inside garden or sun room.

Please see my Etsy shop link on the sidebar for purchase details.

Sketchbook Madness

. .Focus and grow against all odds. These two pieces from my art therapy sketchbook shown two figures with a central eye directing them through life. Both have one large flower included in the painting and a very still background. “Version Two” shows much more activity with the sun on her shoulder and pools of water on her breasts. She, unlike “Version One” has a scar under breast and is holding a single red flower. She also has flowers above her head and blades of grass at her feet. I’d describe the two pieces as figurative and surreal.

.“Snakes Scorpions and Mothers” is also an oil painting from my private art journal. It shows a mother holding her newborn as well as a snake around the mother’s neck.  With an out stretched hand she holds a golden egg. You’ll also see wheat, small and large flowers, a churning sky in the background and detailed home life in the wings of the mother.

“Mother of the World” also shows a mother holding her newborn. She’s standing in a field of fantasy flowers, swirls and colors that run into one another. Some of the colors were made to drip, run and bleed into one another for a raw yet strikingly chaotic atmosphere. You will notice that in addition to holding the child up right she has balanced growth and life in the other. Included in this painting are black flowers and a red crown above the mother’s head.

The art work above can be seen in my Etsy shop along side other original works of art. Please see my sidebar for the Etsy link.

Thank you for visiting Sundrip
F. Magdalene Austin

Garage Sale Gone Wrong

Garage Sale Gone WrongWe all know one, love one, a person who can’t walk away from a garage sale. She’ll turn the car around in the middle of the street or leap over fences to grab a cheap doodad.  There we are spectators in her compulsion. Helpless to stop her we choke on the dust she leaves behind as she dives for that very special doily.  Thirty-five cents, a quarter, the sound of such words makes her drool. Will she ever stop? Is there help for her? Will there ever be a Garage Sale Support Group for people addicted to other people’s junk sitting on the side of the road? If there is such a group surely they can help the woman in this painting who totally lost control when the homeowner extended her sale by one day.

Title: Garage Sale Gone Wrong
Art by: F. Magdalene Austin

*Currently available in greeting card form on Redbubble. See my sidebar for the link.*