I might have been torn to pieces

Jung Art

To the extent that I managed to translate the emotions into images that is to say, to find the images which were concealed in the emotions I was inwardly calmed and reassured.

Had I left those images hidden in the emotions, I might have been torn to pieces by them.

There is a chance that I might have succeeded in splitting them off; but in that case I would inexorably have fallen into a neurosis and so been ultimately destroyed by them.

As a result of my experiment I learned how helpful it can be, from the therapeutic point of view, to find the particular images which lie behind the emotions.

Carl Jung

The bird flew in the window fma

A Bird Flew in the Window

I Release Her

I release her


The Wanderer – On Fallen Trees

1 In the woods d7The Wanderer is a nature scene of a young black boy sitting on a tree stump. His shirt is the same color as the roots of the trees that continued to grow the day I wandered into the woods through a host of fallen trees. I couldn’t believe the color. I’d never seen anything like it, such a beautiful and vibrant orange roots coming right out of rich, black earth. WOW!

This scene with the African American boy is based on that moment, the moment when I wandered into the woods.

The boy is sitting on the stump in his orange shirt and navy blue jeans with a tiny button. Beside him is a small red bird (cardinal). The bird is also hand sculpted without a cast. Meticulously placed are curly twigs from grape vines and blackberry vines. As in the real life wooded area, large flowers stand nearly frozen in time, as if dried in a flash. Yellow flowers, two white bushes, small hand picked rocks as well as tiny hand painted flowers have been added to a carpet of reindeer moss. The scene is stationed on a ceramic tile with a felt bottom. Continue reading “The Wanderer – On Fallen Trees”


Traveler by fma

What will you see in this ethnic, surreal painting? Ah, gold poppies, red poppies, a fisherman in traditional clothing reaching to the sun, an Asian woman in a white dress with a small orange patch whose arms reach down yet they branch out as bare trees. Beside her is a face within a face. Flowers grow, swirls spring out, color abounds then rests. Continue reading “Traveler”

White Tree Blue Sky

I was on a kick with trees. This is the 3rd of 4 trees first created with tea stains then colored in.

white tree blue sky fma

What I like about this tree is the way the bare white stands off the blue back drop. I also like the gradient of red, yellow and orange which is divided rather abruptly by the white bark.  Tiny details can be seen here and there. There are small white flowers, tiny blades of grass, shadows, textures and depth. Continue reading “White Tree Blue Sky”



A canvas splashed with a tiny bit of color on the side sat on my desk for a good long time waiting for something, anything to happen. Last night in my rush to paint trees, I picked up the canvas and began to sketch.

This afternoon I completed the painting by adding brighter colors than seen in Tea Tree. As a matter of fact, this tree has a totally different feel because of the boldness of the colors. I still had a ball of fun creating it. Continue reading “Colors”

Tea Tree

Tea Tree Sometimes I don’t know what I want to put on paper so I just spray it with water, put a reusable tea cloth on it and leave it alone. I may even remove the tea leaves and spread them over the paper. Later I’ll come back and add color then put the paper away expecting nothing to come of it right then.

Nights like last night make pieces of paper like described above worth making. It was a long night and I needed to sketch but I needed to sketch just one thing, trees. I sketched three in all. The first is on the tea and ink stained paper seen in the accompanying photos.

Although I have used rainbow colors this has more of an earthy feel to it. It appears to be watercolor stains but the medium is acrylic paint and tea leaves accompanied by scribbles and scratches for branches.

I’m pleased with the painting.

Title: Tea Tree
Art by: Faith Magdalene Austin
Medium: Acrylic paint and tea on paper, 8.5 x 7.5

She is the Wind

Sheh is the Wind fmaShe is the Wind’ is primarily a finger painting. The blue hair and the hills as well as the larger parts of the tree were created with my fingers. Details were added with other tools.

The large figure is searching for a part of herself that is missing. She and the warrior that blows in her blue hair, into a white sky, will search and bring her home. Behind the white tree she sees her, weary, cold, wrapped in hills of colors under a burning sky. She has found her. Continue reading “She is the Wind”

It’s wroth the effort to bloom

It's worth the effort to bloom


This is not my usual type of art but, one must reach out from time to time right?  Here is how this painting grew. I took a paper bag from a grocery story that had a tree already on it. I painted the tree with circle branches and tiny little leaves on just a few branches. The sky is blue but not clear. Flowers stand tall, dragonflies spread their beauty and leave streams of who knows what. I haven’t decided what the streams are, but they flash behind them like light in a magical way. Continue reading “It’s wroth the effort to bloom”

Birds on Fallen Trees

Birds on Fallen Trees – 9 x 8 clay and wood sculpture created almost entirely with found items. The cobble stones in clay were found items, the twigs are from 5 fallen trees, the birds are from a recycled art piece, real Pekin duck feathers have been added as well as dried flowers.

When I’m anxious I paint. When I’m anxious I walk. The other day was a walking day. While walking I decided to explore an area struck by last spring’s storms. In that area there are at least 5 trees uprooted. It’s as if they were effortlessly plucked and left on their side. Sad though the sight may sound, nature has created its own art piece. It’s the kind of art you only find in nature, the stuff artists  like me can’t come close to mimicking. Continue reading “Birds on Fallen Trees”