Flowers Before Dinner

Flowers Before DinnerThis is a mixed media painting I did before eating dinner. I started out drawing in crayola crayon then I used crayola markers with water over the crayon. I smoothed here and there then added extra layers of crayon under marker until I was satisfied.

The smooth crayon under layer makes working with markers very easy. Shading is easier as is covering up mistakes. I also like the texture it makes where marker stains the paper but not the crayon. I discovered it’s best to use yellow with green marker or blue marker with yellow in order to get the desired result of green. It’s been fun experimenting with the two mediums.

Flowers Before Dinner is the start of my second sketch diary which has been dedicated to flowers of all kinds.


Tea at My House

Tea at my house

“Tea At My House” is the newest entry in my sketch diary. This particular teapot sits on my China cabinet beside dry flowers and few homemade candles in brass holders.  I purchased the pot for a dollar at a second hand store.

This particular sketch diary/journal is dedicated to everyday moments such as tea before bed, doing routine stretches as well as sitting in front of the fireplace. There’s nothing profound, nothing of earth shattering importance in these here pages yet, I find comfort when looking at these everyday steps captured in color.

Mixed media: Metallic watercolors, ink, colored pencil
Art by: F. Magdalene Austin

Diary of an Uninspired Artist

Goodbye flowers, hello cold.  It seems during the cold I’ve lost artistic inspiration so I filled my sketch diary with paintings inspired by lack of inspiration.

Goodbye sunny flowers. It’s oh so cold these days.

Goodbye flowers

The sun rays have left, they took with them my ability to create.

Cold Outside

At the table in my under pants I sit and wait.


Continue reading “Diary of an Uninspired Artist”

The Ominous Rainy Day

Why do we let the weather man lie? He says it’ll only be a light shower then the rain will stop. Two days later and it hasn’t stopped raining. We pay this man to lie to us. Why? Why do we do this? Why do I keep listening to this man, hanging on his every word as if it were gospel?

The Ominous Rainy Day

In this painting the forecast was clear sunny skies high of 80 degrees. Click to view this painting larger. By doing so you’ll be able to see the poor soul going down the hill then up to her strangely illuminated home.

Obviously I’m having a great time with watercolors and my new sketch diary 🙂 My goal for the diary is to draw the basics, everyday things with my own little twist.

Title: The Ominous Rainy Day
Art by: F. Magdalene Austin

An Experiment With Crayola Markers

I had no idea I could use a basic crayola marker this way. All I did was draw a little of the picture then brush over it with a wet brush. Some of them I really liked but others I wish I’d done a few things differently.

sunflower. The Angel With Me .

flower power. landscape .

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An Experiment With Crayola Markers – September 29th, 2009 7:50AM EST