PTSD No3 Whisper

I had no idea there would be a series of paintings called PTSD but there is. . .

In PTSD No3 there’s a river that flows from the sky right through the woman, past the eyes and forms the figures dress. The dress runs over the brick wall and simply stops. The paint on the brick wall has bits of stone mixed in making this piece multidimensional. I had to mix in a bit of stone with the sunflower painting because sunflowers in stone is significant to me. There are also tiny little details, layer upon layer of color and edge to edge movement which all comes together to form PTSD No3 Whisper.

Whisper can be purchased in my ETSY shop by clicking the link provided on the sidebar. If you do not have an ETSY account you may contact me to use PayPal.

Thank you for visiting SUNDRIP – Art for Life
Faith M. Austin

On the Rocks: A Fish Tale


Friday evening I began to worry about my big fish Jocelyn because she was hovering above the rocks at the bottom of the tank. I went over in my head what could possibly be wrong with her. Old age isn’t the problem. Able to live up to 25 years she’s just a youngster at age six. She’s not been over fed, she’s not bloated, her bladder is healthy, what’s wrong? Usually the big fish is graceful and playful as she swims wit her two tank makes, but something has changed, something is off.

Continue reading “On the Rocks: A Fish Tale”

Snails Three and Ducky

The mama snail I added to my aquarium recently had a few babies. I’ve watched these little tiny lives grow from the size of a pencil eraser to now the size of a dime. They’re so, so sweet.  For those of you who are unaware Little Duck is my nickname, which means the little duck in the picture is me following them around watching them grow.

The original sketch is in my sketchbook and was done in ink and tea stains. The picture published has coloring corrections and a few tiny other details added.

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Sketchbook Madness

. .Focus and grow against all odds. These two pieces from my art therapy sketchbook shown two figures with a central eye directing them through life. Both have one large flower included in the painting and a very still background. “Version Two” shows much more activity with the sun on her shoulder and pools of water on her breasts. She, unlike “Version One” has a scar under breast and is holding a single red flower. She also has flowers above her head and blades of grass at her feet. I’d describe the two pieces as figurative and surreal.

.“Snakes Scorpions and Mothers” is also an oil painting from my private art journal. It shows a mother holding her newborn as well as a snake around the mother’s neck.  With an out stretched hand she holds a golden egg. You’ll also see wheat, small and large flowers, a churning sky in the background and detailed home life in the wings of the mother.

“Mother of the World” also shows a mother holding her newborn. She’s standing in a field of fantasy flowers, swirls and colors that run into one another. Some of the colors were made to drip, run and bleed into one another for a raw yet strikingly chaotic atmosphere. You will notice that in addition to holding the child up right she has balanced growth and life in the other. Included in this painting are black flowers and a red crown above the mother’s head.

The art work above can be seen in my Etsy shop along side other original works of art. Please see my sidebar for the Etsy link.

Thank you for visiting Sundrip
F. Magdalene Austin

Single White Bloom

“Single White Bloom” is for the Flower a Day Project.

Single White Bloom

The flower was painted in oils in my 4 x 4 sketchbook. There’s something personal and maybe even romantic about a single stem. I think I like them better than a bouquet not just for a painting but on my kitchen table as well.

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Flower A Day

I’m enjoying my flower sketches before dinner. I’ll absolutely continue them.

Purple Petal FenceThis sketch shows a house with a purple petal fence and a huge sunflower as a setting sun over a bronze colored house. The original sketch shows much more detail such as small gold flowers on the house and small blue flowers in the sky and even on the purple fence. To finish off the sketch I added a light filter from photoshop.

Medium: Crayola markers w/ water over crayola crayons and metallic gel pens in a 4×4 sketch book. Full image size, 8 inches.

Thanks for visiting,

F. Magdalene Austin