Harvest No3

Now I think I’m done and not just because I used the last of the polymer clay either. I think I may have gotten all this out of me. The inspiration to press clay and paint it, it’s all gone now. Here is Harvest No3 shown beside a blue and green vase as well as beside the log candle holder which started the whole creative process in the first place.

This particular piece has one single ready for harvest wheat stalk which springs from the setting sun.

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I never know where inspiration will come from or where it’s going to take me but I always enjoy the journey.


This and one other ornament can be seen in my Etsy shop. Please see my sidebar for the Etsy link. Thanks.


Spring of Youth in watercolor

Spring of Youth was created on watercolor paper with ink, crayola crayons and crayola markers. In addition to the stated media there are small details completed in pigmented glue.

The painting shows a little girl with big blue river like eyes walking through a field/forest while carrying and infant. There are two huge full sunflowers, small vines and small daisy flowers around her. She has a tree growing from her black hair and her arms are made of wood, her clothes made of sack cloth.

Spring of Youth is available in my Etsy shop. Please see my sidebar for the link.

Thank you visiting Sundrip – Art for Life


She sings my tune, she knows all the words

A little birdie came to tell but I already knew.

“She sings my tune, she knows all the words” is black folk art depicting a young black girl with a white bird on her shoulder sharing secrets. This original mixed media painting was created on 6×9 paper in oils, watercolor and ink. What I like about this painting is the small treble clefs in pink on the sheet music fence and the rainbow colors that wind behind it. She’s got the sun beaming in yellow and orange behind her and a white flower beside her. This folk art piece is simple and pleasing with bright colors and traditional symbolism.

Please see my Etsy shop for purchase details. The link is on the sidebar.

Thanks for visiting SUNDRIP,


Snails Three and Ducky

The mama snail I added to my aquarium recently had a few babies. I’ve watched these little tiny lives grow from the size of a pencil eraser to now the size of a dime. They’re so, so sweet.  For those of you who are unaware Little Duck is my nickname, which means the little duck in the picture is me following them around watching them grow.

The original sketch is in my sketchbook and was done in ink and tea stains. The picture published has coloring corrections and a few tiny other details added.

Thanks for visiting Sundrip, it’s much appreciated.


Sketchbook Madness

. .Focus and grow against all odds. These two pieces from my art therapy sketchbook shown two figures with a central eye directing them through life. Both have one large flower included in the painting and a very still background. “Version Two” shows much more activity with the sun on her shoulder and pools of water on her breasts. She, unlike “Version One” has a scar under breast and is holding a single red flower. She also has flowers above her head and blades of grass at her feet. I’d describe the two pieces as figurative and surreal.

.“Snakes Scorpions and Mothers” is also an oil painting from my private art journal. It shows a mother holding her newborn as well as a snake around the mother’s neck.  With an out stretched hand she holds a golden egg. You’ll also see wheat, small and large flowers, a churning sky in the background and detailed home life in the wings of the mother.

“Mother of the World” also shows a mother holding her newborn. She’s standing in a field of fantasy flowers, swirls and colors that run into one another. Some of the colors were made to drip, run and bleed into one another for a raw yet strikingly chaotic atmosphere. You will notice that in addition to holding the child up right she has balanced growth and life in the other. Included in this painting are black flowers and a red crown above the mother’s head.

The art work above can be seen in my Etsy shop along side other original works of art. Please see my sidebar for the Etsy link.

Thank you for visiting Sundrip
F. Magdalene Austin

Clay Works

The Birds 1These are the first little clay sculptures I’ve done in years. I started working with clay as physical therapy for my hands and found that I thoroughly enjoy it.

The three bird candle holders shown were all done completely differently. The first bird starting from the far left is  clay with a porcelain overlay. The middle bird is only clay and the blue bird to the far right of the screen was sculpted from paper clay. All were air dried and hand painted then sealed with a high gloss acrylic seal. Also included in the photo is the sign that hangs on my fish tank hospital which says, “Fish Care Center: Where Fins Get Fixin’ “  I have a separate little tank for little sick fishes and that’s the sign that hangs on that tank. It’s too cute.

Continue reading “Clay Works”

Square Box Junk Hiders

They’re made of acrylic oil and saw dust on square wooden boxes. The “hiders” can also be arranged on the wall vertically or diagonally, matching edges as you want. I like to make large earth like wall collages out of them by matching up the browns to look like an island and the blues to appear as water. There’s no set way to place these squares.

To get a better idea of what the texture is please see the pieces called Rolling Hills, Out West and Three Oceans.

To create an abstract painting with sawdust follow these simple steps:

Items you’ll need:

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