
This is the third and final piece in the series called Renewed.

Power : Renewed by FMA

Title:  Power
Art by: Faith Magdalene Austin
Stats: 5×9, acrylic paint, ink, crackle medium. The painting was first hand sealed then given an acrylic over lay seal. She is painted on mulberry paper mounted to an up-cycled foam board. ‘Power’ has been signed on the front and back.

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Let the River Wash Over Me

This is an original painting in acrylic and ink on reclaimed canvas. The painting shows a female face at the edge of the canvas. She’s holding her breath under a sea of color. Her hair is red and yellow flames of fire that never extinguish. Even though black and turquoise water rush over her, she will resurface.

Painting size: 7 x 5 inches

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Tile Art: Grant me the serenity to accept

I sometimes like to blog about what I was thinking and where I was headed with a painting. For the most part I was thinking about the serenity prayer while painting ‘Holding Flowers.” I didn’t go as far as to write on the tile itself, “Grant me the serenity to accept” but those very words were on my mind through out the entire creative process.

I wanted to create a surreal, dreamlike moment. I wanted the viewer to feel as if they’re observing a private moment of a woman taking stock of herself, taking a moment to hold on to what she needs and let pass what she doesn’t.

Change feels rigid but its not, its fluid and that’s what I wanted to lines on the painting to be.

That’s what I was thinking and feeling as I created Holding Flowers. She has been painted on a 4 x 2 tile in acrylic and ink.

Art Title: Holding Flowers
Ceramic tile as canvas, 4×2 inches
Acrylic and ink, sealed, signed on the back
Art by Faith Magdalene Austin of Sundrip Journals


We meet the edge just before a breakthrough. Just before higher understanding and level ground is the edge.

The painting ‘Breakthrough’ shows a young woman in a red dress standing on the edge of the river. Her head is bowed ever so slightly to hold a bare tree that has grown from her hair. From the branches and through the fog, fly small birds.   She stands in mist sprays, and flowing colors of purple, turquoise, green and white. In the profile of the young woman waiting for her breakthrough is a woman looking off into the distance.

Title: Breakthrough
Size: 6×4 on creative canvas

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She Listens to His Voice

She Listens to His Voice is No2 in the Renewed Series which has three paintings. The painting is 5 x7 on mulberry paper.

The painting shows a young black child with two pony tails standing still in a field of flowers. She appears tired yet there is an air of hope about her. The young child has one ear is tilted up towards the sky. Musical notes and one large pink butterfly dance around her and the pink and purple flowers. Her white, gold and red dress is accented with a small pink butterfly. Across the cheeks of the little folk girl you can see a butterfly rash, this is especially evident when viewed in person.

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Wendy the African American Plastic Bag Holder Doll

Wendy is a hand painted, handmade plastic bag holder doll wearing a vintage, hand embroidered shawl with a lady bug button. When the shawl is removed you can see a little red heart button on the dress. Her red, gray and white checkered dress is 28 inches long and has gold trim.
Wendy has soft lips that smile just a little bit. Her eyes are bright and beautiful with a tiny bit of blue above them. Her hair is soft black yarn and held in pony tails with ribbons the same color as her dress. The other photos show a close up of her display loop as well as a pink flower near the bottom of her dress.

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Renewed from day to day – No1

I had a day of depression and anxiety so I picked up the phone and called a friend. I tearfully explained how I was feeling about my situation with Lupus and Fibromyalgia. In friendship she read to me a scripture from the Bible about how I may be wasting away on the outside but I am being renewed by the spirit from day to day. Her expressions of support were worth their weight in gold.

Several days later I began to sketch and paint the scripture in my art therapy sketchbook. The two pieces became the first in a series that will follow called “Renewed”. Continue reading “Renewed from day to day – No1”

May Bell African-American Art Doll

May Bell  Sunflower African American Folk Art DollI stopped calling May Bell a rag doll because she has so much character that she falls more into the art doll category. This isn’t my usual type of doll but I have to admit, I enjoyed making her.

May Bell is a beautifully elegant art doll who is handmade and hand painted. She stands approximately 8 inches with a rust and gold flowering dress that falls at 12 inches. May Bell’s hair is up in buns on both sides of her head, twisted perfectly and able to hold ribbons or flowers if desired. Her accenting Anne Klein II sunflower brooch is removable and can be placed where desired.

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Ophelia African American Handmade Rag Doll

Ophelia Rose- African American Rag DollOphelia Rose is an 18 inch doll with big, brown eyes and soft pink lips. Her hair is long and black. When sitting by a fan it whisks across her face lightly. She’s hand painted solid black but has gold and turquoise facial details. She’s got long eye lashes and a cute little nose.
All facial features were painted on after the initial painting of the cotton fabric.

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Love Bianca Bunches African-American Rag Doll

‘Love Bianca Bunches’ is a handmade and hand painted rag doll that stands 9 inches tall and is wearing a red striped dress with a green checked scarf. Her scarf has a tiny button on it. Bianca has big brown eyes with long black eye lashes with gold star dust above them. She has dimples on her rosy cheeks. Her lips are painted soft pink. Your little one comes with lavender that I dried myself.

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