Landfall Abstract Ocean Scene

This entry shows art two art pieces with a purpose. Rise, fall if I must. Stand to meet the challenge. What’s the challenge? I’ve got to get a hold of my stinking thinking. I have to change my outlook one single color at a time if necessary. While writing I felt a sense of urgency and desperation. I could all but see myself at a door grabbing the handle and pulling it, ripping at.

Lets talk more about the art at the root of these emotions.



Creating non objective abstract art started with a self challenge in June of 2014. I really wanted to create some of the beautiful art I was seeing, but it didn’t think I had it in me to do that type of art. When I first challenged myself I said I’d do 10 paintings. I wasn’t looking forward to it because it was as if I had no idea where to start, let alone know how to finish.

Though I’m still learning, I can say I have left behind the anxiety. I enjoy it creating non-objective abstract art. I find it soothing to create and I actually feel I know when to start. As a matter of fact I start non-objective abstract such as “Landfall” the same way I begin other art, with a single stroke.

I don’t think too hard and I sure don’t plan ahead. When it comes to art, if I plan ahead then I’m planning for a disaster. I start art with one single stroke and go from there. I paint from the hip…..not literally because that would be uncomfortable. My next challenge with abstracts is to paint them larger.  Continue reading “Landfall Abstract Ocean Scene”

Butterfly Embellishments

Ohhhh I’ve been having fun.

I have dried leaves that I use in different art projects. The other day I decided to try to cut a butterfly out of the dried leave. It worked!!

Butterfly Leaves
Then I began cutting butterflies out of what I like to call, art gone wrong. It’s the art piece that didn’t make sense to keep working on but could be used in different ways. Sometimes I’ll use my exacto knife and remove parts of the art I want to keep like figures, flowers, shading, on and on. This week I decided to cut butterflies from pieces of art gone wrong. I like how they turned out.

Purple Royal

Purple Royal Set

Butterflies are enchanting by nature, festive, cheerful and inspirational.
Continue reading “Butterfly Embellishments”

Storewide Thank You Discount

20% off Discount Code ELEVENTHHOUR1

I’d like to express my thanks further by offering the very first ever storewide discount. In all my years of public and private sales I have given 3 discount coupons to individuals. This is the first public discount at 20% off store wide. Share on social media if you will.

Although you are seeing the Etsy Mini, you may still purchase through PayPal and receive 20% off. The discount code should be entered at checkout.



Art Progress on “Twelve”

Progress on this piece is coming along nicely.

The original remains untouched. A copy in my sketchbook was to be a study for a painting in oil but I don’t think I’m going to do that. I like the two pieces and will not do another.

Twelve Progress Pencil

What started out as black and white ended up nearly a completely different piece. I’m blown away by how different they are, especially since I wanted to stay so close to the original.

twelve blkw

The gallery below shows the progress in succession.

“Twelve” will be completed soon.

Thanks for visiting,


Strawberry Kisses. Painting with Food

Strawberry Kisses
Strawberry Kisses

After lightly spraying the surface of the paper, I laid on top two bags of Sweet and Spicy Tea. I then added blackberries and blueberries so that they could leave their mark on the surface. I allowed it to dry then added white watercolor paint to the surface. Small details were added such as the single bloom yellow flower and the small metallic dots below the fringe of her white, sketched shawl.

Art Title: Strawberry Kisses
Art by: Faith Magdalene Austin
Medium: Watercolor, Tea, Blackberries, Blueberries,
Size: 6.5 x 4.5
Style: Modern, Whimsical

This sweet girl is currently available.

Thank you for visiting SUNDRIP – Art for Life

Sour Wine

Sour Wine
Sour Wine

Sour Wine is what they drank,
now the people go their separate way home.
This one hurries to the right, others gather flowers to hold for the long walk.
One woman crosses the boundary between what she knows and what she was told.
A new experience,
A free expression of acceptance.
How is her openness received?
A river of happy waters wash away their differences
and refresh a once harsh, dry land.

I’m one of those people who can’t keep up with the news because it makes me angry. It’s as if people don’t learn from their mistakes.  I am very well aware that there are mad men and paranoid mannequins that display no other human emotion outside of hate. Why would I watch the news? I can guess there’s been a mass shooting. I’m sure there’s activity by a group hell bent on havoc, and another trying to keep up with their own brand of carnage. I don’t need the news to tell me just how hateful people are.  Continue reading “Sour Wine”

Three of Diamonds and Ink on Paper

Three of Diamonds

There are three main faces in this abstract art piece. As the painting unfolds with diamonds, checker boards, stripes and squares, two small figures stand firm with their backs to one another.

There are plenty of details. Swirls bump into squares and triangles, circles join checkers and faces hide themselves in it all. There are a total of 7 figures hiding in color. Continue reading “Three of Diamonds and Ink on Paper”


Lineage fmaThis painting started as pull art. I created a painting using the drip art technique then looked at it if for a few days. As I was walking by I saw an eye. I quickly drew it in, then the lips and the nose. Days later the painting developed into an ancient woman growing her roots, spreading out the lines of history in her hair.

Once I knew what I wanted to paint I began to think about how people talk about wanting a new start or reinventing themselves. It occurred to me that more than not, the choice to reinvent ourselves is thrust upon us. Time changes, other people change the course of our lives for good or bad. In these ways, we are given the opportunity to change ourselves for the better.

Continue reading “Lineage”

Sunplay – Waiting on the Rain


You could say I’m ready for spring and summer to come along.
When I look at this painting it makes me think of water coming down a window during a hard rain. It washes away the darkest parts of the day and leaves you with a bit of hope.
I look at this painting and see the woman in the dead center, hardly noticeable really. She’s caught in the darkest parts of the colors. Deep red, black, deep blue, more black and crackle medium to bring out the fragile state of life. She’s hardly noticeable, but she’s there and she’s waiting for the rain to get to her.

If you’re an artist and you’ve not yet tried letting paint drip down a canvas, you’ve got to try it. You’ll be hooked. Of course your own style will affect the final piece as my style comes through. I tend to hide people in my art or twist them into trees or layer them in mountains.

Continue reading “Sunplay – Waiting on the Rain”

Rooted Hearts 2 – an Etsy Treasury

This is a part 2 of the Rooted Hearts Etsy treasury. The treasury showcases art, jewelry and vessels created by artists from around the world.

Rooted Hearts Treasury 2

Some of the treasury tags you might notice hopefully shows that the treasury is a peaceful, international and uplifting arrangement. This particular arrangement focuses more on artifacts, vessels and jewelry. Artists around the globe have been included. The United States, Kenya, France, Russia, Ukraine. It is an international gathering of art to promote the beauty of our roots which ground us today and nurture our future.

Please visit part one of the Rooted Hearts treasuries by clicking the links.

Rooted Hearts 1 is here. Rooted Hearts 2 is here. You will also find it’s link listed under my Etsy profile.

Thank you for visiting SUNDRIP – Art for Life