Living Things

She Flows -SOLD
She Flows -SOLD

I sold a painting that I figured would never, ever sell. What’s cool about this painting is that it may not be for everyone but I know the reason I created her. When I see her I think of a well rooted woman, fierce, natural and strong. Before putting her in the room divider with art, I had her in a wood frame with carvings on it. It seemed to fit her well. I’m happy she found a wall of her own. That’s very cool.

Moving from the art area to plants, I see my sweet potato plant is in need of a new pot. I like self watering systems because of how handicapped friendly they are. You can decide if the handicap is poor watering habits or Lupus, either way, it helps keep my plants alive longer when they sit above the water source.

My girl Jane decided it would be a good idea to sip from my Starbucks coffee. This means she slept 16 hours that day instead of 18. I couldn’t believe she just got up and started drinking from my cup. What on earth? Have you lost your mind? I could have sworn we had an agreement: stay away from my food.

Usually when I bring something in the house something else has to go but with the sale at Petco going on I’ve decided to break that rule. I really like the way the plant area is set up so when the new aquarium comes on Monday it’ll sit in a different spot. I’m staying with the Philodendron plant and a peace lily. Those plants grow crazy in a 20 gallon tall terrarium like the one I’m getting. Continue reading “Living Things”

Room Divider Art Display and My Own Infomercial

So you have a room divider meant for family photos but you’d rather do something artsy with it, try filling the spaces with original art. In my room divider I’ve added such original works as the encaustic mixed media painting called “Fall Tree“. Beautiful blues are displayed acrylic painting in “Abstract Waves“. I’ve also showcased original watercolor paintings such as”Rich” and “Hush Be Still“.

Living room 2017

Can you spot “Bruised Reed II” or the painting “She Flows”?

Room Divider Art Display
Room Divider Art Display

I’ve fallen in love with “Blue Wonder” and “Altered #7” so I framed them until they find a permanent place to live. Also on the wall is “Landfall II” , “Purple Tree” and my favorite painting of all time, “Little White Dress.” Little White Dress is digital art created forever ago with my computer mouse.

The below gallery shows a few paintings up close. In a different entry I’ll discuss and show better images of the painting “Nesting Place,” a beautiful orange, gold and turquoise painting of birds and flowers. You can spot it here on top of “Nesting Place II”  Continue reading “Room Divider Art Display and My Own Infomercial”

Today is the Day – March 3rd, 45% off

www.sundrip.etsy.comuse PayPal or Etsy.
All shops, galleries, pages and contact information is on the sidebar. Happy shopping!

Dates to Remember

  1. Mary Jane has her dental appointment Tuesday March 7th at 7:30 am.
  2. The Fang Fund 5% sale is still in effect until February 28th. Use FangFund16 at Etsy check out or request a PayPal invoice.
  3. March 3rd is the Crazy Sundrip sale giving 45% off one item on the majority of the items in my shop. This is a one day only super liquidation to say thank you to all of you who helped Mary Jane get on the road to feeling better. The coupon is only good March 3rd, 2017 MaryJane16 is the coupon code to use.


She’s Lost her Mind. One Day 45% off sale?

I have a surprise for you. I offered 35% off until February 28th but, what if I said that I’d do 45% off one item on March 3rd? This isn’t off the entire order like the 35% off sale, this is 45% off one item and for one day. Would that be okay with y’all?

Let’s discuss the details of this too good to be true, probably not gonna see deep cuts until she’s financially desperate again, sale.

Resilience Tree
Resilience Tree – available

Resilience Tree will remain at 35% off until the end of the month.

Snapshot – available

Snapshot is 35% off until the end of the month.

Oh but don’t be discouraged, most other items are 45% off Friday March 3rd. Where’s the art? It’s here in the Available Art galleries with payment through PayPal and most of the art listed in my Etsy shop. The below gallery included some of my destash items.

Is she crazy, you ask? Yes, but only for a day. After one day everything returns to the original affordable art prices, and I will resettle somewhere between madness and organized dysfunction.

MaryJane16 is the coupon code to use March 3rd. It can’t be used before or after that date *. Trust me, I’ll remind you.

(read this really fast like on commercials when they’re giving you the fine print) * International sales included. If you are unable to participate on these sale dates and need a payment arrangement please just use the email address on the sidebar so that we can include you. Please request your extension by February 28th. Remember, I asked for assistance with Mary Jane. I put the need out there, and my need has been filled. If you don’t ask then both sales will be missed.


Hummingbird Abstract. Rich. Watercolor.

IHummingbird - available‘m still working with different types of abstract. I did this while watching a video. I like the loose colors.

I’ve also been working with my palette knives but I thought it best to work in gesso for texture then add color over it later if desired. I’ve got a full gallon on gesso which I love working with.

Art Title: Abstract Hummingbird
Art by: Faith Magdalene Austin
Media: Watercolor on 98lb artists paper
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Finish: unsealed, signed on the front and back, unmounted
Style: Abstract, Nature

I’ve got an art sale going on for the Fang Fund, for Mary Jane’s much needed dental work. Use the following code at check out. If you desire to use PayPal instead of Etsy please let me know and I’ll create an invoice with the discount. All contact information is on the sidebar.

*** SALE ——— FangFund16 coupon code 35% off ——— SALE ***

Funds needed for her dental work started off at $250. The need is now $159.00. Thank you for your donations and purchases that stay in PayPal until all is raised to meet her need, then I’ll stop begging. You can fully expect more intense begging as March draws near. I’m watching my baby in pain and it’s difficult. I swear that’s not a guilt trip, it’s just the truth, I’m watching this girl hurt and there’s not a darn thing I can do about it….other than paint and paint is what I’m doing. Continue reading “Hummingbird Abstract. Rich. Watercolor.”

My Blue Wonder

Blue Wonder - Available

I’m loving every second of abstract art. This should be a fun year. My art goals for 2017 now show on my sidebar.

Blue is a color I use quite often in my art and more recently turquoise has made it’s permanent mark. I’ve seen it so much that I’m beginning to think about its use, what does it mean to me, what does it symbolize and will it, like other colors, keep its meaning over time?

My page called Art Therapy  talks about color choices and art symbols specific to me. Off the top of my head I would place turquoise next to blue and purple symbols. I see it as a color of strength, of depth, honor, birth rights.

Continue reading “My Blue Wonder”

Encaustic Rise – A Heart of Fire

Encaustic Rise - Available

Earlier in the day I said, “I have no reason to be awake.” Let me correct that please, and introduce what was done with the anger instead of internalizing it.

A reason to be irritated was that, after turning my phone to do not disturb, I still got a call from Dr. Yes who wants me to come in. I can’t block his number or anyone close in my care team but I blocked most people. Sooo, tomorrow at 1 pm I need to go in. I’m like, what could he want? I though to myself, Faith, you can control the way this appointment goes by the way you speak and respond to him. You can go in there with an attitude or you can go in there with concern and desire to sit down and talk about things. I have that choice..After a short pep talk I painted. I was mad, good and mad. I don’t want to see him but I also didn’t want to lay in bed, facing the wall burning up inside.

The process - Sundrip StudioThis painting was calming for me. It’s also another painting done in one day. I love wax art.

In addition to this piece I was able to scan 19 art pieces that will soon be in the Etsy shop.

It’s funny because, when I was working I kept losing my pen. The first time I got irritated by it I was reminded of our desire to not badger ourselves. It’s a pen. I mean, look at my desk, that pen could be anywhere!!! I eventually found the pen then lost it again but I didn’t abuse myself, didn’t talk down to myself for losing that dang on pen, or the cat !!

Continue reading “Encaustic Rise – A Heart of Fire”

She Brings Home the Light

She Brings Home the Light - availableShe’s long. Her body and imagination stretch far, farther than anyone expected. Flowers bloom around her in every known species. Flourishing are the petals of delicate purple flowers, blooms of soft blue, golden sun yellow and soothing buttercup. She is wrapped in the color of the rainbow and holds in her hand a shining star, a beaming star whose light she keeps in her heart.

A Little History
“She Brings Home the Light” started with a simple swirl in the middle of sanded Burch wood panel. I knew I wanted a young woman to be in the middle of growth, for her to be held by but I struggled to translate the idea on canvas. I put her up and took her down more times than I can count.

I knew I was getting closer to what I wanted but there was still something missing, so on the shelf she stayed. At one point I decided I should hang her up so as to see her daily and toss around ideas of how to accurately translate the image in my head.She Brings Home the Light - available

I refused to stray from the original vision.

As time went on, by time I mean years, I added a stroke here, removed a stroke there. Ah, then the end of 2016 came and the drive to finish her grew strong. After years of strokes, dots, dabs and flower petals I knew I accurately placed the image in my head onto the panel that patiently waited to be called ‘finished’. I present to you a SUNDRIP – Art for Life original called “She Brings Home the Light.”

Art Title: “She Brings Home the Light”
Art by: Faith Magdalene Austin
Media: Acrylic, ink on Burch board
Size: 11.3.5 x 7.5
Finish: Hand sealed, signed on front and back,
Style: Whimsical, African American Art

Original art can be purchased through PayPal or by visiting my Etsy shop. Please see the link on the sidebar for contact information and for the Etsy link. Have questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

Thanks you for visiting Sundrip,

Community Grabs and Pay it Forward

I’ve updated the Etsy shop with a few new things. I thought I might try digital downloads of tree drawings. Sometimes I see drawings and think, I’d love to paint that. I figure a creative person can take a simple tree drawing, print it on watercolor paper and have some fun for a personal project. Why not? The trees in this entry aren’t offered, this is an example of fun one might have with a simple tree drawing. You’ll find the trees that are available for instant download in the Etsy shop category Community Grabs and Pay it Forward.

The Community Grab Bag and Pay it Forward section of Etsy
Pay it Forward art is Sundrip quality but is meant as a gift to the buyer. The gift is that Pay it Forward art will be as much as a 3rd less than normal prices. Once you accept the PIF gift you must find a way to make a small difference in the life of another person. Digital downloads will be in this section as well as Experimental art. Experimental art  is art created with techniques I’m trying out for the first time such as art on tiles. They may or may not be something someone wants, but I’ll give you the chance to snatch it up. After a time it’ll get tossed because I don’t want to store it.

I think I might have to purchase a few more tiles. I love doing them. I have to work on photographing these things. I have a cell phone that I’m working with…. and shaky hands. This was taken with me leaning my hands on the desk beside a scarf.

Here is Mary Jane making sure this drawing is up to par. She’s been in charge of quality control for years.  That’s Bernhardt the Bear behind her sleeping on the job.

Flip flop the firebelly toad isn’t employed. As a matter of fact she begs a lot.

I really like crickets
crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside

That’s a face only a mother can love. I do, so does her tank mate Steve ‘the Beast’ Austin.

Pertinent links:  Etsy and Redbubble are where you can purchase art, or you can request a Paypal invoice. See the sidebar for my contact info.
