Fun with Scribbles and Watercolor

I started by drawing lines with my eyes closed, later I added watercolor.

Get the Tom - available

Title: Get the Tom
Art by: Faith M. Austin
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Media: watercolor, ink
Finish: unsealed, not mounted
Style: Abstract

You may ask yourself why the title is “Get the Tom.” Well, the answer is simple. I was watching a detective show where a criminal couple stole diamonds. The man thought the woman lost the diamonds but nope, she held up her hand full and, “I’ve got the tom.” I couldn’t call the painting ‘tomfoolery” now cold I? What kind of title is that? ……. As you can see, I struggle to come up with titles for my work.

Titles don’t come easily but fun art does. The fun thing about “Get the Tom”  is that I took an art therapy project and turned it in to art for the sake of art. There is no back story, no profound meaning, it’s just enjoyable art using watercolor and ink.

“Get the Tom” is listed as a Pay it Forward item in the Community Grabs and PIF section in my Etsy shop. In its listing you will see close up shots showing details.

Thank you,


The Last Reign

The Final Reign - Available“The Last Reign” is in the Visionary Original Paintings gallery as well as in my Etsy shop.

This 5.5 x 8.5 mixed media piece showcases deep colors and moody lines. It is truly a Sundrip piece in that I’ve painted edge to edge with imagery everywhere you look.

There are masks or what some may call face shields. There are people and washes of color. Blue, gold, black, and red shape images of human figures with history written on their faces.  Continue reading “The Last Reign”

Jane’s GardenBlooms

Jane's Flowers Bloom - Available Dr. D asked why African Americana is one of my favorite types of art. I like it because its simple. I like faceless black rag dolls and faceless black art. This little 4 x 7 piece is a simple illustration of country home life. It shows a mother and child in the garden with the flowers blooming in beautiful white all around. The mother gives her daughter a single bloom.

One of the other things I appreciate most about simple, primitive art is that I can give it my own story. Did a mother give her daughter a flower or did the woman gift her younger self? Did the younger person give the flower but the hand movement isn’t shown? Was the flower given on impulse of love? Maybe it was the perfect flower for the perfect friend. In primitive art such as in “Jane’s flowers Bloom,” the story isn’t spelled out for me in strict detail; it’s hinted at and whispered through the field.  Continue reading “Jane’s GardenBlooms”

Hummingbird Abstract. Rich. Watercolor.

IHummingbird - available‘m still working with different types of abstract. I did this while watching a video. I like the loose colors.

I’ve also been working with my palette knives but I thought it best to work in gesso for texture then add color over it later if desired. I’ve got a full gallon on gesso which I love working with.

Art Title: Abstract Hummingbird
Art by: Faith Magdalene Austin
Media: Watercolor on 98lb artists paper
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Finish: unsealed, signed on the front and back, unmounted
Style: Abstract, Nature

I’ve got an art sale going on for the Fang Fund, for Mary Jane’s much needed dental work. Use the following code at check out. If you desire to use PayPal instead of Etsy please let me know and I’ll create an invoice with the discount. All contact information is on the sidebar.

*** SALE ——— FangFund16 coupon code 35% off ——— SALE ***

Funds needed for her dental work started off at $250. The need is now $159.00. Thank you for your donations and purchases that stay in PayPal until all is raised to meet her need, then I’ll stop begging. You can fully expect more intense begging as March draws near. I’m watching my baby in pain and it’s difficult. I swear that’s not a guilt trip, it’s just the truth, I’m watching this girl hurt and there’s not a darn thing I can do about it….other than paint and paint is what I’m doing. Continue reading “Hummingbird Abstract. Rich. Watercolor.”

The Featured Art Gallery Has Been Updated

The second part of ‘Tell Them What I See’ has been updated in the Featured Art Gallery.

If spelling is a life test then I’m failing miserably and autocorrect is helping that failure at an alarming rate. I read over some of my entries and was like, what? I didn’t use that word, that’s a totally different word. Curses to you autocorrect! See in my eyes the anger, see me wave my fist in fury.


My Blue Wonder

Blue Wonder - Available

I’m loving every second of abstract art. This should be a fun year. My art goals for 2017 now show on my sidebar.

Blue is a color I use quite often in my art and more recently turquoise has made it’s permanent mark. I’ve seen it so much that I’m beginning to think about its use, what does it mean to me, what does it symbolize and will it, like other colors, keep its meaning over time?

My page called Art Therapy  talks about color choices and art symbols specific to me. Off the top of my head I would place turquoise next to blue and purple symbols. I see it as a color of strength, of depth, honor, birth rights.

Continue reading “My Blue Wonder”

High like the waves

I’ve found that dripping watercolor at night, in bed with my easel, is relaxing. I’m not trying to create a masterpiece, I’m just accepting the way the paint lulls me as it catches up to falling water trails, then leaves it mark. I’ve been doing this nightly for a while and thoughts I’d share a second piece called “High Like the Waves”. The piece at the bottom has been seen on my site before, but it fits in with the theme of waves and peaceful nights.

High like the waves - Available

You’re broken down and tired
Of living life on a merry go round
And you can’t find the fighter

Continue reading “High like the waves”

Pencil Drawing, Tree Child

Sometimes when I don’t know where to go with a drawing I’ll hang it up and leave it alone. Eventually it’ll come to me.

Child tree

I don’t know if I want to go a different direction with her hair or keep going then add a bird or two.

Child tree detail

I’m not sure, so she hangs on the wall waiting for the ah-ha moment.

Child tree full image

I’m certain she’ll remain a pencil drawing without strong color added.

Art by: Faith M. Austin