
Lineage fmaThis painting started as pull art. I created a painting using the drip art technique then looked at it if for a few days. As I was walking by I saw an eye. I quickly drew it in, then the lips and the nose. Days later the painting developed into an ancient woman growing her roots, spreading out the lines of history in her hair.

Once I knew what I wanted to paint I began to think about how people talk about wanting a new start or reinventing themselves. It occurred to me that more than not, the choice to reinvent ourselves is thrust upon us. Time changes, other people change the course of our lives for good or bad. In these ways, we are given the opportunity to change ourselves for the better.

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Sunplay – Waiting on the Rain


You could say I’m ready for spring and summer to come along.
When I look at this painting it makes me think of water coming down a window during a hard rain. It washes away the darkest parts of the day and leaves you with a bit of hope.
I look at this painting and see the woman in the dead center, hardly noticeable really. She’s caught in the darkest parts of the colors. Deep red, black, deep blue, more black and crackle medium to bring out the fragile state of life. She’s hardly noticeable, but she’s there and she’s waiting for the rain to get to her.

If you’re an artist and you’ve not yet tried letting paint drip down a canvas, you’ve got to try it. You’ll be hooked. Of course your own style will affect the final piece as my style comes through. I tend to hide people in my art or twist them into trees or layer them in mountains.

Continue reading “Sunplay – Waiting on the Rain”

DID. Anxiety. Art.

away 2 fmaI was thinking about how many doctors have told me my body is resistant to treatment. Hearing that in my head made me think, well, if that’s the case then I’d better get to moving along before this treatment is rejected. At this time I’m able to leave the house. This treatment allows me to be 50% of who I used to be, which gives me 50% to work with until my body rejects it.

I’ve been switching personalities quite a bit lately. I have such strong feelings of uncertainty. Strangely enough, my schedule is more stable than it’s been in a long time, yet my focus is off, my ability to concentrate and complete one task is difficult.

Salt fma

away 1 fmaI scheduled a tea party with Red but forgot Snow is coming over that day. I do need Snow’s help. I need help getting my bed made and getting some laundry done.

I got out for a walk the other day and found some more moss for my 12 x 12 moss garden. I’m having a blast doing this. I like to watch things grow. I have grow lights.

Anxiety is intense right now. I want to get up, get my drawing pad and scribble some. I want to lay in the fetal position and rock. I want to go deep in my head where it might be quiet and where this anxiety isn’t so intense. Continue reading “DID. Anxiety. Art.”

A Month of Strings 2

I’m still trying to come to terms with the health scare.

Patience - unavailable
Patience – unavailable

I micromanaged every move for fear it would be my last. I thought about a journal I’ve lost touch with, a girl who wrote about the “indignity of death.” How is she? Where is she? I cleaned my room because no one should have to clean it up. I started to take out the trash but I was tired. Then I thought, if I won’t be here tomorrow I should turn off the heat, ya know? I thought about doing my hair then realized it wouldn’t matter. I never thought, I need to throw away this or that so no one finds it.

Continue reading “A Month of Strings 2”

Nala Original Art

Nala fmaArt Title: Nala
Art by: Faith Magdalene Austin
Medium: Acrylic, ink, acrylic seal
11 x 14 Artist Board

I knew when I began this painting that I wanted a young girl to sit on the water’s edge with koi coming to meet her. I wanted a lot of texture with small details. To increase texture I added sand to her mahogany – rust colored pants. Her blouse is layer after layer of white paint and butter cream acrylic paint. This affect came together nicely to form a tunic top. Continue reading “Nala Original Art”


Glow by fma

The faceless figure with the yellow shirt walks down a path of glowing red earth with gold, turquoise, midnight blue and green at his feet. The path he leaves behind is black but it is not void. It shares gold mist that holds the red moon electrified with white energy. Continue reading “Glow”

Walk with Me

Walk with Me Paint has dripped down the canvas like rain, sheets and layers of bold rain. Every color of the rainbow can be found mixed in, behind, in front of and between two young girls who are opposites. Continue reading “Walk with Me”