White Tree Blue Sky

I was on a kick with trees. This is the 3rd of 4 trees first created with tea stains then colored in.

white tree blue sky fma

What I like about this tree is the way the bare white stands off the blue back drop. I also like the gradient of red, yellow and orange which is divided rather abruptly by the white bark.  Tiny details can be seen here and there. There are small white flowers, tiny blades of grass, shadows, textures and depth. Continue reading “White Tree Blue Sky”

It’s a Good Day

This painting was even more simple before it’s final brush strokes. The Good Day fmayoung woman at first stood at the top of a hill and with courage looked down at what could be if only she had the courage to take the first few steps. This version, the final, shows her at the bottom of the hill in a flowery meadow, walking about the landscape of a Grand Artist.

When I first tried to upload the painting, the original version, I had the hardest time in the world getting the colors to translate. The grass was never yellow, there wasn’t that much white in the sky and there was more blue for certain. I couldn’t get it the colors to translate. I liked the painting though so I sat it aside.  Continue reading “It’s a Good Day”

Tin Man Wood Panel Painting

tin man fma

Art Title: Tin Man
Art by: F. Magdalene Austin

DETAILS: A silver and black figure poses as water drips over his shoulder. In one hand large fish dangle, the other is to his side and swirls to a close. On his chest is a gold that drips down mixing with silver, blue and black. Though he is the “Tin Man” he nearly hangs as a puppet by strings of color and water.

SIZE: 6 inches by 4 inches with 1/4 inch thickness

Continue reading “Tin Man Wood Panel Painting”