My beloved theme is BACK!!!

Crystal - Let the Mountains Shake
Crystal : Let the Mountain’s Shake

I HATED those other themes. They weren’t me at all. I couldn’t stand it, but Twenty Twelve is back. Lets hope things go better this time. I so missed you Twenty Twelve. I don’t like change that much. This theme fits my needs. I like it and don’t want to give it up.

You may still have to come to my site to leave comments because the comment option may not appear on the WP feed. Just know you are always welcome to the webpage.

Now I can stop obsessing over this site. The comments on the WP feed may not get fixed. I have no idea how to do it and my web mistress isn’t available right now. Shoot. I was starting to wonder if it’s even worth going all out to get a nice theme and arrange it. If people basically read from WP then they can’t see updates to pages or that there’s new information on the sidebar. I’ll still update it though.

Continue reading “My beloved theme is BACK!!!”

She Brings Home the Light

She Brings Home the Light - availableShe’s long. Her body and imagination stretch far, farther than anyone expected. Flowers bloom around her in every known species. Flourishing are the petals of delicate purple flowers, blooms of soft blue, golden sun yellow and soothing buttercup. She is wrapped in the color of the rainbow and holds in her hand a shining star, a beaming star whose light she keeps in her heart.

A Little History
“She Brings Home the Light” started with a simple swirl in the middle of sanded Burch wood panel. I knew I wanted a young woman to be in the middle of growth, for her to be held by but I struggled to translate the idea on canvas. I put her up and took her down more times than I can count.

I knew I was getting closer to what I wanted but there was still something missing, so on the shelf she stayed. At one point I decided I should hang her up so as to see her daily and toss around ideas of how to accurately translate the image in my head.She Brings Home the Light - available

I refused to stray from the original vision.

As time went on, by time I mean years, I added a stroke here, removed a stroke there. Ah, then the end of 2016 came and the drive to finish her grew strong. After years of strokes, dots, dabs and flower petals I knew I accurately placed the image in my head onto the panel that patiently waited to be called ‘finished’. I present to you a SUNDRIP – Art for Life original called “She Brings Home the Light.”

Art Title: “She Brings Home the Light”
Art by: Faith Magdalene Austin
Media: Acrylic, ink on Burch board
Size: 11.3.5 x 7.5
Finish: Hand sealed, signed on front and back,
Style: Whimsical, African American Art

Original art can be purchased through PayPal or by visiting my Etsy shop. Please see the link on the sidebar for contact information and for the Etsy link. Have questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

Thanks you for visiting Sundrip,

Wild Things

Redbubble is currently offering free standard shipping to United States for all orders over US$40.00. As of 9/24/17 this offer is still available.

from-a-bough-rbThe inspiration for the painting came from watching a movie where a famous D.H. Lawrence quote was spoken.

“I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.”
― D.H. Lawrence

Continue reading “Wild Things”

Making Room for More

Ah, it’s time to start really thinning things out at home. I’ve tackled one corner of my room that has been bugging me for a good long time. It’s the space where I hold all my old art journals and writing journals.

art by FMAustin

A person can only have so much art before it starts to come out of places it shouldn’t, so I’m cleaning out the studio. Here’s what I’m doing, as much as it hurts to do so, some complete art journals are being tossed out while some are being kept. Some that are being thrown away have drawings taken out of them that I’ll keep.

As far as the journals that are being kept, they’re being stored in a waterproof and air tight container. The individual pieces are stored in a filing system thingamabob. In a day or two I will start scanning the individual pieces then put them up on Etsy.

Continue reading “Making Room for More”

Therapy Review: Permission to Speak

Holding out for MoreI saw my psychiatrist today. We talked about the suicidal feelings. She asked if I feel suicidal at the Kingdom Hall. I said no, I feel like I can make it one more day. She and my psychologist suggested I stick close to the brothers and sisters. but especially try my best to be there in person.

I know my attitude stinks. I’ve got to pray much more about that……

Dr. D and I are taking on an art project where I let my body speak. Often I form experiences and emotions on canvas but they’re from my head. They’re all but photographs of my mind at that time. The rather large therapy painting will be a painting where body expresses itself as it goes through medical changes.

Imagine not speaking the language of anyone around you. Pictures are all you’ve got to tell how you experience the world, the world where there is only one person, one physical being. Now that body has to try and free itself of silence so that bitterness is released. It needs to speak and I can tell and I have a feeling this assignment will be very emotional, humbling and beneficial. I think I’ll have a sense of freedom. I think it’ll give me relief.

A moment of self talk

Continue reading “Therapy Review: Permission to Speak”

Art Progress on “Twelve”

Progress on this piece is coming along nicely.

The original remains untouched. A copy in my sketchbook was to be a study for a painting in oil but I don’t think I’m going to do that. I like the two pieces and will not do another.

Twelve Progress Pencil

What started out as black and white ended up nearly a completely different piece. I’m blown away by how different they are, especially since I wanted to stay so close to the original.

twelve blkw

The gallery below shows the progress in succession.

“Twelve” will be completed soon.

Thanks for visiting,


Sour Wine

Sour Wine
Sour Wine

Sour Wine is what they drank,
now the people go their separate way home.
This one hurries to the right, others gather flowers to hold for the long walk.
One woman crosses the boundary between what she knows and what she was told.
A new experience,
A free expression of acceptance.
How is her openness received?
A river of happy waters wash away their differences
and refresh a once harsh, dry land.

I’m one of those people who can’t keep up with the news because it makes me angry. It’s as if people don’t learn from their mistakes.  I am very well aware that there are mad men and paranoid mannequins that display no other human emotion outside of hate. Why would I watch the news? I can guess there’s been a mass shooting. I’m sure there’s activity by a group hell bent on havoc, and another trying to keep up with their own brand of carnage. I don’t need the news to tell me just how hateful people are.  Continue reading “Sour Wine”

How I Price My Art

I’d like to discuss how I come up with the prices for dolls, original acrylics, original oil paintings, large art, small art, etc.

I had no clue what to charge when I first started offering art on Etsy or right here, however online guides have been helpful. One can google how much to charge when a person asks to put their art on the front of a book, inside a book, used on a webpage, on and on. There are artist’s guides to pricing. What I found most helpful was to think of how much I want out of the painting, add in several factors which I’ll list, then I come up with a general listing price. I look around on Etsy for art of that style and size then finalize my listing price. I try and tag / use keywords by looking at other art because it can be difficult to know what to say so people find my art.  Continue reading “How I Price My Art”

Rose Garden


In this original art piece, the sky holds the largest number of flowers which float freely in a cloud of midnight blue, white and turquoise. The marriage of colors brings the story together of a little girl who was once told by her mother, “If you want roses out of life, plant a garden.” She did.


Art Title: The Little Rose Girl
Art by: Faith Magdalene Austin
Medium: Acrylic, gesso, crackle medium, heavy paper
Size: 6.5 x 4.5

Available via PayPal or in my Etsy shop. See sidebar for contact details.

Please respect the copyright and the artists wishes. Thank you.Â