Stressed Clay Sunflower Ornament

This is a hand formed clay rectangle ornament with a single sunflower painted in oils. The ornament is about 4 inches by 2.5 inches with a half inch thickness making this solid and of a good weight. It has a stressed/aged feel and is accented with a light blue sky and green grass.

The ornaments are easier to make than they are to photograph.


Spring of Youth in watercolor

Spring of Youth was created on watercolor paper with ink, crayola crayons and crayola markers. In addition to the stated media there are small details completed in pigmented glue.

The painting shows a little girl with big blue river like eyes walking through a field/forest while carrying and infant. There are two huge full sunflowers, small vines and small daisy flowers around her. She has a tree growing from her black hair and her arms are made of wood, her clothes made of sack cloth.

Spring of Youth is available in my Etsy shop. Please see my sidebar for the link.

Thank you visiting Sundrip – Art for Life


Watch Over Our Children

Copyright 2009-2010 @ Sundrip Journals. All rights reserved.

Watch Over Our ChildrenIt usually doesn’t take me 7 or 8 days to complete one painting but it looks like this one will need even more time. Seven days now but I’m getting closer.

The painting shows a young African-American child walking through a field of sunflowers and wildflowers while being guided by an older Black angel.
Painting Details: The sky and flowing water meet and roll around her skirt into a field of flowers. There are two small butterflies floating above a sunflowers, one single white daisy. The child has small green leaves as trim for her clothing and is holding a tiny little flower.

I believe the final version will make a slight distinction between the sky and water. I may also add a few tiny details to the adult angel but other than that Watch Over Our Children is nearly completed.


Ah yes, it sometimes takes awhile but the end result is worth it.

Watch Over Our Children (final)

The colors have been changed dramatically as were the flowers but I like this version best.

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Flower A Day

I’m enjoying my flower sketches before dinner. I’ll absolutely continue them.

Purple Petal FenceThis sketch shows a house with a purple petal fence and a huge sunflower as a setting sun over a bronze colored house. The original sketch shows much more detail such as small gold flowers on the house and small blue flowers in the sky and even on the purple fence. To finish off the sketch I added a light filter from photoshop.

Medium: Crayola markers w/ water over crayola crayons and metallic gel pens in a 4×4 sketch book. Full image size, 8 inches.

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F. Magdalene Austin

An Experiment With Crayola Markers

I had no idea I could use a basic crayola marker this way. All I did was draw a little of the picture then brush over it with a wet brush. Some of them I really liked but others I wish I’d done a few things differently.

sunflower. The Angel With Me .

flower power. landscape .

Copyright 2009-2010 @ Sundrip Journals. All rights reserved.

An Experiment With Crayola Markers – September 29th, 2009 7:50AM EST