Stay – in the works

Stay - work in progress

I’m finding the new painting more emotionally taxing than I expected it to be. I decided to go ahead and photograph the steps so I can see it morph into its final state. The painting is called Stay. Dr. D and I talked about what it means. We talked about how the older woman (mother) has her hands around the daughter’s shoulder and over her heart. The younger girl (daughter) has her hand on the mother’s arm and one arm facing down. The daughter seems to pull back a little bit but she still holds on. Stay means too many things to count. Stay and be safe. Stay and be my mother. Stay and be my friend, be what I need you to be, just stay. The painting is harder than I thought it would be to complete, but complete it I will. And I’ll photograph the creative journey. I like to see how the painting grows to completion.


Artist Thoughts: Waiting for new sight

I sometimes get stuck on a painting and put it up for a bit, then I take it out and hang it on the wall. I sometimes even frame the piece and look at it for awhile. There have been times I’ve passed a painting and thought, oh, I need a line here or oh, I should add this or that color, change this line, add extra texture here and there.

Stuck pieces

Putting the work away and out of my mind gives me a break from ‘worrying’ over it. Bringing it back out and taping it to the wall helps me see it in a new light and bring it to completion.  Continue reading “Artist Thoughts: Waiting for new sight”

Infused Oils

All four

I’ve tried something new, infused oils. For this particular batch I used grapeseed oil to infuse hand cut, hand dried flowers to create a wonderfully fragrant infused oil that has many applications. This oil is not a perfume. Its strongest scent is brought out when used in the bath or heated for massage.

Here is a list of ways to best use this product:
**** Aromatherapy is the very fist thing that comes to mind. Put a small amount on your finger and swipe it under your nose leaving just enough to fill the senses and calm your nerves. KEEP CALM AND LAVENDER ON. Therapeutic properties.
**** Bath oil. Poor it into the hot water and let it fill the room.
**** Place oil on your legs and feet before putting on your socks or winter gloves.
**** Place a small amount on your lips during the winter to moisturize them.
**** Use as sensual oils for massage.
**** Used As Hair Oil – Since grape seed oil is non-greasy in texture and is odorless, it is preferred by people who do not like sticky hair oil. It easily gets absorbed by hair and nourishes it without giving a feeling that one has applied oil on the hair. This is wonderful for dreadlocks and natural African-American hair.

Continue reading “Infused Oils”

Birds on Fallen Trees

Birds on Fallen Trees – 9 x 8 clay and wood sculpture created almost entirely with found items. The cobble stones in clay were found items, the twigs are from 5 fallen trees, the birds are from a recycled art piece, real Pekin duck feathers have been added as well as dried flowers.

When I’m anxious I paint. When I’m anxious I walk. The other day was a walking day. While walking I decided to explore an area struck by last spring’s storms. In that area there are at least 5 trees uprooted. It’s as if they were effortlessly plucked and left on their side. Sad though the sight may sound, nature has created its own art piece. It’s the kind of art you only find in nature, the stuff artists  like me can’t come close to mimicking. Continue reading “Birds on Fallen Trees”

Renewed from day to day – No1

I had a day of depression and anxiety so I picked up the phone and called a friend. I tearfully explained how I was feeling about my situation with Lupus and Fibromyalgia. In friendship she read to me a scripture from the Bible about how I may be wasting away on the outside but I am being renewed by the spirit from day to day. Her expressions of support were worth their weight in gold.

Several days later I began to sketch and paint the scripture in my art therapy sketchbook. The two pieces became the first in a series that will follow called “Renewed”. Continue reading “Renewed from day to day – No1”

May Bell African-American Art Doll

May Bell  Sunflower African American Folk Art DollI stopped calling May Bell a rag doll because she has so much character that she falls more into the art doll category. This isn’t my usual type of doll but I have to admit, I enjoyed making her.

May Bell is a beautifully elegant art doll who is handmade and hand painted. She stands approximately 8 inches with a rust and gold flowering dress that falls at 12 inches. May Bell’s hair is up in buns on both sides of her head, twisted perfectly and able to hold ribbons or flowers if desired. Her accenting Anne Klein II sunflower brooch is removable and can be placed where desired.

Continue reading “May Bell African-American Art Doll”

PTSD No3 Whisper

I had no idea there would be a series of paintings called PTSD but there is. . .

In PTSD No3 there’s a river that flows from the sky right through the woman, past the eyes and forms the figures dress. The dress runs over the brick wall and simply stops. The paint on the brick wall has bits of stone mixed in making this piece multidimensional. I had to mix in a bit of stone with the sunflower painting because sunflowers in stone is significant to me. There are also tiny little details, layer upon layer of color and edge to edge movement which all comes together to form PTSD No3 Whisper.

Whisper can be purchased in my ETSY shop by clicking the link provided on the sidebar. If you do not have an ETSY account you may contact me to use PayPal.

Thank you for visiting SUNDRIP – Art for Life
Faith M. Austin

Japanese Maple Leaf Art

Nature dropped it, I picked it up and put in on a painting.

So, how did I do it? I layered wax, acrylic and ink to a magnet canvas then added a single red leaf from a Japanese maple bush (Acer palmatum). It’s as simple as that and very fun to do. The painting itself is 4 x 3 inches.

After completing this tiny painting I returned to the same spot where I stumbled on a virtual gold mine of twigs and petals just a’waitin’ to be picked up. There were  ‘helicopters’, dried seeds and petals sitting there like treasure. I won’t lie, I nearly drooled, right there in public I all but drooled.  I love a challenge and I love working with non-traditional mediums which is why I beamed as I snatched up the finds. Knowing how much I love stuff like this I was mindful to leave some there so another artist cold come along and partake.

Don’t let the magnet canvas limit your imagination. This can be matted and framed like any other painting and displayed in your home or office.

Noted: The Japanese Maple Leaf painting was gifted but no worries, there will be more to come. Check my Etsy shop often more updates and items you might like. All shop links are on the side bar.

Thanks for visiting SUNDRIP – Art for Life

F. Magdalene Austin

Sweet Gardenia Folk Art

Sweet, sweet Gardenia why won’t you smile?
The earth offers the power of blossoms as the
Heavens exhale in color
Sweet, sweet Gardenia, why won’t you open your eyes?
Crumbling soul, child of despair
Please I say, open your eyes.

Poem and painting are Copyright @ All rights reserved

Painting details: 4 x 6 mixed media painting, wood crackle medium, black folk art child, eyes closed, purple and red dress. Signed, dated, mounted on black mat. A handwritten copy of the poem is included with the painting.

Sweet Gardenia is available in my Etsy shop or via PayPal. Please see sidebar for contact details and links.

Thank you for visiting SUNDRIP – Art for Life
F. Magdalene Austin

Moonlight Walker

Early in the day I began sculpting a doll out of polymer clay. After baking her then going through the next step I had an idea for a painting pop in my head. I put the doll aside, got out my oil paints and a simple board and began throwing paint around. This is how Moonlight Walker began, an idea right in the middle of a different project.

Painting details: Asian style original oil  painting, expressionism, single poppy flower, figure walking away in the moonlight. Signed, dated, sealed, and mounted on black card stock.

Primary colors: blue, green, yellow hues, a few touches of red.

Moonlight Walker is now available in my Etsy shop. Please see the sidebar for the Etsy shop link. SOLD

Moonlight Walker- Sunday, October 02, 2011 – 5:38pm EST