Acrylic and Ink African-American Rag Doll Art Faces Flowers Ink Media Mixed Media Paintings Paper Sketchbook diary

Making Room for More

Ah, it’s time to start really thinning things out at home. I’ve tackled one corner of my room that has been bugging me for a good long time. It’s the space where I hold all my old art journals and writing journals. A person can only have so much art before it starts to come […]

Acrylic and Ink Art Art therapy Chronic Pain Expressionsim Faces I'm only human Lupus Major Depression Originals Paper Sketchbook diary Sunflowers The People Behind My Eyes Therapy Review

Therapy Review: Permission to Speak

I saw my psychiatrist today. We talked about the suicidal feelings. She asked if I feel suicidal at the Kingdom Hall. I said no, I feel like I can make it one more day. She and my psychologist suggested I stick close to the brothers and sisters. but especially try my best to be there […]

Artists Thoughts Cats Flowers Major Depression The People Behind My Eyes

Walking With Roses

Ever have one of those days when you were okay for five minutes but torn up the next? I’ve had several of those recently. I can’t put my finger on one thing, not sure I need to. I just know my head doesn’t feel right. I’m trying to help myself, pick myself up a little bit. […]

Acrylic on Paper Art ART GALLERY Faces Flowers Originals Paintings Tree Art Visionary Women Women of Strength


This painting started as pull art. I created a painting using the drip art technique then looked at it if for a few days. As I was walking by I saw an eye. I quickly drew it in, then the lips and the nose. Days later the painting developed into an ancient woman growing her […]

Acrylic and Ink Art Artists Thoughts Children Flowers Innocence Gallery Life is like a box of Originals Paintings Paper

How I Price My Art

I’d like to discuss how I come up with the prices for dolls, original acrylics, original oil paintings, large art, small art, etc. I had no clue what to charge when I first started offering art on Etsy or right here, however online guides have been helpful. One can google how much to charge when […]

Acrylic and Ink Art ART GALLERY Black Children Children Expressionsim Flowers Innocence Gallery Originals Paintings Paper

Rose Garden

In this original art piece, the sky holds the largest number of flowers which float freely in a cloud of midnight blue, white and turquoise. The marriage of colors brings the story together of a little girl who was once told by her mother, “If you want roses out of life, plant a garden.” She […]

Art ART GALLERY Art therapy Expressionsim Ink Originals Paintings Paper Self Portrait Sunflowers Surreal Visionary

Sangria and Me

“Sangria” stands in my Etsy shop full of surrealism and color. The terracotta tone woman with blue hair thinks nothing of the raven that flew in the door. Why should she, after all, she’s got a house inside a house, evergreen trees shaped like arrows and large sunflowers coming from who knows where. The painting […]

Acrylic and Ink Art Black Children Children Expressionsim Flowers Innocence Gallery Mixed Media Originals Paintings Paper Sunflowers

Becoming Me – Lullaby Collection

It is common for me to blast color on paper, edge to edge with twisting and twirling images. Sometimes though, I paint art for children. The showcase piece today is called “Becoming Me”. Two other pieces are included in this entry as children’s art.

Acrylic and Ink Flowers Originals Rag Doll

Rose with eyes like water – handmade bag holder doll

SOLD – see notes at the bottom A second is in the works as are a few smaller dolls. Several paintings have been completed and will be posted here and on Etsy. I’m just wetting your appetite. 🙂 Rose will be posted in my Etsy shop or you may purchase her directly from this site […]

African-American Rag Doll Black Children Children Originals Rag Doll Sunflowers

Priscilla Handmade African American Rag Doll and Sunflower

This is the very first item I am offering for the new year which really makes me smile.       SOLD This young lady is a handmade African American rag doll with a hand painted face and handmade clothes. She’s a lovely girl, a shelf sitter girl to be added to your collection. Although she […]