Walking With Roses

Rose Walk 1Ever have one of those days when you were okay for five minutes but torn up the next? I’ve had several of those recently. I can’t put my finger on one thing, not sure I need to. I just know my head doesn’t feel right. I’m trying to help myself, pick myself up a little bit.

Rose Walk 2I had my nightly cry, sketched a little on the painting called Twelve and then decided to brave the stairs and take out the trash. Really, I just needed to be out of here and breathe.

I know I just said this on a blog I first read today. I said we see people walking down the street and they seem more grounded than we are. Well, as I walked around the courtyard I couldn’t help but feel grounded. What grounded me? Choice. Having choices, not feeling backed into a wall, not feeling as if I’m at the mercy of life itself. Being outside with no nurse, no friend standing guard, just me, I felt free. The feeling of being stuck, of being in prison washed away quickly….because I let it.  Continue reading “Walking With Roses”


Lineage fmaThis painting started as pull art. I created a painting using the drip art technique then looked at it if for a few days. As I was walking by I saw an eye. I quickly drew it in, then the lips and the nose. Days later the painting developed into an ancient woman growing her roots, spreading out the lines of history in her hair.

Once I knew what I wanted to paint I began to think about how people talk about wanting a new start or reinventing themselves. It occurred to me that more than not, the choice to reinvent ourselves is thrust upon us. Time changes, other people change the course of our lives for good or bad. In these ways, we are given the opportunity to change ourselves for the better.

Continue reading “Lineage”

How I Price My Art

I’d like to discuss how I come up with the prices for dolls, original acrylics, original oil paintings, large art, small art, etc.

I had no clue what to charge when I first started offering art on Etsy or right here, however online guides have been helpful. One can google how much to charge when a person asks to put their art on the front of a book, inside a book, used on a webpage, on and on. There are artist’s guides to pricing. What I found most helpful was to think of how much I want out of the painting, add in several factors which I’ll list, then I come up with a general listing price. I look around on Etsy for art of that style and size then finalize my listing price. I try and tag / use keywords by looking at other art because it can be difficult to know what to say so people find my art.  Continue reading “How I Price My Art”

Rose Garden


In this original art piece, the sky holds the largest number of flowers which float freely in a cloud of midnight blue, white and turquoise. The marriage of colors brings the story together of a little girl who was once told by her mother, “If you want roses out of life, plant a garden.” She did.


Art Title: The Little Rose Girl
Art by: Faith Magdalene Austin
Medium: Acrylic, gesso, crackle medium, heavy paper
Size: 6.5 x 4.5

Available via PayPal or in my Etsy shop. See sidebar for contact details.

Please respect the copyright and the artists wishes. Thank you. 

Sangria and Me

Sangria “Sangria” stands in my Etsy shop full of surrealism and color. The terracotta tone woman with blue hair thinks nothing of the raven that flew in the door. Why should she, after all, she’s got a house inside a house, evergreen trees shaped like arrows and large sunflowers coming from who knows where. The painting is full of life, full of color and texture. And yes, I decided to wear her, too.

I’ve said it before, but I really wish to drive home the point that when looking at a stranger you can’t see on their face what they are going through in their skin. The purpose of putting my art on my face is to be that obvious, to say loud and clear that Lupus and Fibromyalgia can rot from the inside out. Art is one of the major tools I use to manage life with an “invisible illness”.

You don’t start seeing real signs of illness until the person collapses and finds himself/herself in the hospital with baffled family and friends. She looked okay. She looked “normal” What happened?  Lupus. Fibromyalgia. One of the illnesses listed as “invisible”.

Invisible no more. Sangria – My Face My Art   . Continue reading “Sangria and Me”

Becoming Me – Lullaby Collection

Becoming fmaIt is common for me to blast color on paper, edge to edge with twisting and twirling images. Sometimes though, I paint art for children. The showcase piece today is called “Becoming Me”. Two other pieces are included in this entry as children’s art. Continue reading “Becoming Me – Lullaby Collection”

Rose with eyes like water – handmade bag holder doll

SOLD – see notes at the bottom

Rose bag holder doll 2
Rose bag holder doll by Sundrip

A second is in the works as are a few smaller dolls. Several paintings have been completed and will be posted here and on Etsy.

I’m just wetting your appetite. 🙂

Rose bag holder doll
Rose bag holder doll

Rose will be posted in my Etsy shop or you may purchase her directly from this site by using PayPal. If using PayPal you must first contact me and I will send you an invoice. Contact info is on the sidebar as is the link to my Etsy shop. Continue reading “Rose with eyes like water – handmade bag holder doll”

Priscilla Handmade African American Rag Doll and Sunflower

PDoll 1This is the very first item I am offering for the new year which really makes me smile.       SOLD

This young lady is a handmade African American rag doll with a hand painted face and handmade clothes. She’s a lovely girl, a shelf sitter girl to be added to your collection. Although she is sturdy, she is not meant to be a toy. The dolls photographed with her are part of my personal collection and are not for sale. They’re mine all mine. lol

Back to Priscilla. She is approximately 15 inches and has been hand painted and heat sealed three times. Her shoes are hand painted and sealed as well. Miss Priscilla’s dress is made of red, white and brown checked material. It’s not a bright red. I don’t know the names of these fabrics but I can tell you it used to be a skirt purchased for it’s material 🙂 It is the perfect look for a folk doll. Her little scarf is olive green with a tiny little gold dot to match the gold edges. (Please note: there is a gold dot spill on the scarf. It would have been worse had I attempted to correct it. I left it.) Priscilla is wearing tiny little white undies. Her short, simple hair is made of soft, textured yarn that resembles African American hair. As with many of my dolls I’ve given her a soft red glow on her cheeks, blue above her eyes and sweet lips.

Continue reading “Priscilla Handmade African American Rag Doll and Sunflower”

Vibrant Sunflower. Graceful. Intimate

il_570xN.822739748_622vI’m trying to describe an art piece that is currently untitled. When I look at the piece I see Sundrip “signatures” such as edge to edge figures and a massive amount of detail and color. With signatures in place, does this art differ from the other work I’ve done? First and foremost, I know I created this work with the same purpose as most others; art is my one of my main coping skills.

Although there are numerous faceless figures, they all appear to be interacting peacefully. At least two groups are intimately engaged. To the left of the central figure, there’s a couple that appear to be dancing. To the far right there is a couple embracing as they look over their child who is reaching up to them. In every scene there is movement free of disparity and emotional struggle. Despite the Sundrip signature, this piece stands out as different than the others. Continue reading “Vibrant Sunflower. Graceful. Intimate”

Priscilla Doll and Sunflower

Priscilla and Sunflower
Priscilla and Sunflower

I’ve had the itch to sew for a good month. I’ve finally gathered the dolls I’d like to complete and started adding their final touches.

This young lady is a handmade African American rag doll with a hand painted face and handmade clothes. She’s a lovely girl, a shelf sitter girl to be added to your collection. Although she is sturdy, she is not meant to be a toy. The Indian doll is not for sale, the pendant she’s wearing is in the Etsy shop. .

Soon Priscilla will have her shoes and will sit in my Etsy shop along with this dried artichoke presented as an ornamental sunflower. Expect her to have a light scent of lavender. If you’ll notice, she’s sitting against a wall of lavender.

Continue reading “Priscilla Doll and Sunflower”