
PresentPresent and accounted for. I am here.

Painting details: She is coming of age and realizing her value. She is made of every fine gem and precious metal hue. Her hair stands tall like that of a sunflower, her eyes look straight ahead into the now and the future.

Dripping from her ears are strikes of green meeting cobalt blue and royal purple. Her dress is orange and red with a design that puts an x right over her heart. Her very skin is shades of growing into who she is now: layers of beauty, vibrancy and strength. Around the young princess girl in her glory is a white fog or mist, or maybe just the clouds that honor her presence in a frame. Continue reading “Present”

Sweet Anna Bell – Ugly Girl

Sweet Anna Bell - Ugly GirlShe’s been a long time coming. I don’t know why it took so long to finish her but, here she is. I present to you, ‘Sweet Anna Bell – Ugly Girl.’

Scribbled on the back of the paper she’s painted on dated June 10, 2013, I wrote:

She’s tall, skinny and lanky. She’s wearing second hand clothes and second hand shoes. She knows she’s ugly. She doesn’t need to be reminded, yet they do, as if somehow it’ll change things. Sweet Anna Bell – Ugly Girl.

Verbal abuse is what that is and what this sweet child holds the bruises of. But notice this, her eyes look up, not down in shame. If you look at them closer you’ll notice hope shining. She holds her head up. She hopes. The edges of her mouth turn up in a slight smile. She hopes. Continue reading “Sweet Anna Bell – Ugly Girl”

Let Her Fly

Let Her Fly This piece was created in one night. I took the paper that already had sawdust prepped on it and I began adding shapes and colors.  My goal was to manage some heavy Post Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms I was having.

I thought to myself, I want to go to sleep, but I can’t. I just kept painting. Painting what? At first I didn’t know but as I focused I knew I wanted a woman in a thick field of flowers with her hair wild in the breeze. I kept painting. Her face was divided, half gold, half multi-colored. Her eyes look up or roll up to the sky. Black birds flutter in some areas but soar in others. Their wings are out strong and high, no hesitation, no fear of flying. There are 8 black birds in all. They’re in the sky, her hair, on her white chest and in the flowers below. Continue reading “Let Her Fly”

Sunflowers in the Sea

Sunflowers in the Sea fma

A striking 9 x 6 sketchbook piece shows a little girl with green, yellow and orange washing over her. The blue sea flows right across her heart. Abstract fish swim around her head. In black ink I’ve drawn one large sunflower that disappears off the page, one that stands low beside her and one that crosses below her chin. The merging of hues comes to an abrupt stop leaving white space interrupted only by her small legs.

Art Title: Sunflowers in the Sea
Art by: Faith Magdalene Austin
Medium: Acrylic paint, ink on 6 x 9 sketchbook paper, raw art, unsealed

Please see my Etsy shop for purchase details.

Jenny has dreams too

Jenny has dreams too

Jenny has golden bangs and pony tails that flame with orange. Her blue stone cheek rests in her hand as she looks off into deeper blue. She was created by dripping paint and allowing it to run into the next color. There are large white areas that bump into cool blue, stark black and tiny flecks of red. This painting is fluid and morphing. It pinches in areas, opens up to gold in others and sits still as it is surrounded by dark. It is an emotive art piece of a little child resting her head on her hand. This is a Macabre painting of a stone child.

Art Title: Jenny
Art by. F. Magdalene Austin
Size: 6×4 inches on heavyweight paper, sketchbook art
Medium: Acrylic, ink,

Continue reading “Jenny has dreams too”


EmersonArt Title: Emerson
Art by: Faith Magdalene Austin
Medium: Acrylic, ink, crackle medium, 24 x 17 inches on canvas sheet.

Painting details: Emerson is a maze of faces, lines, vortexes, wheels and color. It is a painting showing chaos with resolution.
The blue figure is shown with eyes closed but the figure is mindful. The face is like water, a bird sits to the side of the head with an eye like the sun and rays that flash under the bird down on the head of the figure.

This black figure to the far right of the painting attracts my attention when I look at the painting because she seems so powerful yet peaceful. She has life water flowing from her finger tips. That water flows down the side of the blue figure. In my opinion this figure is actually the main image in the painting. She’s where it all starts.

The name Emerson means work, ruler, brave and powerful.

Purchase details: This painting is reserved for NR3. You may purchase this painting via PayPal by using the contact email address or by visiting my Etsy shop. Contact email address is on the sidebar as is my Etsy link.

Thank you for visiting SUNDRIP – Art for Life

Plush kitten with big baby blue eyes

At 7 inches small this little kitten with big baby blue eyes sits perfectly on top of books and dried flowers. She wears an oversized, removable pink ribbon and has tiny little gray whiskers. This little one is completely hand made, hand painted and is made of almost 100% recycled materials including her stuffing and the ribbon.  Continue reading “Plush kitten with big baby blue eyes”


Lucid fmaSometimes a girl has to go Avante Garde and that’s exactly what I did with this piece.

This painting called Lucid was created by using wet acrylics allowed to flow into each other to create a surreal, colorful yet shadowy, mysterious atmosphere. The blue face is part of the sky line and everything flows from her. From her head rises white clouds that crack and become mist that surrounds a shadowy black figure which is also her hair. The clouds flow over him, around and above him to form a bare white tree. The white tree and the shadowy figure stand on the a mix of yellow, green and blue earthly shoulders.

Lucid is a small painting at 4 inches by 4 inches. It was painted on textured card stock. Continue reading “Lucid”


This is the third and final piece in the series called Renewed.

Power : Renewed by FMA

Title:  Power
Art by: Faith Magdalene Austin
Stats: 5×9, acrylic paint, ink, crackle medium. The painting was first hand sealed then given an acrylic over lay seal. She is painted on mulberry paper mounted to an up-cycled foam board. ‘Power’ has been signed on the front and back.

Continue reading “Power”

Let the River Wash Over Me

This is an original painting in acrylic and ink on reclaimed canvas. The painting shows a female face at the edge of the canvas. She’s holding her breath under a sea of color. Her hair is red and yellow flames of fire that never extinguish. Even though black and turquoise water rush over her, she will resurface.

Painting size: 7 x 5 inches

Continue reading “Let the River Wash Over Me”