Red Balloon Has a Wall of It’s Own

Guess what was bartered today? Guess who gets a new home? Red Balloon! Good choice.

Sam’s Red Balloon – SOLD

The African American boy with blue accents around his eyes stands tall in front of a rainbow background. There’s a faint show of a crown of small, round lights circling young Sam’s head. Open the detailed image and look closely, you’ll see it.
Sam's crownYour light is still there, even if other’s can’t readily see it. So when it glows only above your head just remember, your light shines to guide you, not others.

Art Title: Sam’s Red Balloon
Size: 8.5 x 5.5
Media: watercolor, 98 lb paper
Finish: unsealed, unmounted
Style: African Americana, Black Folk

Sam’s Red Balloon and the Great Pen Incident

Sam's Red Balloon I recently purchased a pallet box to hold more watercolors. In one area I selected

colors based on what I use most but on the other side I put colors I need more work with. For the most part, I enjoy watercolors but at times I swear it off saying I’ll never, ever try this media again.

There was a mishap that took place that required damage control. You know those water paint pens? Well, see, no one told me I was supposed to put only water in there. I thought I was to fill the barrel with ink or paint so that’s what I did. Later on I saw in blog entries that they were not used that way. I tried to clean them up as well as possible but it didn’t turn out so great. I was able to clean and save one barrel but all the brush tops. Continue reading “Sam’s Red Balloon and the Great Pen Incident”

Living Things

She Flows -SOLD
She Flows -SOLD

I sold a painting that I figured would never, ever sell. What’s cool about this painting is that it may not be for everyone but I know the reason I created her. When I see her I think of a well rooted woman, fierce, natural and strong. Before putting her in the room divider with art, I had her in a wood frame with carvings on it. It seemed to fit her well. I’m happy she found a wall of her own. That’s very cool.

Moving from the art area to plants, I see my sweet potato plant is in need of a new pot. I like self watering systems because of how handicapped friendly they are. You can decide if the handicap is poor watering habits or Lupus, either way, it helps keep my plants alive longer when they sit above the water source.

My girl Jane decided it would be a good idea to sip from my Starbucks coffee. This means she slept 16 hours that day instead of 18. I couldn’t believe she just got up and started drinking from my cup. What on earth? Have you lost your mind? I could have sworn we had an agreement: stay away from my food.

Usually when I bring something in the house something else has to go but with the sale at Petco going on I’ve decided to break that rule. I really like the way the plant area is set up so when the new aquarium comes on Monday it’ll sit in a different spot. I’m staying with the Philodendron plant and a peace lily. Those plants grow crazy in a 20 gallon tall terrarium like the one I’m getting. Continue reading “Living Things”

Pencil Drawing, Tree Child

Sometimes when I don’t know where to go with a drawing I’ll hang it up and leave it alone. Eventually it’ll come to me.

Child tree

I don’t know if I want to go a different direction with her hair or keep going then add a bird or two.

Child tree detail

I’m not sure, so she hangs on the wall waiting for the ah-ha moment.

Child tree full image

I’m certain she’ll remain a pencil drawing without strong color added.

Art by: Faith M. Austin


The Silent Loud One

Ariel Knew it Would Rain - SOLD
Ariel Knew it Would Rain – SOLD

I did not expect this painting to ever be chosen, to be taken home. I couldn’t believe when I got the email telling me of the sale for “Ariel Knew it Would Rain.”

She’s art that’s difficult to look at because, though she is silent, her face tells you everything. What use does one have for a few words when they are the picture worth a thousand? I’m amazed and touched that she was purchased, and humbled too.

Sometimes I am so raw with my art. It is clear I’m not a happy camper. It’s clear the painting came from pain. When I do that I worry about saying exactly what the painting was about but recently I’ve taken more risks and just saying, hey, this is what I was thinking, this is what I felt before, during and after. It’s a risk I’ll continue to take because with art my voice is most authentic.


Making Room for More

Ah, it’s time to start really thinning things out at home. I’ve tackled one corner of my room that has been bugging me for a good long time. It’s the space where I hold all my old art journals and writing journals.

art by FMAustin

A person can only have so much art before it starts to come out of places it shouldn’t, so I’m cleaning out the studio. Here’s what I’m doing, as much as it hurts to do so, some complete art journals are being tossed out while some are being kept. Some that are being thrown away have drawings taken out of them that I’ll keep.

As far as the journals that are being kept, they’re being stored in a waterproof and air tight container. The individual pieces are stored in a filing system thingamabob. In a day or two I will start scanning the individual pieces then put them up on Etsy.

Continue reading “Making Room for More”

Therapy Review: Permission to Speak

Holding out for MoreI saw my psychiatrist today. We talked about the suicidal feelings. She asked if I feel suicidal at the Kingdom Hall. I said no, I feel like I can make it one more day. She and my psychologist suggested I stick close to the brothers and sisters. but especially try my best to be there in person.

I know my attitude stinks. I’ve got to pray much more about that……

Dr. D and I are taking on an art project where I let my body speak. Often I form experiences and emotions on canvas but they’re from my head. They’re all but photographs of my mind at that time. The rather large therapy painting will be a painting where body expresses itself as it goes through medical changes.

Imagine not speaking the language of anyone around you. Pictures are all you’ve got to tell how you experience the world, the world where there is only one person, one physical being. Now that body has to try and free itself of silence so that bitterness is released. It needs to speak and I can tell and I have a feeling this assignment will be very emotional, humbling and beneficial. I think I’ll have a sense of freedom. I think it’ll give me relief.

A moment of self talk

Continue reading “Therapy Review: Permission to Speak”

Sour Wine

Sour Wine
Sour Wine

Sour Wine is what they drank,
now the people go their separate way home.
This one hurries to the right, others gather flowers to hold for the long walk.
One woman crosses the boundary between what she knows and what she was told.
A new experience,
A free expression of acceptance.
How is her openness received?
A river of happy waters wash away their differences
and refresh a once harsh, dry land.

I’m one of those people who can’t keep up with the news because it makes me angry. It’s as if people don’t learn from their mistakes.  I am very well aware that there are mad men and paranoid mannequins that display no other human emotion outside of hate. Why would I watch the news? I can guess there’s been a mass shooting. I’m sure there’s activity by a group hell bent on havoc, and another trying to keep up with their own brand of carnage. I don’t need the news to tell me just how hateful people are.  Continue reading “Sour Wine”


Lineage fmaThis painting started as pull art. I created a painting using the drip art technique then looked at it if for a few days. As I was walking by I saw an eye. I quickly drew it in, then the lips and the nose. Days later the painting developed into an ancient woman growing her roots, spreading out the lines of history in her hair.

Once I knew what I wanted to paint I began to think about how people talk about wanting a new start or reinventing themselves. It occurred to me that more than not, the choice to reinvent ourselves is thrust upon us. Time changes, other people change the course of our lives for good or bad. In these ways, we are given the opportunity to change ourselves for the better.

Continue reading “Lineage”