A Look Back at Art Projects

I’ve been updating the galleries here on Sundrip and ran across some art pieces I’ve not seen in a little bit. I thought I’d share some of them with you.

Honorable – Redbubble

Honorable is an art piece that started all the art therapy pieces. I can even remember the assignment and who gave it. I look at this art with the humble young woman and umbrella and feel a sense of peace.


Beckoning is a painting created close to the same time as Honorable. Beckoning shows a young girl either accepting gifts or freeing herself. I could never decide which I was trying to say with this piece.

I created her with a program that is no longer in existence, way back before digital drawing tablets were popular and before Photoshop was widely available. I used my computer mouse and painted each part of her, one stroke at a time.

Looking Forward

Looking Forward – a digital piece with a lot of detail but also a lot of sky and a huge star of hope. A hand comes out of the mountains and holds a young girl to looks forward and into her new life. She’s being given a new lease on life.

I love her butterfly wings and the graceful way she sits.

These three paintings are a glimpse into what you’ll find in the newly designed Digital Arts Gallery here on Sundrip – Art for Life. To see all available digital prints for your home please visit my Redbubble shop.


Don’t Forget Me

TakenMy physical wounds have healed faster than emotional wounds. There’s a real fear that time will pass, I’ll ‘look better’, and people will forget that on the inside I’m still struggling.

When all this first happened and for the entire 5 months, friends leaped to my assistance. I had more visitors than I knew what to do with. 🙂 I felt loved. Now that things are going back to my version of normal with Lupus, I fear being left and yet I know the fear is unfounded. My friends love me and I know it, and I know that they were there for me before all this happened. But there’s this fear that all the love and attention is going to stop, and I’ll fade right into the background and be forgotten. I like the feeling of being loved. It’s not entirely new but its new enough that with a taste of it I don’t want to let it go. Continue reading “Don’t Forget Me”

Surviving to Eke out Gratitude

My Face My Art - Half FullMonday was one of the hardest days I’ve had in a while. It started off with nightmares that stayed with me for much of the day. I tried to go back to bed to start over but had yet another nightmare. Then as planned, I got myself together, got on my horse (wheelchair) and left the house despite mega pain. I went to the shoe store and cried my eyes out in the store unexpectedly. I had no idea the grief would hit me right there in DSW but it did and there I sat crying in my chair in front of people. I felt like a fool.

Later I went to the post office to send out art only to discover that it was Columbus Day, no mail. That would have been fine except I was already at my max of stress and physical pain. Then later the big worry happened, I fell. Continue reading “Surviving to Eke out Gratitude”

The Brave Face

I’m not brave. I’m not. I’m not rolling with the punches, I’m just getting punched. As I said, I’ve walked through the fire and I’m all burned up. I’m skinny, starving for a moment of real rest, of relief.

“The surgeon” will see me one more time in 3 months then that’s it. Really?! That’s all? You take my toes, wham bam thank you ma’am, I wash my hands of you? That’s how this works? And I’m just supposed to go on too, business as usual?

This is the second time he’s asked me to paint him something. So I will get a canvas and paint every tear I’ve sobbed! I’ll paint the times I covered my face and rocked back and forth in shock, “Oh my God!” so I can’t see what other trauma is next. I just cover my face and rock.

He gave me a script for an insert that will allow me to wear whatever shoes I want. He said to get a good brand of cocoa butter for my foot and the scars so the black scars will fade. I’ll buy new Chuck Taylor shoes after the insert gets here. I’ll walk around with no outward knowledge that anything is missing. I’ll limp but people won’t know why.

I will paint “the surgeon” a piece of this entire experience from fear to anguish to anger, loneliness and even gratitude. He’s going to get a painting of trauma because that’s what’s left in the wake.


Wild Things

Redbubble is currently offering free standard shipping to United States for all orders over US$40.00. As of 9/24/17 this offer is still available.

from-a-bough-rbThe inspiration for the painting came from watching a movie where a famous D.H. Lawrence quote was spoken.

“I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.”
― D.H. Lawrence

Continue reading “Wild Things”

Inspiration for the painting ‘Father and Child’

The inspiration came from a photo of me with a kitten called Grace. We napped on the sofa together and a friend took a photo. That photo inspired the painting Father and Child.

Sometimes art isn’t all that deep. It doesn’t come from a secret hurt or a wound without a cure. It’s just art, such is Father and Child. Available only on Redbubble.

Grace and Austin

“Father and Child” was created with my computer mouse, stroke by stroke. They’re laying together in a sea shell of sorts and covered with royal garments. They sleep outside under a perfect sky with trees native to their home. As they hold hands they share this peaceful moment. The original post with close up photos can be seen by clicking this link on Sundrip.


The Invisible Life

Masked, vulnerability, strength, endurance, determination, ambiguity, helpless, small, insignificant, rock hard, aggressive, assertive, grief, please see me, invisible, property, youth, old soul, wise soul, lava of the mind, focus.


Sisters on Vacation

sisters on vacation

The little sister to the big sister says,
I’m mom’s favorite
Big sister: What? No you’re not
Little sister: Sure I am, she told me just yesterday.
Big sister: She can’t like you too much, she made you come out here in the middle of nowhere in this blazing heat.
Little sister: I can’t argue with that.


Playful, colorful and fun is two sisters laying around on a lazy day in the sun. The big sister looks so annoyed by her sibling’s so-called family status and strikes to burst her bubble with a bit of reality. Family vacations, they’re only fun when you cartoon them.

Painting details: High texture, high color, solid black faces, exaggerated features such as ears and eyes, large eye lashes, floral buttons, polka dots and swirling water.

Thanks for visiting SUNDRIP


Copyright 2009-2010 Sundrip Journals

Swan and Star

Swan and Star

From the beak you can see this is a male swan, a cob. His arms are stretched wide where a star bounces from his wing and spreads light across the sky.

Title: Swan and Star (this and all image on SUNDRIP are copyright protected)
Art by: F. Magdalene Austin

*All gallery pages are listed on the sidebar*