I love clay especially when I can hand form something. I don’t have tools for clay work so I’m a bit limited. I still enjoy it but right now I’m uncertain how to proceed with this clay piece. I want to decrease the size of her nose and paint her either solid pearl or solid black. I’d like to give her a few more facial features as well. I guess what I’m concerned about is messing her up. I’m so new at this that I worry I’ll just jack her up so I suppose for awhile she’ll sit this way on my table.
Category: Children
There’s a little egg shaped child, with big brown eyes, dressed in purple, standing by sunflowers. She calls herself Petunia.
Spring of Youth in watercolor
Spring of Youth was created on watercolor paper with ink, crayola crayons and crayola markers. In addition to the stated media there are small details completed in pigmented glue.
The painting shows a little girl with big blue river like eyes walking through a field/forest while carrying and infant. There are two huge full sunflowers, small vines and small daisy flowers around her. She has a tree growing from her black hair and her arms are made of wood, her clothes made of sack cloth.
Spring of Youth is available in my Etsy shop. Please see my sidebar for the link.
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Rainbows and Daydreams
She sings my tune, she knows all the words
A little birdie came to tell but I already knew.
“She sings my tune, she knows all the words” is black folk art depicting a young black girl with a white bird on her shoulder sharing secrets. This original mixed media painting was created on 6×9 paper in oils, watercolor and ink. What I like about this painting is the small treble clefs in pink on the sheet music fence and the rainbow colors that wind behind it. She’s got the sun beaming in yellow and orange behind her and a white flower beside her. This folk art piece is simple and pleasing with bright colors and traditional symbolism.
Please see my Etsy shop for purchase details. The link is on the sidebar.
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Sweet Dreams
In this mixed media painting a little black girl flies through the night in her orange gown and holds the moon while dreaming.
The original painting is on cardboard and includes oil paints and oil pastels. The background swirls were created with puff paint to make them 3D and her dress was made with pieces of coffee filters died with orange and red watercolors. The coffee filters were allowed to dry then they were glued to the surface after which I painted a thin layer of clear finishing glaze. The digital version shows a change in her dress. Instead of a solid orange textured dress the digital version shows flowers with various shades of yellow, orange and red.
Art Details: A bright orange dress, flowing black hair, long eye lashing, black child holding the moon, pink, blue and white swirls, sleeping child under bright stars.
In both versions of this painting the little one dreams peacefully.
Sisters on Vacation
The little sister to the big sister says,
I’m mom’s favorite
Big sister: What? No you’re not
Little sister: Sure I am, she told me just yesterday.
Big sister: She can’t like you too much, she made you come out here in the middle of nowhere in this blazing heat.
Little sister: I can’t argue with that.
Playful, colorful and fun is two sisters laying around on a lazy day in the sun. The big sister looks so annoyed by her sibling’s so-called family status and strikes to burst her bubble with a bit of reality. Family vacations, they’re only fun when you cartoon them.
Painting details: High texture, high color, solid black faces, exaggerated features such as ears and eyes, large eye lashes, floral buttons, polka dots and swirling water.
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Copyright 2009-2010 Sundrip Journals
Watch Over Our Children
Copyright 2009-2010 @ Sundrip Journals. All rights reserved.
It usually doesn’t take me 7 or 8 days to complete one painting but it looks like this one will need even more time. Seven days now but I’m getting closer.
The painting shows a young African-American child walking through a field of sunflowers and wildflowers while being guided by an older Black angel.
Painting Details: The sky and flowing water meet and roll around her skirt into a field of flowers. There are two small butterflies floating above a sunflowers, one single white daisy. The child has small green leaves as trim for her clothing and is holding a tiny little flower.
I believe the final version will make a slight distinction between the sky and water. I may also add a few tiny details to the adult angel but other than that Watch Over Our Children is nearly completed.
Ah yes, it sometimes takes awhile but the end result is worth it.
The colors have been changed dramatically as were the flowers but I like this version best.
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Girl in Rose
Best Friends
‘Best Friends’ shows two flower girls, one with red petal hair, one with yellow petals standing in a field holding a diamond pink heart. The girls have peachy skin and big smiles. One dress is vibrant blue with gold trim and matching slippers. The other dress is ruby red with matching slippers.
This is a mixed media original painting created with oil paints, glitter glue pens and touches of gel pen.
Please see my Etsy shop for more views of this painting as well as pricing. Links and contact information are on the sidebar.
Title: Best Friends
Art by: F. Magdalene Austin