On the Walls

A messy studio is art work on it’s own.

Messy studio FB group

I believe that and so does the Messy Art Studio group I joined on Facebook.

I’m working with a 9 x 10 space, which is half of my bedroom. I can’t complain about the size of my room! It works well for me. What’s not shown is the closet which holds a lot of my sewing materials. I’m in love with Dollar Tree. I got most of my bins from there. Continue reading “On the Walls”

It’s All Black and White

For a girl who uses a lot of color, I’ve discovered quite a few art pieces that are in black and white. Many are casual sketches created while listening to music. This is certainly the case with the three drawing series called Strings. I like these abstracts because you can turn them whatever way you’d like.

There are most certainly some art therapy pieces in there such as Blink, Bite, Impact and Bruised Reed.

I go through black ink like water, but I usually add color. Sometimes it just doesn’t feel right, or I leave it up to the purchaser to add color if they desire. Many of these sketches are available in my Etsy shop. Please see the link on the sidebar.

Okay, I’m out. Time for sleep. I shall visit people tomorrow and Friday.
See ya soon.

Live Free. Create Well.

Progress on Twelve and Studio

Twelve 5/24/16
8.5 x 11, Acrylic and Pencil, Paper

I’m always just strokes away from finishing a project, it’s the same with the painting Twelve. I have a hand full of tiny details to do, then she will be finished. After her I’ll work on one more of my pieces about this size then move into the larger paintings. The two paintings up next are at the end of the post.

My studio looks like the spoils of a police stings from the war on art supplies. I can just see a police officer putting his foot on my chair, and holding an extra large paint brush as he takes a selfie.

Perhaps it’s only that great to me. I may be a bit biased but I love my little studio and I love the

Total and complete DISASTER ZONE
As long as I paint it’ll never be clean. May it never be clean.

privacy of it. My living room used to share space with the studio but I really don’t want everyone and their brother to see every single thing I paint every time I paint something. Besides, I can destroy this little corner by painting one 5 x 7. I don’t want people to see how bad it actually gets when I start working. Having it in my bedroom gives me privacy which gives me the comfort to paint and hang whatsoever I please.  Continue reading “Progress on Twelve and Studio”

Art and the explosion of emotion

I tried everything I could to photograph, scan or whatever to get this painting to show its true face. I thought because of its online presentation it might be with me awhile, not so.

Passion Flower She now has a wall of her own.
Passion Flower
She now has a wall of her own.

Passion Flower will go to its new home and will take along with it the little girl with the funny feet called Dandelion Fields. These two paintings now have a wall of their own.

Daiseys Valley Pay it Forward
Daiseys Valley Pay it Forward

Is my dry spell over? Let us hope so. No matter what, I will keep painting and posting.

Recently I started reading more poetry blogs along with survivor blogs. I can’t help myself, poetry and art blogs are addictive. I’m happy I can’t be seen reading. Lol. Sometimes my hand covers my mouth in shock, something I turn off the tablet, roll to the side and cry. The worst is when I leave a comment. They’re usually full of emotion, very alive! Later I’m a little embarrassed I was so emotional but that doesn’t stop me from returning. Lol Continue reading “Art and the explosion of emotion”

How I Think. What I Want.

I understand Jackson Pollock more than any other artist.

I feel so deeply when reading van Gogh that I have to stop and catch my breath.


I want to be bold. I want to take creative risks. The colors of Klee and Gauguin are honest, and bold. Sometimes I don’t feel so bold as to put on canvas what I truly want to put there.

I wonder if all artists know they speak through art, that it’s their language. But do other artists feel as though they’re constantly searching for their voice? I know art is my language but I’m struggling right now to find the voice of today.


Walking With Roses

Rose Walk 1Ever have one of those days when you were okay for five minutes but torn up the next? I’ve had several of those recently. I can’t put my finger on one thing, not sure I need to. I just know my head doesn’t feel right. I’m trying to help myself, pick myself up a little bit.

Rose Walk 2I had my nightly cry, sketched a little on the painting called Twelve and then decided to brave the stairs and take out the trash. Really, I just needed to be out of here and breathe.

I know I just said this on a blog I first read today. I said we see people walking down the street and they seem more grounded than we are. Well, as I walked around the courtyard I couldn’t help but feel grounded. What grounded me? Choice. Having choices, not feeling backed into a wall, not feeling as if I’m at the mercy of life itself. Being outside with no nurse, no friend standing guard, just me, I felt free. The feeling of being stuck, of being in prison washed away quickly….because I let it.  Continue reading “Walking With Roses”

Art Therapy in the Etsy Shop

Weeds - Original Art TherapyI paint with my heart and all but bleed on canvas. Painting is a powerful way to release anxiety and thoughts that pound my skull. While art as a whole is therapeutic for me, there are certain pieces that were created specifically as therapy with my psychologist. As I thin out the amount of art in my home, I’d like to make available on a continued basis, some of the art pieces created during my therapy sessions or at a later time.

As I said, art therapy has been one of the most powerful tools in my healing process. I can’t explain to you the relief I feel knowing that some of my abuse memories have lost their sting when I was professionally guided with the tool of art therapy.

Continue reading “Art Therapy in the Etsy Shop”

How to Remove Unwanted Embellishments and Stickers

What if you like a painting but you don’t want it mounted on the board or you wish to remove an embellishment on an art piece? Well, let me tell you how.

Blues GardenLet’s start with this painting as an example. This is called Blues Garden. The painting is an emotional art therapy piece created in blue, gray and rose, with a wash. I’ve drawn a young woman with her head to the side and several flowers around her. I do like this painting, especially framed, but I have mixed feelings concerning the largest sunflower at the bottom. First of all, I put it there because to hide the words “No Peace” written in white crayon.

Lets say a buyer likes the art, but too has reservations about the sunflower. Well, lets show how to remove it.

Before you begin, you must figure out if the embellishment has been given a permanent seal or is raw such as the sunflower in the painting Blues Garden. Some embellishments, dye cuts, stickers and additions look best without a seal and are on the final art piece in their raw, natural form. Other additions have an obvious finish. You should not attempt to remove these as it will tear the image.  Continue reading “How to Remove Unwanted Embellishments and Stickers”

The Eleventh Hour

I tried in a very nonchalant way to direct all payments of art to my PayPal account because I was losing my Etsy shop. It was going to be suspended on the 21st because I wasn’t able to pay them $8 in fees to keep that shop open. In one way I thought it would be okay because I’ve been thinking for a very long time that I need to simplify matters and bring all sales here to Sundrip through PayPal. Even though that is my goal, this very moment is not the time for that.

I sent out a quick email to several people I know on Etsy explaining that as if the 21st I’d offer originals on Sundrip only. I explained that despite it not being under my control to solely offer paintings Sundrip, that I’d grow from the suspension and subsequent closure of my shop. The suspension and closed Etsy shop would force my hand to do what I’d been saying I want to do. Well, in a 11th hour turn around, I made a sale of 3 paintings and a doll. It’s more than enough to keep the Etsy shop open and gives me time for a smoother transition to using Sundrip to a fuller degree. I’m amazed, exhausted and grateful for the 11th hour grace.

At this time you may still purchase original work from either Etsy or the Sundrip website.

With gratitude,

Just a moment

I need a minute to gather myself. I need to get some things on this website fixed and update galleries. This includes scanning new art.

No more poetry blogs for a few days. I’m going to miss out on art journal pages, dinner for one, awesome photos of insects and comics.

In addition to the site, I’ve got regular studying to do along with a half day Bible Assembly program on disk to listen to. I wasn’t able to be there in person so I get to listen to the recording.

I’ll be back as soon as I make headway over here.
