Let the River Wash Over Me

This is an original painting in acrylic and ink on reclaimed canvas. The painting shows a female face at the edge of the canvas. She’s holding her breath under a sea of color. Her hair is red and yellow flames of fire that never extinguish. Even though black and turquoise water rush over her, she will resurface.

Painting size: 7 x 5 inches

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We meet the edge just before a breakthrough. Just before higher understanding and level ground is the edge.

The painting ‘Breakthrough’ shows a young woman in a red dress standing on the edge of the river. Her head is bowed ever so slightly to hold a bare tree that has grown from her hair. From the branches and through the fog, fly small birds.   She stands in mist sprays, and flowing colors of purple, turquoise, green and white. In the profile of the young woman waiting for her breakthrough is a woman looking off into the distance.

Title: Breakthrough
Size: 6×4 on creative canvas

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PTSD No3 Whisper

I had no idea there would be a series of paintings called PTSD but there is. . .

In PTSD No3 there’s a river that flows from the sky right through the woman, past the eyes and forms the figures dress. The dress runs over the brick wall and simply stops. The paint on the brick wall has bits of stone mixed in making this piece multidimensional. I had to mix in a bit of stone with the sunflower painting because sunflowers in stone is significant to me. There are also tiny little details, layer upon layer of color and edge to edge movement which all comes together to form PTSD No3 Whisper.

Whisper can be purchased in my ETSY shop by clicking the link provided on the sidebar. If you do not have an ETSY account you may contact me to use PayPal.

Thank you for visiting SUNDRIP – Art for Life
Faith M. Austin


I ran ink, acrylic and wax together to form the painting called Gathering. It shows several Asian, African and other ethnic woman standing together with their feet covered in mists of red, green, gold and black. A large white moon glows behind them with its light caught in deep blues and gold. In this emotional and texture rich piece the ladies arms reach gently to connect with one another.

The original of this painting called Women Alone showed several women standing around looking grieved.  The purpose of the original version  was to show how alienated I can feel when I’m in a lot of pain physically. The rebirth of the painting is to show that despite the pain I’m not alone. The rebirth of this piece was to validate what I felt but also to firmly plant in my mind the reality of the situation. As long as I reach out or make myself available for connection then I am not alone. It is also a reminder that my situation can get ugly and trying but it can change. Life can get ugly and painful but that doesn’t mean its the final curtain call.  Things can change. Continue reading “Gathering”

Watch Over Our Children

Copyright 2009-2010 @ Sundrip Journals. All rights reserved.

Watch Over Our ChildrenIt usually doesn’t take me 7 or 8 days to complete one painting but it looks like this one will need even more time. Seven days now but I’m getting closer.

The painting shows a young African-American child walking through a field of sunflowers and wildflowers while being guided by an older Black angel.
Painting Details: The sky and flowing water meet and roll around her skirt into a field of flowers. There are two small butterflies floating above a sunflowers, one single white daisy. The child has small green leaves as trim for her clothing and is holding a tiny little flower.

I believe the final version will make a slight distinction between the sky and water. I may also add a few tiny details to the adult angel but other than that Watch Over Our Children is nearly completed.


Ah yes, it sometimes takes awhile but the end result is worth it.

Watch Over Our Children (final)

The colors have been changed dramatically as were the flowers but I like this version best.

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