Hummingbird Abstract. Rich. Watercolor.

IHummingbird - available‘m still working with different types of abstract. I did this while watching a video. I like the loose colors.

I’ve also been working with my palette knives but I thought it best to work in gesso for texture then add color over it later if desired. I’ve got a full gallon on gesso which I love working with.

Art Title: Abstract Hummingbird
Art by: Faith Magdalene Austin
Media: Watercolor on 98lb artists paper
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Finish: unsealed, signed on the front and back, unmounted
Style: Abstract, Nature

I’ve got an art sale going on for the Fang Fund, for Mary Jane’s much needed dental work. Use the following code at check out. If you desire to use PayPal instead of Etsy please let me know and I’ll create an invoice with the discount. All contact information is on the sidebar.

*** SALE ——— FangFund16 coupon code 35% off ——— SALE ***

Funds needed for her dental work started off at $250. The need is now $159.00. Thank you for your donations and purchases that stay in PayPal until all is raised to meet her need, then I’ll stop begging. You can fully expect more intense begging as March draws near. I’m watching my baby in pain and it’s difficult. I swear that’s not a guilt trip, it’s just the truth, I’m watching this girl hurt and there’s not a darn thing I can do about it….other than paint and paint is what I’m doing. Continue reading “Hummingbird Abstract. Rich. Watercolor.”

Pallet Knives Needed

UPDATE: The knives have been secured along with a small water color pocket set on my wish list. Thank you for the response. Please remember that I often barter and don’t turn down reasonable offers for items on my wish list. The list is kept up to date. When items are received I remove them from the list.

Spatula barter requestWould anyone like to barter?

I’d like to have this new set of pallet knives found on Amazon.

Raih 9 Stainless Steel Special Effect Painting Knife Set Pallet Artist’s Spatula .

These would be so cool to work with abstract paintings. 

If you would like to barter art for these new (not used) knives please contact me. The art piece should be as close as possible to the total price of the knives.

Please see the sidebar for contact information so we can arrange a swap. My Amazon wish list is on the side bar as well and gives the direct link to the pallet knife set. 

Although I’m still creating items that are edge to edge with color and imagery, I still have a strong desire to explore abstract work. These knives will come in handy. There’s such freedom in abstract work but I want to have more control over the media and to create more distinct textures. I believe my primary interest in abstract work is to create abstract seascapes and oceanscapes. A blogger and I agreed that painting water is calming and it draws you in. I love that feeling. 

It’s interesting to see my art change over the years. Although I still paint and draw edge to edge type work and I still pump out paintings created with tea and berries, there’s a drive for more exploration in abstract art.  Continue reading “Pallet Knives Needed”

Storewide Thank You Discount

20% off Discount Code ELEVENTHHOUR1

I’d like to express my thanks further by offering the very first ever storewide discount. In all my years of public and private sales I have given 3 discount coupons to individuals. This is the first public discount at 20% off store wide. Share on social media if you will.

Although you are seeing the Etsy Mini, you may still purchase through PayPal and receive 20% off. The discount code should be entered at checkout.



Art Progress on “Twelve”

Progress on this piece is coming along nicely.

The original remains untouched. A copy in my sketchbook was to be a study for a painting in oil but I don’t think I’m going to do that. I like the two pieces and will not do another.

Twelve Progress Pencil

What started out as black and white ended up nearly a completely different piece. I’m blown away by how different they are, especially since I wanted to stay so close to the original.

twelve blkw

The gallery below shows the progress in succession.

“Twelve” will be completed soon.

Thanks for visiting,


Three of Diamonds and Ink on Paper

Three of Diamonds

There are three main faces in this abstract art piece. As the painting unfolds with diamonds, checker boards, stripes and squares, two small figures stand firm with their backs to one another.

There are plenty of details. Swirls bump into squares and triangles, circles join checkers and faces hide themselves in it all. There are a total of 7 figures hiding in color. Continue reading “Three of Diamonds and Ink on Paper”

Nesting Place; for rest, sight and purpose.

Nesting Place

Abstract beginnings grew into a trio of birds resting in the hair of a young woman.

This Asian flair painting shows her rooted in the earth, facing forward at the flowers that stand tall.

There aren’t as many flowers as before, she might think, but there are indeed flowers.

Her purpose remains and is confirmed by those who have chosen to rest upon her head and make a home.

Lets take a look at some details.

“Nesting Place” is a 6.5 x 5 inches and is on heavy board. On the back of the board is an original, spontaneous writing which reads: Continue reading “Nesting Place; for rest, sight and purpose.”

Sangria and Me

Sangria “Sangria” stands in my Etsy shop full of surrealism and color. The terracotta tone woman with blue hair thinks nothing of the raven that flew in the door. Why should she, after all, she’s got a house inside a house, evergreen trees shaped like arrows and large sunflowers coming from who knows where. The painting is full of life, full of color and texture. And yes, I decided to wear her, too.

I’ve said it before, but I really wish to drive home the point that when looking at a stranger you can’t see on their face what they are going through in their skin. The purpose of putting my art on my face is to be that obvious, to say loud and clear that Lupus and Fibromyalgia can rot from the inside out. Art is one of the major tools I use to manage life with an “invisible illness”.

You don’t start seeing real signs of illness until the person collapses and finds himself/herself in the hospital with baffled family and friends. She looked okay. She looked “normal” What happened?  Lupus. Fibromyalgia. One of the illnesses listed as “invisible”.

Invisible no more. Sangria – My Face My Art   . Continue reading “Sangria and Me”

Artist’s Thoughts – This is me 1

Sunflower rush fma 2015
Sunflower rush fma 2015

I am having the hardest time finishing this entry. The objective is simple, write a bit about who I am from several different angles.

Before anything at all I am human. That puts me on equal ground with everyone. The second thing I am is a Christian in training. I want very much to know my Creator and his personality.
I’m a woman. That’s important to me. When I was young my nature was mocked. At 44, I celebrate it.

My first love is cooking. I knew I needed to be a chef at age eight. I’m grateful I was able to do it.

By nature I’m a deep thinker. I’ve got artists blood coursing through these veins which means I’m emotional. I live to create. I create well presented meals and I create with paint, wood, paper, canvas, clay, fabric, pixels and just about anything else I can find that will hold the image in my head.

I’m a lover of tea and breaks during the day where a hot drink will allow me to regroup, recoup. Antique books excite me. The feel of art paper excites me as does running my hands over wood and stones. I am visceral.

Merge fma 2015
Merge fma 2015

Continue reading “Artist’s Thoughts – This is me 1”

Like Girls Do – My Face My Art

To combine art scribbled in black ink, inked in with deep blue, crimson and yellow can be sobering. To add these art pieces as a collage over the face they affect was to show that Lupus is more than what you read on a blog. It’s more than the art itself. It’s not pretty. What this collage says for me is: for many, Lupus isn’t written so clearly on the face.

Like Girls MFMA

The digital collage is made up of the following art pieces.

In the collage called “Like Girls Do” there is a piece of writing that says in part:

Years of laughter and chit-chat captured in cards and letters with flowers and smiley faces like girls do…… half cursive, half print promises that nothing…. under a cardboard lid with edges worn and weary of holding our secrets, the last….. “

While the original art pieces are available in my Etsy shop or via PayPal, the collage is not for use or sale. But, don’t worry, I’m getting there. The writing is on the back of work in progress.


Please respect the copyright and Please respect the art’s wishes.