Bright watercolor and colored pencil.
8.5 x 5.5 inches
98lb paper
This is what hope looks like. It’s hands raised and face to the sun. Flowers in full bloom and shoulders light.
Faith Austin
Sundrip Journals
The Lesson is an art story about the doctor telling me about my blood system. He explained that something about my DNA steers my blood wrong. Instead of living the normal 120-90 days, my blood lives 60-30 days then begins to break down.
When the doctor told me this I thought to myself, I have bad blood, that’s what makes me a bad person. This is why my mother can’t love me, I’m bad from the inside out. Yup, my head took me there. So how do I rewrite a very old message of being bad and bring my thoughts more in line with the times? I paint and talk to myself.
After some healthy ground techniques I pulled out my watercolors and began to paint symbols from the doctor’s visit. I painted a symbolic DNA strand and several levels of blood development.
I really enjoy painting like this. I take something medical and paint how it affected me emotionally. I’m going to keep doing this. Painting is healing for me and it allows me to process realities easier.
I apologize for the quality of the photo. All of this is still being painted, photographed and blogged from bed.
“The Lesson” by
Faith Magdalene Austin
Watercolor and ink
8.5 x 5.5
98lb paper
She’s just a little thing at 14 inches but she’s got big brown eyes full of hope and a sweet little smile.
I let her eyes, smile and hair do all the talking for this doll. Her hair is really long and soft. Her lips are soft and pink and turned up just a little bit. She looks up to the sky in hope and wonder…and she finds it.
Her name is Gillian and she’s currently in my Etsy shop waiting for her new home. You may also use PayPal, which ever is most convenient for you.
As you can see in the last photo in the gallery, I couldn’t help myself. I had to hug her a little bit…. just a small snuggle.
Faith Austin
This is Lentil, my Australian Tree Frog.
This morning I woke to find three beautiful mushrooms in Lentil’s terrarium. The mushrooms grew out of a patch of orange moss that grows along side driftwood stationed close to the watering hole.
Although these frogs will tolerate being held, it’s not suggested you do so. I hardly ever hold him unless needed. Today was deep cleaning day so I had to take him out which meant photo time. Continue reading “A Frog named Lentil”
One of my recent goals was to finish projects I started.
I know where I was going with each piece when I stopped working on them so I just picked up where I left off.
More completed work is to come.
I changed my tea painting and added a short
quote. I couldn’t help myself. I like it better this way. I think it would look great in an all white frame but there wasn’t one on the framing program used.
“Where there’s tea there’s hope” is a small painting of 4 inches by 6 inches. It’s created in watercolor and ink and is on 98lb paper. The details on the flower and cup are easier to see in person.
I’ve also been playing with acrylic and rubbing alcohol. I cleaned my brushes of acrylic paint on a 4 x 7 piece of cardstock then went back and treated the paper with the 91 percent alcohol. I sprayed some it as well as dropped some. I swirled the paper and let it drip until I saw a pattern I liked.
I can save this textured abstract piece for later as pull art or for a collage. I could add a small cut out from my huge stash. Who knows what the cut out would be. I’ve got everything from figures to flowers to trees and animals, all from art that didn’t work out but that had parts worth saving. I use my x-acto knife and save what can be saved for projects just like this. The other thing is, I can leave it just the way it is and frame it as a temporary piece of art just to look at for a little while. I tend to do that. I switch up art on a wall in the living room making the wall an ever changing, energized display of color and texture.
Here are a few pieces in currently hanging in my living room on the art wall.
Purchase via Etsy or PayPal. All contact information is on the sidebar. And, ya know I barter so check out my Amazon wish list on the sidebar to see the items I’ll barter art for.
We have not seen the last of the Resilience Trees. Next year’s creative goals includes a tree a day. I look forward to starting January 1st in a special book just for trees 🙂
Original art by Faith Magdalene Austin is available through PayPal or Etsy. All contact information is on the sidebar. Thank you for visiting Sundrip.
I have a love affair with things that hang, drape and flower which is why I constantly make things that hang, drape and flower. I make little ornaments that hang from my planters, from the light on the ceiling fans and from the sides of the curtains. I love things that hang.
The 3 inch sea shell ornaments added to my Etsy shop are in beautiful, rich colors such as brown, gold and turquoise. The ornaments come together.
Orni 1
Orni 2
When I painted little Gloria I was thinking about the production Les Miserable, about Éponine specifically. That character touches me. She loves intensely but quietly. She needs to be recognized yet she is always in the shadows. She has mastered her environment but her heart has been shielded from decay. She’s rough and fragile, equally.
Good news. The painting Gloria is being packaged to travel half way across the United States to a wall waiting just for her.
Although the original has been placed, you can purchase prints from my Redbubble shop in the section for children. Please see the sidebar for the Redbubble link.
I love moments like this, I really do. Continue reading “Gloria and Éponine”