Japanese Maple Leaf Art

Nature dropped it, I picked it up and put in on a painting.

So, how did I do it? I layered wax, acrylic and ink to a magnet canvas then added a single red leaf from a Japanese maple bush (Acer palmatum). It’s as simple as that and very fun to do. The painting itself is 4 x 3 inches.

After completing this tiny painting I returned to the same spot where I stumbled on a virtual gold mine of twigs and petals just a’waitin’ to be picked up. There were  ‘helicopters’, dried seeds and petals sitting there like treasure. I won’t lie, I nearly drooled, right there in public I all but drooled.  I love a challenge and I love working with non-traditional mediums which is why I beamed as I snatched up the finds. Knowing how much I love stuff like this I was mindful to leave some there so another artist cold come along and partake.

Don’t let the magnet canvas limit your imagination. This can be matted and framed like any other painting and displayed in your home or office.

Noted: The Japanese Maple Leaf painting was gifted but no worries, there will be more to come. Check my Etsy shop often more updates and items you might like. All shop links are on the side bar.

Thanks for visiting SUNDRIP – Art for Life

F. Magdalene Austin


This spiritual piece explores crossing over and accepting change.

It’s not just about death but about life choices and reaching the other side of our choices successfully. It’s about life changes, changes we can control and those we have no control over. The painting is about not alienating ourselves or putting rifts so large we can’t repair them. It’s about turning our backs on life’s waters (making bad decisions) but also moving forward, connecting. It’s about walking in the dark but not walking alone.

“Crossings” has dark colors against strong yellow, red and turquoise. White figures stand out, black figures linger in the back. A woman in a red dress stands with her back to her past. She is looking forward to life.

Crossings: death, birth and all life changes

Crossings is an original painting and is now available in my Etsy shop. Please see the sidebar for the Etsy link. SOLD

Thank you for visiting SUNDRIP – Art for Life
F. Magdalene Austin

Sweet Gardenia Folk Art

Sweet, sweet Gardenia why won’t you smile?
The earth offers the power of blossoms as the
Heavens exhale in color
Sweet, sweet Gardenia, why won’t you open your eyes?
Crumbling soul, child of despair
Please I say, open your eyes.

Poem and painting are Copyright @ Sundrip.com All rights reserved

Painting details: 4 x 6 mixed media painting, wood crackle medium, black folk art child, eyes closed, purple and red dress. Signed, dated, mounted on black mat. A handwritten copy of the poem is included with the painting.

Sweet Gardenia is available in my Etsy shop or via PayPal. Please see sidebar for contact details and links.

Thank you for visiting SUNDRIP – Art for Life
F. Magdalene Austin

Moonlight Walker

Early in the day I began sculpting a doll out of polymer clay. After baking her then going through the next step I had an idea for a painting pop in my head. I put the doll aside, got out my oil paints and a simple board and began throwing paint around. This is how Moonlight Walker began, an idea right in the middle of a different project.

Painting details: Asian style original oil  painting, expressionism, single poppy flower, figure walking away in the moonlight. Signed, dated, sealed, and mounted on black card stock.

Primary colors: blue, green, yellow hues, a few touches of red.

Moonlight Walker is now available in my Etsy shop. Please see the sidebar for the Etsy shop link. SOLD

Moonlight Walker- Sunday, October 02, 2011 – 5:38pm EST

Sisters in the Sun

Wow, talk about letting your imagination fly and colors flow. Sisters in the Sun is a combination of geometic shapes, African animals then throws them together with cubism, surrealism and figurative styles. Some may see it as all over the styles while others will understand it to ’embrace’ the styles and celebrate them all.

Painting stats: 12×12 textured card stock paper, mounted on black foam-core, cubism, surreal, African, sunflowers, black faces, figurative art in oil, acrylic and ink. Some details have been embossed.

Please see my Etsy shop on the sidebar for purchase details.

Five Sisters

Five Sisters SOLDSOLD

Five Sisters shows young African dressed woman standing in a burst of white light a top a flowing turquoise and deep blue hill. This is a high texture painting with some features embossed. Some areas of the painting were treated so that the paint would crackle. Movement, energy, womanhood and togetherness all come together in this painting called Five Sisters.

Painting Details: Faceless figures in African style dress, turquoise brush strokes, gold, red, royal purple, orange, ivory white light, high texture.
8×12 textured paper, acrylic, ink, wood crackling medium, sealed, signed, mounted.


You may purchase via my Etsy shop or directly through PayPal. My contact and PayPal address is on the sidebar as is the link to the Etsy shop. Thank you for visiting SUNDRIP – Art for Life

On the Rocks: A Fish Tale


Friday evening I began to worry about my big fish Jocelyn because she was hovering above the rocks at the bottom of the tank. I went over in my head what could possibly be wrong with her. Old age isn’t the problem. Able to live up to 25 years she’s just a youngster at age six. She’s not been over fed, she’s not bloated, her bladder is healthy, what’s wrong? Usually the big fish is graceful and playful as she swims wit her two tank makes, but something has changed, something is off.

Continue reading “On the Rocks: A Fish Tale”

Rochelle’s Dream – A Tin Foil Painting

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A little Caribbean girl’s dream is played out on 4×3 inch tin foil.
The foil was allowed to keep its “wrinkled” shape which adds texture and character to the piece.

Painting Details: Gold leaf dress, brightly colored headdress, small black ponytail, tall white flowers, blue and purple sky, big yellow sun and a small little happy girl skipping through rainbow colors at her feet.

Please see my Etsy shop sidebar link for purchase details.

Thank you for visiting SUNDRIP – Art for Life