She Brings Home the Light

She Brings Home the Light - availableShe’s long. Her body and imagination stretch far, farther than anyone expected. Flowers bloom around her in every known species. Flourishing are the petals of delicate purple flowers, blooms of soft blue, golden sun yellow and soothing buttercup. She is wrapped in the color of the rainbow and holds in her hand a shining star, a beaming star whose light she keeps in her heart.

A Little History
“She Brings Home the Light” started with a simple swirl in the middle of sanded Burch wood panel. I knew I wanted a young woman to be in the middle of growth, for her to be held by but I struggled to translate the idea on canvas. I put her up and took her down more times than I can count.

I knew I was getting closer to what I wanted but there was still something missing, so on the shelf she stayed. At one point I decided I should hang her up so as to see her daily and toss around ideas of how to accurately translate the image in my head.She Brings Home the Light - available

I refused to stray from the original vision.

As time went on, by time I mean years, I added a stroke here, removed a stroke there. Ah, then the end of 2016 came and the drive to finish her grew strong. After years of strokes, dots, dabs and flower petals I knew I accurately placed the image in my head onto the panel that patiently waited to be called ‘finished’. I present to you a SUNDRIP – Art for Life original called “She Brings Home the Light.”

Art Title: “She Brings Home the Light”
Art by: Faith Magdalene Austin
Media: Acrylic, ink on Burch board
Size: 11.3.5 x 7.5
Finish: Hand sealed, signed on front and back,
Style: Whimsical, African American Art

Original art can be purchased through PayPal or by visiting my Etsy shop. Please see the link on the sidebar for contact information and for the Etsy link. Have questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

Thanks you for visiting Sundrip,

Community Grabs and Pay it Forward

I’ve updated the Etsy shop with a few new things. I thought I might try digital downloads of tree drawings. Sometimes I see drawings and think, I’d love to paint that. I figure a creative person can take a simple tree drawing, print it on watercolor paper and have some fun for a personal project. Why not? The trees in this entry aren’t offered, this is an example of fun one might have with a simple tree drawing. You’ll find the trees that are available for instant download in the Etsy shop category Community Grabs and Pay it Forward.

The Community Grab Bag and Pay it Forward section of Etsy
Pay it Forward art is Sundrip quality but is meant as a gift to the buyer. The gift is that Pay it Forward art will be as much as a 3rd less than normal prices. Once you accept the PIF gift you must find a way to make a small difference in the life of another person. Digital downloads will be in this section as well as Experimental art. Experimental art  is art created with techniques I’m trying out for the first time such as art on tiles. They may or may not be something someone wants, but I’ll give you the chance to snatch it up. After a time it’ll get tossed because I don’t want to store it.

I think I might have to purchase a few more tiles. I love doing them. I have to work on photographing these things. I have a cell phone that I’m working with…. and shaky hands. This was taken with me leaning my hands on the desk beside a scarf.

Here is Mary Jane making sure this drawing is up to par. She’s been in charge of quality control for years.  That’s Bernhardt the Bear behind her sleeping on the job.

Flip flop the firebelly toad isn’t employed. As a matter of fact she begs a lot.

I really like crickets
crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside

That’s a face only a mother can love. I do, so does her tank mate Steve ‘the Beast’ Austin.

Pertinent links:  Etsy and Redbubble are where you can purchase art, or you can request a Paypal invoice. See the sidebar for my contact info.


High like the waves

I’ve found that dripping watercolor at night, in bed with my easel, is relaxing. I’m not trying to create a masterpiece, I’m just accepting the way the paint lulls me as it catches up to falling water trails, then leaves it mark. I’ve been doing this nightly for a while and thoughts I’d share a second piece called “High Like the Waves”. The piece at the bottom has been seen on my site before, but it fits in with the theme of waves and peaceful nights.

High like the waves - Available

You’re broken down and tired
Of living life on a merry go round
And you can’t find the fighter

Continue reading “High like the waves”

Pencil Drawing, Tree Child

Sometimes when I don’t know where to go with a drawing I’ll hang it up and leave it alone. Eventually it’ll come to me.

Child tree

I don’t know if I want to go a different direction with her hair or keep going then add a bird or two.

Child tree detail

I’m not sure, so she hangs on the wall waiting for the ah-ha moment.

Child tree full image

I’m certain she’ll remain a pencil drawing without strong color added.

Art by: Faith M. Austin


Pallet Knives Needed

UPDATE: The knives have been secured along with a small water color pocket set on my wish list. Thank you for the response. Please remember that I often barter and don’t turn down reasonable offers for items on my wish list. The list is kept up to date. When items are received I remove them from the list.

Spatula barter requestWould anyone like to barter?

I’d like to have this new set of pallet knives found on Amazon.

Raih 9 Stainless Steel Special Effect Painting Knife Set Pallet Artist’s Spatula .

These would be so cool to work with abstract paintings. 

If you would like to barter art for these new (not used) knives please contact me. The art piece should be as close as possible to the total price of the knives.

Please see the sidebar for contact information so we can arrange a swap. My Amazon wish list is on the side bar as well and gives the direct link to the pallet knife set. 

Although I’m still creating items that are edge to edge with color and imagery, I still have a strong desire to explore abstract work. These knives will come in handy. There’s such freedom in abstract work but I want to have more control over the media and to create more distinct textures. I believe my primary interest in abstract work is to create abstract seascapes and oceanscapes. A blogger and I agreed that painting water is calming and it draws you in. I love that feeling. 

It’s interesting to see my art change over the years. Although I still paint and draw edge to edge type work and I still pump out paintings created with tea and berries, there’s a drive for more exploration in abstract art.  Continue reading “Pallet Knives Needed”

Art in a Book

I chose the book The Heart is a Lonely Hunter from the shelf. I painted the front and back a solid color then painted pages white. Each day I painted a few more pages white until I had several I could use to write or draw on. So far it’s been very fun.

Art from a 6 x 9 recycled book.

Please remember that there’s a Sundrip sale going on until December.
Coupon Code for 35% off everything at Sundrip Etsy until December, 2016

Contact me for financial alternatives. We’ll work together to bring original art to your home.


Risk in Art. The Comfort Zone.

Fall Tree - available
Fall Tree – available

There’s an art piece I labored over posting but that piece got the strongest reaction and ‘sold’ very quickly. The reason sold is in quotes is explained in a separate entry.

When I looked at the piece I liked it, a lot. I like the texture in the turquoise, I like the way the colors at the bottom came together. I like that painting, but I didn’t think others would. I questioned my abilities because I was viewing other blogs and felt so inferior. I posted it though, and I was surprised by the response both public and through email.

I don’t know if I’ll be the type of artist that puts her work on the net with full confidence, but I will keep taking risks in my art, keep trying new things and keep to the styles and media that I am most comfortable with. I can risk and keep my comfort zone. There’s nothing wrong with a comfort zone, it’s not a bad thing to be comfortable. Continue reading “Risk in Art. The Comfort Zone.”

The Courage to be Authentic

How cool. This just happened. A person who purchased art from me a few years ago contacted me to be part of a group of artists she knows. I love it when my art isn’t just a passing fancy. I want it to touch people. I want them to enjoy the art or be moved by it.

A person going through tough times purchased a piece because it gave her hope that she could pull through. That was amazing to me. Another lady purchased my absolute favorite piece I’ve ever done. She wanted a large print of it to put in her bedroom, her own private space.

It makes me smile and I want even more to keep slapping paint on canvas in the most authentic, heart felt way possible. The lady who asked me to join the group made my day. 🙂

I worry, ya know. Is my art too raw, too wild, too emotional? What if I scaled back on the surreal or tried to stick with one specific style? What if I tried to be more tame to appeal to a wider audience, maybe I’d get more sales? But I can’t fake this. It wouldn’t work. Art is the language where I am most honest, most vulnerable, truthful, uninhibited. Continue reading “The Courage to be Authentic”

Encaustic Abstract Art

Now we’re having fun!

The Constant - available
The Constant – SOLD 

I titled this piece “The Constant” because the wax I used is by a company that I’ve been familiar with since the time I could hold a crayon and color on paper. Crayola is a sure, stable and brilliant wax that performs beautifully with encaustic work.

When you visit these listings on Etsy you will see close ups to show details and texture. Please find my Etsy link on the sidebar. Please contact me with any questions including payment alternatives and arrangements.

Title: “The Constant”
Art by: Faith Magdalene Austin
Media: Wax on repurposed wooden board piece
Size: 7 x 6 inches
Finish: signed on the back, sealed, unmounted
Style: Encaustic, Abstract

“The Constant” would look beautiful sitting on a table easel, and is a stunner framed.

I’m addicted to abstract. It’s relaxing. I never thought I’d say that. This piece is a first, a true Sundrip original as I’ve never offered a 100% wax painting. My usual ‘paint outside the lines’ self used a piece of board that was closest to me. I just let go. I arranged the colors where I wanted them and watched them melt. I moved the board around, used my palette knife, a toothpick and cardboard to create the illusions in color. Continue reading “Encaustic Abstract Art”