What would a volcano look like if lava flowed in color? I think it would look similar to the high texture painting called Explosion of Color. Continue reading “Explosion of Color”
Category: Abstract Art
This spiritual piece explores crossing over and accepting change.
It’s not just about death but about life choices and reaching the other side of our choices successfully. It’s about life changes, changes we can control and those we have no control over. The painting is about not alienating ourselves or putting rifts so large we can’t repair them. It’s about turning our backs on life’s waters (making bad decisions) but also moving forward, connecting. It’s about walking in the dark but not walking alone.
“Crossings” has dark colors against strong yellow, red and turquoise. White figures stand out, black figures linger in the back. A woman in a red dress stands with her back to her past. She is looking forward to life.
Crossings: death, birth and all life changes
Crossings is an original painting and is now available in my Etsy shop. Please see the sidebar for the Etsy link. SOLD
Thank you for visiting SUNDRIP – Art for Life
F. Magdalene Austin
Five Sisters
Five Sisters shows young African dressed woman standing in a burst of white light a top a flowing turquoise and deep blue hill. This is a high texture painting with some features embossed. Some areas of the painting were treated so that the paint would crackle. Movement, energy, womanhood and togetherness all come together in this painting called Five Sisters.
Painting Details: Faceless figures in African style dress, turquoise brush strokes, gold, red, royal purple, orange, ivory white light, high texture.
8×12 textured paper, acrylic, ink, wood crackling medium, sealed, signed, mounted.
You may purchase via my Etsy shop or directly through PayPal. My contact and PayPal address is on the sidebar as is the link to the Etsy shop. Thank you for visiting SUNDRIP – Art for Life
On the Rocks: A Fish Tale
Friday evening I began to worry about my big fish Jocelyn because she was hovering above the rocks at the bottom of the tank. I went over in my head what could possibly be wrong with her. Old age isn’t the problem. Able to live up to 25 years she’s just a youngster at age six. She’s not been over fed, she’s not bloated, her bladder is healthy, what’s wrong? Usually the big fish is graceful and playful as she swims wit her two tank makes, but something has changed, something is off.
Clay Gone Wrong
I was at my favorite store, Hobby Lobby, where they had a super sail on Polymer Clay. Instead of nearly $3 per tiny package I was able to purchase it at $1.25 each. I was thrilled and grabbed a few cream colored packages. The color didn’t really matter much because I was just going to paint it anyway but I wanted a light color. Cream it was. I went home thrilled.
Later that evening I turned the lights out to go to bed when I noticed 4 glowing squares on the table. Turns out I didn’t pick up cream I picked up neon. Dang it! Four packages of neon glowing polymer clay! Oh well I thought, I’ll deal with it. Mostly I made stamps to use for clay that doesn’t glow in the dark. I made a sunflower mold as well as a mold for a small figuring I’m working on. You can see her here.
After making stamps and molds I had a tiny bit of clay left so I shaped together a pendant 1 inch by a half inch. I think it turned out pretty well, only thing is, when you turn the lights out part of the pendant glows. This is the only one though, the others don’t glow in the dark. 🙂
Sometimes you just gotta laugh at yourself.
Fun with Clay Beads
Polymer clay beads…because clay is fun. ALL HAVE BEEN SOLD
I’m brand spanking new at clay works, especially polymer clay, boy is it different than natural clay. Seeing as how I don’t have a kiln then polymer is my next best option.
About 4 months ago my physical therapist suggested I build hand strength by working with clay. I was unable to start with clay but I did start with play dough and work my way up. Clay is great physical therapy and a great creative tool.
Seeing as how I like to change things up a bit I decided against using store bought stones but instead found small rocks from outside to place in the pendant bezel. Fun, fun, fun. All of these are hand painted and hand formed and all were a total blast right to the end.
You can see a few items in my Etsy Shop. Check the sidebar for the Etsy link.
Pull to Pieces
Sold on 12/29/10 .
Pull to Pieces is a small oil painting (5 x 7) created with the aide of a toothpick. One of the fun things about this painting is that it is painted whole and strong at the top but it begins to crack and mute towards the bottom.
When A Bolder Blew Through
Sketchbook Madness
. .Focus and grow against all odds. These two pieces from my art therapy sketchbook shown two figures with a central eye directing them through life. Both have one large flower included in the painting and a very still background. “Version Two” shows much more activity with the sun on her shoulder and pools of water on her breasts. She, unlike “Version One” has a scar under breast and is holding a single red flower. She also has flowers above her head and blades of grass at her feet. I’d describe the two pieces as figurative and surreal.
.“Snakes Scorpions and Mothers” is also an oil painting from my private art journal. It shows a mother holding her newborn as well as a snake around the mother’s neck. With an out stretched hand she holds a golden egg. You’ll also see wheat, small and large flowers, a churning sky in the background and detailed home life in the wings of the mother.
“Mother of the World” also shows a mother holding her newborn. She’s standing in a field of fantasy flowers, swirls and colors that run into one another. Some of the colors were made to drip, run and bleed into one another for a raw yet strikingly chaotic atmosphere. You will notice that in addition to holding the child up right she has balanced growth and life in the other. Included in this painting are black flowers and a red crown above the mother’s head.
The art work above can be seen in my Etsy shop along side other original works of art. Please see my sidebar for the Etsy link.
Thank you for visiting Sundrip
F. Magdalene Austin