I slowly recognized the symptoms then had to humbly admit I’d need assistance from friends during this time. I reassured them I’m not contagious. It’s long covid aka resident evil.
My mind was – heavy – and slow. The fatigue was crushing. The rash popped up as did covid mouth and covid toes. But the symptoms most worrisome are psychological issues associated with covid-19. I could tell my brain wasn’t working right but I’m in a different position now.
I’m in a better position now because I partly know what to expect. I can anticipate it and so can my friends. The other thing is this. I know I trust my God 100%. I trust him and his elders.
So if the elders tell me something isn’t real, I’ll readily accept it. I’ll forcefully accept their word and act on it, in opposition to what my own dilutional, psychotic brain has created.
I’ve still got the camera in my bedroom watching me at night.
I don’t remember a thing at times. Time is just gone, a lot of time. I’m on the camera acting normally but I don’t remember those hours at all. The time is gone.
Dfferent topic – –
A few years ago I purchased a pair of black shoes which were the first pair of shoes after the amputation. Well, I never really got the right side to stretch correctly so they sat in the closet unused, until now.
I’m going back to Dr Martens for the black pair of shoes like my tan ones. I need to free gift someone in order to justify such a purchase. Lol. I absolutely love the person who is taking them. They couldn’t go to a better person! Now I wait a few weeks for money and I’ll go back for the black. I’ve got a pair of solid black chuck tailors to give away, too. Size 9.
Black heal. That’s a water mark on the shoe. It’s not permanent.
I’m finished with tie up shoes. The amputated side, the stump, changes a lot making tie ups uncomfortable. I’m keeping the white and black converse 🙂
So, my lips are on fire. I’m so tired I can’t see straight. I’m going to bed now.
Something significant happened today. I don’t remember what it was.
I noticed in bed I don’t stretch out. I have to force myself to stretch out. It’s quite a challenge.
I’ve been working on several projects, some personal and some for the shop.

Good thing I have Joe for advice and constructive criticism.

Though sometimes he sleeps on the job.
Speaking oof sleep. I really should go to bed. I feel like I could sleep.
Thanks for listening (?)