I’ve updated the Etsy shop with a few new things. I thought I might try digital downloads of tree drawings. Sometimes I see drawings and think, I’d love to paint that. I figure a creative person can take a simple tree drawing, print it on watercolor paper and have some fun for a personal project. Why not? The trees in this entry aren’t offered, this is an example of fun one might have with a simple tree drawing. You’ll find the trees that are available for instant download in the Etsy shop category Community Grabs and Pay it Forward.
The Community Grab Bag and Pay it Forward section of Etsy
Pay it Forward art is Sundrip quality but is meant as a gift to the buyer. The gift is that Pay it Forward art will be as much as a 3rd less than normal prices. Once you accept the PIF gift you must find a way to make a small difference in the life of another person. Digital downloads will be in this section as well as Experimental art. Experimental art is art created with techniques I’m trying out for the first time such as art on tiles. They may or may not be something someone wants, but I’ll give you the chance to snatch it up. After a time it’ll get tossed because I don’t want to store it.
I think I might have to purchase a few more tiles. I love doing them. I have to work on photographing these things. I have a cell phone that I’m working with…. and shaky hands. This was taken with me leaning my hands on the desk beside a scarf.
Here is Mary Jane making sure this drawing is up to par. She’s been in charge of quality control for years. Â That’s Bernhardt the Bear behind her sleeping on the job.
Flip flop the firebelly toad isn’t employed. As a matter of fact she begs a lot.

That’s a face only a mother can love. I do, so does her tank mate Steve ‘the Beast’ Austin.
Pertinent links: Â Etsy and Redbubble are where you can purchase art, or you can request a Paypal invoice. See the sidebar for my contact info.