Risk in Art. The Comfort Zone.

Fall Tree - available
Fall Tree – available

There’s an art piece I labored over posting but that piece got the strongest reaction and ‘sold’ very quickly. The reason sold is in quotes is explained in a separate entry.

When I looked at the piece I liked it, a lot. I like the texture in the turquoise, I like the way the colors at the bottom came together. I like that painting, but I didn’t think others would. I questioned my abilities because I was viewing other blogs and felt so inferior. I posted it though, and I was surprised by the response both public and through email.

I don’t know if I’ll be the type of artist that puts her work on the net with full confidence, but I will keep taking risks in my art, keep trying new things and keep to the styles and media that I am most comfortable with. I can risk and keep my comfort zone. There’s nothing wrong with a comfort zone, it’s not a bad thing to be comfortable. Continue reading “Risk in Art. The Comfort Zone.”

The Courage to be Authentic

How cool. This just happened. A person who purchased art from me a few years ago contacted me to be part of a group of artists she knows. I love it when my art isn’t just a passing fancy. I want it to touch people. I want them to enjoy the art or be moved by it.

A person going through tough times purchased a piece because it gave her hope that she could pull through. That was amazing to me. Another lady purchased my absolute favorite piece I’ve ever done. She wanted a large print of it to put in her bedroom, her own private space.

It makes me smile and I want even more to keep slapping paint on canvas in the most authentic, heart felt way possible. The lady who asked me to join the group made my day. 🙂

I worry, ya know. Is my art too raw, too wild, too emotional? What if I scaled back on the surreal or tried to stick with one specific style? What if I tried to be more tame to appeal to a wider audience, maybe I’d get more sales? But I can’t fake this. It wouldn’t work. Art is the language where I am most honest, most vulnerable, truthful, uninhibited. Continue reading “The Courage to be Authentic”

Encaustic Abstract Art

Now we’re having fun!

The Constant - available
The Constant – SOLD 

I titled this piece “The Constant” because the wax I used is by a company that I’ve been familiar with since the time I could hold a crayon and color on paper. Crayola is a sure, stable and brilliant wax that performs beautifully with encaustic work.

When you visit these listings on Etsy you will see close ups to show details and texture. Please find my Etsy link on the sidebar. Please contact me with any questions including payment alternatives and arrangements.

Title: “The Constant”
Art by: Faith Magdalene Austin
Media: Wax on repurposed wooden board piece
Size: 7 x 6 inches
Finish: signed on the back, sealed, unmounted
Style: Encaustic, Abstract

“The Constant” would look beautiful sitting on a table easel, and is a stunner framed.

I’m addicted to abstract. It’s relaxing. I never thought I’d say that. This piece is a first, a true Sundrip original as I’ve never offered a 100% wax painting. My usual ‘paint outside the lines’ self used a piece of board that was closest to me. I just let go. I arranged the colors where I wanted them and watched them melt. I moved the board around, used my palette knife, a toothpick and cardboard to create the illusions in color. Continue reading “Encaustic Abstract Art”

A Beautiful Day

Beautiful Day - Redbubble
Beautiful Day

“Beautiful Day” is a small acrylic painting of a little girl carrying a single flower walking through a meadow of wildflowers.

When I first started this painting the little girl was at the top of a steep hill holding a small flower. She looked down to the single bud below. There was a decision to be made, will she keep what she knows or risk and live in the new? I answered my own question.

The young girl is now at the bottom of the hill where not one flower survives but a bountiful garden of lavender, green and soft yellow grows farther than she can see. She carries the first flower still, there was no reason to leave it behind, no reason to abandon all when moving forward.

The original of Beautiful Day found a wall of it’s own but you can find her in small to large size prints in my Redbubble  print shop. Wait ’till you see her on the tote bag and pillow. She’s adorable! “Beautiful Day” is what I like to call smile, feel good art.

Until soon,

Wild Things

Redbubble is currently offering free standard shipping to United States for all orders over US$40.00. As of 9/24/17 this offer is still available.

from-a-bough-rbThe inspiration for the painting came from watching a movie where a famous D.H. Lawrence quote was spoken.

“I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.”
― D.H. Lawrence

Continue reading “Wild Things”

Nesting Place – Crown of Lights

Nesting Place 2 - available
Nesting Place 2 – SOLD

Her beginnings are yet to be formed but from the brilliance of color one can tell she’ll be a beautiful bird.

Art Title: Nesting Place – Crown of Lights
Art by: Faith Magdalene Austin
Medium: Oil, ink, on heavy paper,
Size: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
Finish: signed, unmounted
Style: Abstract Expressionism, Modern

I am still unable to get a good shot of Nesting Place I. I’m still trying though. Continue reading “Nesting Place – Crown of Lights”

The Dinosaur Opera

Pterosaurs: Dinosaur Opera - Available
Pterosaurs: Dinosaur Opera – Available

I must post and run. I can’t even tell you how sleepy I am. However, I would like to introduce to you a revamped art piece that is now to my satisfaction. I call it The Dinosaur Opera.

In this prehistoric opera house you will see birds of prey, silhouette figures and mad color. Don’t blink, you’ll miss something.

I have updated my Etsy shop to include “Dinosaur Opera”. Soon this original art and others will be available for larger prints on Redbubble.

Along the lines of “Dinosaur Opera” is a painting called “She Feels in Color”. Too, there is a bird of prey as a young woman with shining rays nests in color and movement.

She feels in color - available
She feels in color – available

Thank you for visiting SUNDRIP – Art for Life

I keep looking at the color

Crystal - Let the Mountains Shake
Chrystal – Original available

I keep looking at the color in the new header on this blog and my Facebook page and I really like it.

The art I sell isn’t the type of art I have displayed in the rooms of my home. I don’t like bright art in my home. I like earth tones, abstract landscapes or abstract seascapes in earth tones. But I keep looking at the colors in the header and I think to myself, I should get a print of the top portion of this painting because I really like it.

I’m not over stimulated by the colors. Usually that’s the problem with me and color, I feel in color and often intensely. I want blues and burgundy, cream, chocolate, mauve, colors like that. But I keep looking at the top portion of the painting called Crystal – Let the Mountains Shake and I’m like, I’m gonna have to get a print of that. I’m also strongly considering using the part of this as my logo (branding) and for my business cards I’m going to get made. Hmmm. Interesting.

Continue reading “I keep looking at the color”

Redbubble Children’s Gallery

Redbubble is currently offering free standard shipping to United States for all orders over US$40.00. As of 9/24/17 this offer is still available.

Here are a few of the images in the children’s gallery that you can take advantage of with the Redbubble free shipping promotion.

Thank you for considering a Sundrip art piece for your home.

Faith Magdalene Austin

The Redbubble US Sale 1

Redbubble is currently offering free shipping to the United States for sales of $40 or more. If you see the word SOLD under the image it has to do with the original piece, not prints.

Here is a quick glimpse of some of the times you’ll see my Redbubble. The link is also on the sidebar. I’ll do another gallery tomorrow. Feel free to share links on social media. It is appreciated.
