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The inspiration for the painting came from watching a movie where a famous D.H. Lawrence quote was spoken.
“I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.â€
― D.H. Lawrence
While I respect the authors view and certainly his writing, I feel we have to add a little more to this. The bird may not feel sorry for itself as its cold and dying, but it may be afraid, afraid for itself and its chicks.

Fear is something every animal on earth feels. Falling is something every animal on earth will do. Humans will naturally feel sorry for themselves and they, like all animals, will instinctively get up. No matter how skinny and worn out the tree, no matter how high or low the bough, we need to remember that our emotions about where we are make us human. We are not wild things.