I keep looking at the color in the new header on this blog and my Facebook page and I really like it.
The art I sell isn’t the type of art I have displayed in the rooms of my home. I don’t like bright art in my home. I like earth tones, abstract landscapes or abstract seascapes in earth tones. But I keep looking at the colors in the header and I think to myself, I should get a print of the top portion of this painting because I really like it.
I’m not over stimulated by the colors. Usually that’s the problem with me and color, I feel in color and often intensely. I want blues and burgundy, cream, chocolate, mauve, colors like that. But I keep looking at the top portion of the painting called Crystal – Let the Mountains Shake and I’m like, I’m gonna have to get a print of that. I’m also strongly considering using the part of this as my logo (branding) and for my business cards I’m going to get made. Hmmm. Interesting.
I can’t reproduce my own art. I can’t look at the art piece and copy the lines, wish I could or I’d just paint the textures from the Crystal piece. I’ve got a large enough digital file of her to get what I’m looking for. I’m just amazed I would desire something that colorful in my home. 🙂
Today I have an online conference to do so I’ve got a good portion of the day filled. I’m still visiting people on FB and on blogs when there are breaks. It’s a three day situation so I’ll be in and out of social media for the next few days.