The Eleventh Hour

I tried in a very nonchalant way to direct all payments of art to my PayPal account because I was losing my Etsy shop. It was going to be suspended on the 21st because I wasn’t able to pay them $8 in fees to keep that shop open. In one way I thought it would be okay because I’ve been thinking for a very long time that I need to simplify matters and bring all sales here to Sundrip through PayPal. Even though that is my goal, this very moment is not the time for that.

I sent out a quick email to several people I know on Etsy explaining that as if the 21st I’d offer originals on Sundrip only. I explained that despite it not being under my control to solely offer paintings Sundrip, that I’d grow from the suspension and subsequent closure of my shop. The suspension and closed Etsy shop would force my hand to do what I’d been saying I want to do. Well, in a 11th hour turn around, I made a sale of 3 paintings and a doll. It’s more than enough to keep the Etsy shop open and gives me time for a smoother transition to using Sundrip to a fuller degree. I’m amazed, exhausted and grateful for the 11th hour grace.

At this time you may still purchase original work from either Etsy or the Sundrip website.

With gratitude,

No need to feel nervous, comment if you'd like.