This may look familiar. I’ve had it forever. “The Tin Man”. He also reminds me of a puppet on strings and the need for freedom. From what?

From the things that wrap around pnd me. I feel tangled. I feel lost, pulled in several different directions, floating above unstable ground. MY HEART IS BROKEN and I can’t seem to make it stop hurting.
Go here and get twisted around so you’ll feel better and, less pain.
Go here and for this doctor’s magic.
I just want to see my therapist again. I want to remember his face. I saw him in person today but he was so blurry. I couldn’t see him.
Eventually his voice split off from the million other sounds and I knew it was him…. It was like going home. I want a once a week in person session. I want to stop running all over the place. I want to walk. I can’t believe I am walking without the brace, without the cane. My body does hurt, but unlike before, I can walk! It took getting bad medicines which included opiates out of my system for my body to put one foot in front of the other and move forward. Less than a month ago I was so touch and go that I met with the elders to confirm burial preparations. Less than a month ago…… I don’t understand but I’ll ask questions.
So glad to hear you can walk again.