What Remains – Surrealism and Recovery

What Remains fmaWhen I painted this piece I wasn’t necessarily thinking about natural disasters such as a hurricane, tsunami or an earthquake. I was thinking of the disasters of the mind. I was thinking about events that leave us feeling crippled and isolated.

What Remains is a painting with many brush strokes, strikes with a toothpick and with black ink. Everywhere you look there is something filling the space. It’s full, overwhelming the canvas with flowing color, splashing contrast and texture that digs at the heart of the matter.

As an artist and a survivor of abuse I want to shy away from giving the raw details of my work. I sometimes feel embarrassed about being so intense. I can’t imagine how intense I’d be in my everyday life if I didn’t have an outlet for it. But I still want to apologize as I show the world this piece of art. I feel as if I should shrink back but hold my hand out with this painting in it going, “Here. Take it. I’m sorry.” I don’t know. I’m sure the struggle will be ongoing as I display various levels of intensity in my art and writing.

Art Title: What Remains
Art by: Faith Magdalene Austin
Medium: Acrylic paint, layered Mod Podge for floating affect, heavy cardstock
Size: 4.5 x 5.5 signed on the front and back, unmounted

For purchase details please see the link to my Etsy shop on the sidebar. * SOLD *
Although I don’t ship as fast as Amazon.com, your painting “What Remains” is ready to ship today.

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