Artist Thoughts: Seeing and an Abstract Journey

Seeing the Lines
I’d like to learn to paint birds and I’d like to learn to paint more abstract pieces such as expressionism, contemporary and modern abstract. I really, really want to do abstract. I recently purchased an art pad that I intend to dedicate to this abstract journey of mine. When I paint an object such as birds, flowers, what have you, I need a photo reference in front of me so that I can see the lines. A long time ago I didn’t paint sunflowers because I couldn’t ‘see’ it in my head. I couldn’t see the lines of the petals.

I found a website that showed step by step how to paint a sunflower. It was some sort of site where the artist painted with the mouse and then the program showed viewers step by step how the artist painted the piece. That is how I learned to ‘see’ the lines of what I wanted to paint. Wish I could remember that link.

I think I may need to get a cheap book of various birds and flowers. Once I can ‘see’ it I can alter it according to the theme of an individual painting, but I’ve got to learn the lines first.

Abstract Freedom of Expression
The other learning experience I want is that of abstract painting. I’ve spoken of it for awhile now, but I have yet to really focus on it. I have a ten page pad that is dedicated to different forms of abstract painting. I’ll do what feels right. I hear and I know that when it comes to abstract one must let go, they have to be free. Although some of my work is abstract in nature the type of abstract I want to try and have tried before doesn’t give the same emotional results. Let me explain.

I know what feeling I’m looking for during the creation of the piece. I feel excited, motivated, always looking for a good line to put here or there. I’m almost obsessed with it at times. Some pieces, though painful to express, are a powerful motivating force in my life. After the painting is complete there is a feeling of satisfaction, of a spirit that can now say ‘ahhhh’.

I have not yet found what I’m looking for when it comes to abstract painting, but I will keep searching. In this freedom I will find excitement and ‘ahhhhh’.


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